Jackie Kabler on the Christmas Shop hour!


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Sep 29, 2013
Does anyone else think Jackie Kabler is acting very silly and childish on the Christmas Shop hour? She is really getting on my nerves with her fake giggles and oohing and aahings about the tat on offer.Like she will have half of that stuff in her house!
I think she always acts like that, whenever I've channel hopped and seen her she giggles as though she's embarrassed to be there, the shame of lowering herself to be on a shopping channel but hey news flash JK, you took the job so obviously you're not in that much demand so get over it.
I think she was worse today but then it could be me! I seem to have an extremely short fuse at the moment. It's not taking much to get my backup!
She's definitely another presenter I switch off straight away now, most of the others I allow 2 minutes max. (I'm so generous).!!! I found her switching between the silly, Giggling Gertie act and next minute the "I'm too good for this place" seemingly looking down her nose at the product she's flogging intensely irritating - in fact, I'm beginning to find nearly all of them intensely irritating, so all I do is flick over to see what they are flogging - and usually have a good laugh.

I think she always acts like that, whenever I've channel hopped and seen her she giggles as though she's embarrassed to be there, the shame of lowering herself to be on a shopping channel but hey news flash JK, you took the job so obviously you're not in that much demand so get over it.
I imagine it is a bit demeaning for her to be on a shopping channel. Why doesn't she try cleaning toilets for a living or working as a carer? I'd LOVE to know how much presenters earn. It must be a fair few quid. I would think about £50k per annum + loads of freebies!
I'm afraid I can't watch her, or Chloe - I'm sure they're both lovely people, but their sales patter really irritates me.... Jackie just appears totally insincere, and giggles inanely, and Chloe is just plain bossy and shouty! Sorry ladies....
frenchie, being shouty is, I'm convinced, the curse of shopping telly...after a while, they nearly all succumb to it, and some of them get to ear-splitting decibel levels (such as Vicky on Rocks & Co. jewellery channel). I cannot watch her for longer than 30 seconds with the sound on, she actually hurts my ears, even with low sound. Why is it that they think screeching at us will make a sale? With me, I just turn over - same reaction with people in the street who come up to you with their clipboard to "answer a few questions" but get right in your face and talk loudly at you to do it...just keep walking..
I'm afraid I can't watch her, or Chloe - I'm sure they're both lovely people, but their sales patter really irritates me.... Jackie just appears totally insincere, and giggles inanely, and Chloe is just plain bossy and shouty! Sorry ladies....

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