Everyone's view will be different, but I do have an issue with ridiculous start prices. It once again indicates a tendency to treat viewers as though they are stupid - and if the channel are going to simply pluck random start prices out of thin air, what does this say about the channel's ethics and its' attitude towards the viewers? Not a lot, in my view.
This bracelet looked to me to be composed of wafer-thin bits of silver chain with some gemstones in between: not very rare gemstones, either. So how do they decide a start price? Just pluck a figure out of nowhere to start 'somewhere'? Or have they looked on a high-end jewellers' website, seen something that might (or might not) be a true comparison and used that figure? If it's done on such an ad hoc basis, why not go the whole hog and quote £100,000 or £2 million - it would be just as nonsensical?