Items donated by a QVC presenter to a certain auction site to raise money for charity


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Like most charities we relied heavily on donations around Christmas time. Our funding covered basic meals and room but there was nothing in the pot to make Christmas extra special. I was proud of my boss for refusing the offer and being a Christian charity he saw the £1000 offer from the boxer as being no more charitable than the number of Mr and Mrs Normals who came in off the street donating boxes of crackers or tins of biscuits or the Primary school who collected bars of soap and other toiletries so we could give each man a comfort pack or the local supermarket who emptied their shelves last minute Christmas Eve and donated turkeys, joints of meat or Argos who dropped off half a dozen Christmas tree or the Round Table and Rotary club who donated brand new gloves, socks, scarves for us to wrap and so on and so on and not one of them asked for recognition or to be named, only the boxer did that and his offer wasn`t a charitable act, it was an act of self promotion.

Yes I agree were you're coming from, sometimes a named sleb can actually do the charity more harm than good because it detracts from the charity itself and the work they do, once the hubbub of the sleb dies down, what are the charity left with? So yes that £1000 may have lost them more in the long run as they were buying publicly with that £1000 or it would've been given anonymously.
It seems like Debbie will be damned whatever she does (on here anyway)....if she gets freebies and keeps them she's 'grasping' and greedy but if she donates them she's 'self promoting'.

DF isn't named on the ebay listings and we don't even know whether she asked them to mention that the items were donated by a QVC presenter.

A charity is getting money at the end of the day so that's all I care about.
A charity also lost money because of her but as it was over a year a go I guess it doesn't count ......
Why is there a need to put "donated by a QVC presenter" after the item anyway? Charitable deeds should not have self promotion attached to it.

My local hospice shop get shedloads of 'stuff' from me on a regular basis; I donate monthly to the Retired Greyhound Trust and keep one in luxury at one of their centres - now, should I say "donated by someone who................

Was once interviewed by Barbara Cartland for a job
Mingled with the Rolling Stones backstage in 1964
Had my picture taken with Anthony Newley
Went to Ken Folletts 50th birthday party
Is the proud owner of Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers signatures !!!!

I"ll raise you Miss Cartland, as I was involved in filming her, and have a book inscribed to me with the motto "stay young" in her handwriting. With pop stars I only once had a meal with Jess Conrad, a man so boring that I nearly slid under the table, so you get top trumps for that. I could flaunt the fact that I have lived, and will be spending Christmas, with one of Asia's richest families. But don't think there's room for all that on my local Age Concern Gift Aid tags so, like you, Brissles, I have decided to give anonymously. Our good deeds will shine all the brighter.
Will most people know who she is? Great raising money for a charity but isn't that what we all do when we give items to the Charity shops.Does DF think that they will raise more because they have belonged to her? Really?
Will most people know who she is? Great raising money for a charity but isn't that what we all do when we give items to the Charity shops.Does DF think that they will raise more because they have belonged to her? Really?

Quite true, I should have "Z lister" in front of my sleb.
Perhaps she's done it so that someone can test drive that old adage "you can't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes"? Anyone buying will then know for sure what many of us have long thought.

I have seen many items on that auction website which are being sold for charity. Every single item has been donated anonymously. Who wants everyone to know that they are the charitable giver?

Or does DF think the doggies will get more money if some besotted fan can literally stand in her shoes and absorb the DNA from her feet in the 6E sandals?
:mysmilie_497:Oh Miss G, did I laugh reading your post! I've also met Jess Conrad (at a wedding, too many years ago to admit to) - and your post brought it all back - mega-watt smile but nothing behind the eyes, I'd say. So funny, thank you for my case, I slid to the bar, not under the table, just to get away - much better idea than yours (unless you had a bottle of something under that table - come on admit it!).:mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483:

I"ll raise you Miss Cartland, as I was involved in filming her, and have a book inscribed to me with the motto "stay young" in her handwriting. With pop stars I only once had a meal with Jess Conrad, a man so boring that I nearly slid under the table, so you get top trumps for that. I could flaunt the fact that I have lived, and will be spending Christmas, with one of Asia's richest families. But don't think there's room for all that on my local Age Concern Gift Aid tags so, like you, Brissles, I have decided to give anonymously. Our good deeds will shine all the brighter.
I"ll raise you Miss Cartland, as I was involved in filming her, and have a book inscribed to me with the motto "stay young" in her handwriting. With pop stars I only once had a meal with Jess Conrad, a man so boring that I nearly slid under the table, so you get top trumps for that. I could flaunt the fact that I have lived, and will be spending Christmas, with one of Asia's richest families. But don't think there's room for all that on my local Age Concern Gift Aid tags so, like you, Brissles, I have decided to give anonymously. Our good deeds will shine all the brighter.

Still laughing at you 'sliding under the table' with boredom - excellent description !!!!

Pssst when filming Ms Cartland I bet her white Pekinese didn't fart (loudly) and belch like it did during my interview !
Perhaps she's done it so that someone can test drive that old adage "you can't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes"? Anyone buying will then know for sure what many of us have long thought.

Look, if you are going to walk a mile in her shoes you will need to broadcast the fact to your millions of devoted followers on twattergrambookface. And book a camera crew to record you putting one foot in front of the other for a whole mile. FOR CHARITY. If you are very, very lucky, you could be presented at the end of your mile with a signed certificate of achievement, by a star almost as famous as yourself, say, Jess Conrad.

And put your sweaty shoes up for auction afterwards. Will they be waterproof, as I was thinking of walking over water in them?
Still laughing at you 'sliding under the table' with boredom - excellent description !!!!

Pssst when filming Ms Cartland I bet her white Pekinese didn't fart (loudly) and belch like it did during my interview !

The dog was quiet, but Miss Cartland spoke non-stop to our male camera crew about the sexual staying power benefits of vitamins, with a lot of impertinent questions about their presumed lack of libido due to eating white bread.
The dog was quiet, but Miss Cartland spoke non-stop to our male camera crew about the sexual staying power benefits of vitamins, with a lot of impertinent questions about their presumed lack of libido due to eating white bread.

Oh I see............darn you Mr Warburton!
Forget twattergrambookface, it's News at Ten and headlines in all the Nationals or nothing! Us Slebs like to be low-key and do our good deeds below the radar, dontcha know.
Look, if you are going to walk a mile in her shoes you will need to broadcast the fact to your millions of devoted followers on twattergrambookface. And book a camera crew to record you putting one foot in front of the other for a whole mile. FOR CHARITY. If you are very, very lucky, you could be presented at the end of your mile with a signed certificate of achievement, by a star almost as famous as yourself, say, Jess Conrad.

And put your sweaty shoes up for auction afterwards. Will they be waterproof, as I was thinking of walking over water in them?
When I saw the listings, I thought what a good thing it was to donate possible freebies to benefit a good cause. Not sure what I think about her putting her name to it. Some people believe charity should be given in secret so that it is all about the intention to help with no whiff of egotism about it. However, I have often been inspired to do something when I notice someone else doing it, so being charitable in public can be quite motivating. So often only the negative things people do are brought to our attention (via news and media) so it is really refreshing to see the good in people.
I remember after Princess Diana passed away, so many people came forward and talked about the little acts of kindness she had performed for them, all away from the glare of the media. Would us knowing about these things have improved her image - let's face it, she was coined the People's Princess (by that loathsome Tony Bliar) only after her death, having suffered a lot of criticism in the media prior to that.
Just to add, I am in no way comparing DF to Princess Diana!
None of the other presenters have scammed a charity out of money last year ...
I"ll raise you Miss Cartland, as I was involved in filming her, and have a book inscribed to me with the motto "stay young" in her handwriting. With pop stars I only once had a meal with Jess Conrad, a man so boring that I nearly slid under the table, so you get top trumps for that. I could flaunt the fact that I have lived, and will be spending Christmas, with one of Asia's richest families. But don't think there's room for all that on my local Age Concern Gift Aid tags so, like you, Brissles, I have decided to give anonymously. Our good deeds will shine all the brighter.

Is that the Jess Conrad who is the father of Natalie who used to be the model on the Honora shows but whom we haven't seen for a long time.
Is that the Jess Conrad who is the father of Natalie who used to be the model on the Honora shows but whom we haven't seen for a long time.

Good Lord! If he was capable of keeping a woman's attention long enough to get her in the family way, I must have dined with him on a bad day.
Ralph from Honora was quite taken aback and impressed when he found out as he was a bit of a fan.
I remember they showed photos of him getting something at the Palace.
In my opinion, DF will not do anything unless there is something in it for her. Most of us give things to charity with the hope that someone needy will gain by that, we do not give to charity to promote ourselves, if we do, it is not charity, it is kind of bribery.

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