Its getting worse...


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Apr 27, 2009
This business of not knowing colours. Birkenstock are on at the moment with 3 colour choices and the guest and Claire can't even sort those out !! Its getting beyond farce. These fashion days are really showing Q at their utter worst, so much so that the Together guest made a mention of it when on with Sarah yesterday. If Q were a proper department store on the DHS they'd be closed down within a month.

The presenters have cards, and should now get a grip on reading them before going on air and making sure that the colours listed ARE what the products are meant to be, instead of all the ****** dithering.... is it royal purple or heather grey ???? "if you want the cocoa coloured then ask for camel" - even us as viewers are ****** exasperated. This is one area when Q SHOULD get their information right.
QVC has never been good with colours, they often change them from what the manufacturers name them!
I don't understand either - how difficult can it be?

I hardly ever watch now, and this unprofessionalism is not the least of the reasons! Can anyone remember the Casamia brand from yonks ago? They used to do tops in a huge range of colours. These were all on hangers, the presenter had them all listed correctly, and they were all hung up in order of the list.

Too much pfaffing around and not enough preparation :mysmilie_501:
Urghhhhhhhh! Nothing changes - they are Amateur Night, and it's pathetic. No department store would still be in business if their staff were as incompetent. Dawn French - please do another shopping telly sketch - the material for it is right here.
I agree about the colours they are beyond awful. We have yet another wedding to put up with:mysmilie_10: Claire is full of it .... Mummy's getting married on the 5th march, for gawd sake grow up... and sort your products before you come on air.
i think it just shows total disrespect for the viewer who is a potential customer!! Totally unprofessional not to have complete stock knowledge !! if you were treated in a store like that you wouldn`t be very happy would you? It really irritates me when you are told to speak to the call centre and they will sort you out!! Another `we don`t give a fig attitude is the same show repeated all night the end of the day we don`t really count do we?
Who's mummy ? Claires ? good Lord. Claire will be turning up looking like a fairy wairy with matching daughter.
i think it just shows total disrespect for the viewer who is a potential customer!! Totally unprofessional not to have complete stock knowledge !! if you were treated in a store like that you wouldn`t be very happy would you? It really irritates me when you are told to speak to the call centre and they will sort you out!! Another `we don`t give a fig attitude is the same show repeated all night the end of the day we don`t really count do we?

QVC don't give a toss about their customers, you only have to see how they behave on their FB page to see that. They're complacent and arrogant, but it's starting to show in their slide down the best online retailers list. They may be the no 1 shopping channel, but they're certainly not the no 1 online retailer, and if they don't get their act together they won't even be in the top 10.
Well our Marv is having quite a time of it on the 5pm show. On reading out sizes she knows that they are wrong but has no idea what the correct sizes should be but never worry she is going to look on line for us. The fact that it is now finishing and we still don't know the sizes is beside the point.

Is she on something she was so hyper.

I bought a top on the DHS identical to one they were showing and paid 20 pounds less plus postage, and thought I was over charged but liked the colour.

Deary me its Chuntley next (why does she keep trying to say everything in an Italian accent) so time to do the ironing. Desperate times when a pile of shirts is more entertaining than handbags.
I thought it was Groundhog day with the Together brand on today - everything shown was on yesterday as well. Boring, and there's better selection of this brand in Kaleidoscope catalogue.
i think it just shows total disrespect for the viewer who is a potential customer!! Totally unprofessional not to have complete stock knowledge !! if you were treated in a store like that you wouldnt be very happy would you? It really irritates me when you are told to speak to the call centre and they will sort you out!! Another `we don`t give a fig attitude is the same show repeated all night the end of the day we don`t really count do we?
It is up to the presenters to know the colours and sizes of clothing. I do not like this current "ask them in Liverpool, they will give you the sizes" excuses. In the early days each presenter had a ruler and they used to measure clothing and other products , why don't they do it now??
Another thing, those in Liverpool DO NOT know the sizes either (or at least those I spoke to didn't!!) they usually look up the items on their computer and say, sorry, the size is not given/size not stated .
Was it Nicki on the Birkenstock hour (which I missed)? I'd be surprised if she didn't know the colours/product as she's usually excellent. I suppose if she knows them as one thing and QVC re-colour them then it is confusing. The Lola Rose guest has the same problem as the colours are always vague when I've watched those shows.

On the subject of Birkenstocks, I know it's a bit of an unfashionable company but cotton traders do a copy version and they are really good at a fraction of the price if you don't mind not having the Birkis brand on the shoe. Only plain colours though. I got mine for £8 a pair and they look almost the same as a pair I paid £42 for.

So is mummy wearing careless camel or building site brown? Does anyone know?.....Who's got the card with it written on?.....Oh, I forgot, they forgot to put it on the mummy's going to have to ring the callcentre, isn't she? (Or should I say the "Cawellll CCCentre" in Clairespeak).
Yes Claire's mummy is getting

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