I've ordered a Slanket!!!!!


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I won a Slanket (in a bar) while in the USA on holiday this year. It is called a Snuggie over there and the height of tat. The reason it was a prize!

It is however an accident in waiting.

Please never give one of these to someone who is unsteady on their feet. The temptation is get up off the sofa while wearing your Slanket or Snuggie.

The problem is that as they are long enough to cover the feet this is the perfect combination for catching your feet and tripping over. The sleeves may be open but as they are loose they may prevent your hands extending fully to break a fall

Get a blanket instead, please

I got one for me as I posted earlier and then later on in the day my son phoned and instead of laughing at me asked for one for Christmas! So I ordered him one too, will let you all know what we think. Son is usually one for mocking my QVC habit, believing it all to be overpriced nonsense. Will the Slanket prove him right or wrong?
I really think this is a Marmite product. I've ordered one for me and one for son. I'm going to open mine first and see if he pinches it and if he does, I'll save his as a surprise for Xmas.
I got one for me and one for my son in the outlet shop just before last xmas a bargain at £6 each!!! They had loads all new and unused. Neither of us have used them though - they just sit in the corner - glad I didnt waste my money buying them at full price.
Well it has arrived! and I like it!! very warm and toasty when i am on the lap top or watching the t.v. Can see the potential for fatal accident tho, slanket plus computer wires plus cup of hot tea.......oh dear. Bit jealous of the bargains but hey ho, will have to make sure I use it every day throughout the winter to get my money's worth.
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I'm 1.5m tall and am a very cold blooded animal ( I have Raynauds too). I don't have a problem with the massive length, I just hitch it up before I make any moves and I am at times very unsteady on my pins. I don't find it very warm whereas the 2 layer throws are very good for keeping me from turning blue :D I found the latter washed better than the slanket too.
anyone else receive their slanket yet?

having waited all week and wondering why my hadn't arrived I decided to look in one of my many wheelie bins and lo&behold there it was! It's prob been there since tuesday as thats the only day i went out! This REALLY REALLY Ps me off when they do this to me, in fact there have been times when i have had orders go missing and maybe they have been taken by the dustmen! The courier leaves no card or anything to say he's been its so annoying.
As for the slanket I will probably keep it but to me its just a fleec blanket with arms and I wish I had gone to primark!
We got them last year, and love them. It always means when I go to the sofa because of DH snoring i have a cover. I had the 'flu' a couple of weeks ago and lived in it then. I agree they are like marmite, you either love them or hate them Tx
I ordered when they were the TSV and love mine,but my daughter took the mickey until she tried it-now when she is home form Uni if it's cold I don't get a look in! So I bought her one from Morrisons for £10 as a stocking filler, a really nice burgundy colour and just as nice but slightly smaller-as she is only 5ft 2 and very slim it will still be pleny big enough.
Purchased one for my daughter, who loves snuggling up on the sofa with a hot chocolate. I told her about the slanket and would she like one. She said yes and in red. When it arrived I wrapped it and put it away for her birthday. A day later she asked if it had come and insisted she had it straightaway. I caved in - I admit I was curious about it after all these comments. It is absolutely gorgeous, much thicker than I imagined and she adores it. I tried it after she had gone to bed and my husband was laughing, but it was heaven and I fell asleep after about twenty minutes. I think this slanket could get a person into some very bad habits.
My slanket arrived this week, very promtly and I have to say that I totally love it, very cosy and snuggly, pleased I bought it. Now I have one I have become very "slanket aware" and keep spotting alternatives at cheaper prices, but hey I have one now and am happy with it. Find it great in the evening when I am feeling too stingy to put the heating on, I feel so warm and cosy wearing it. I know people say that you could just as well put on a dressing gown, but the slanket makes my neck and shoulders so warm, much better than a dressing gown.
I had one when it was the TSV last year and have just got it out again. I absolutely love it! My OH laughs at me but he doesn't mind it covering him aswell when he's on the other end of the sofa!:happy:
My Slanket saved my bacon today! We had a Hallowe'en party at a friend's, and I hadn't thought what I was going to wear. I sorted out the kids and husband and then had five minutes to put together something. I decided on the Slanket (ours is brown) belted at the waist and went as a mad monk! It was lovely and cosy walking home tonight, maybe I'll start wearing it instead of a winter coat!

Talk about make do and mend!
My Slanket saved my bacon today! We had a Hallowe'en party at a friend's, and I hadn't thought what I was going to wear. I sorted out the kids and husband and then had five minutes to put together something. I decided on the Slanket (ours is brown) belted at the waist and went as a mad monk! It was lovely and cosy walking home tonight, maybe I'll start wearing it instead of a winter coat!

Talk about make do and mend!

:grin: :grin: :grin:
Credit Crunch Chic I reckon, CountessK I'm sure Glen would be able to put a "fashion" spin on Slanket as coat and recommend the right bag and jewellery to set it off!
Just as I thought - son's initial reaction to Slanket "what have you bought that for?". He's now pinched it, taken it to his room and now falls asleep in it. Good job I bought him one for Xmas.

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