Registered Shopper
Hello everybody!
Having been drooling over your photos for a while, I have finally taken the plunge and registered on the website. It has taken me a while to try and understand how it works, but I'm here now, and I have spotted a couple of pearly items that I really like, so might have my first go at bidding tonight. I hope my marriage can withstand this new discovery of a spending outlet!
Can I just ask you seasoned buyers a question about rings sizes? Is it my impression or they all seem to come in size N? If this is indeed the case, I was wondering how their size N compares to QVC's sizing (which I feel is a bit more generous that, say, high street jewellers), is it a 'generous' size N you would say?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to the bidding and the banter!
Having been drooling over your photos for a while, I have finally taken the plunge and registered on the website. It has taken me a while to try and understand how it works, but I'm here now, and I have spotted a couple of pearly items that I really like, so might have my first go at bidding tonight. I hope my marriage can withstand this new discovery of a spending outlet!
Can I just ask you seasoned buyers a question about rings sizes? Is it my impression or they all seem to come in size N? If this is indeed the case, I was wondering how their size N compares to QVC's sizing (which I feel is a bit more generous that, say, high street jewellers), is it a 'generous' size N you would say?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to the bidding and the banter!