Item not as described returns.


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There was a blatant error in one of the TV graphics that I posted about at the time, but can't remember what it was now.


I've just discovered what the error was, and MONTHS LATER they have not bothered to correct it.

The Multipot on today is actually 2.5 litres, but the video STILL shows it as 1.5 litres.

Screenshot ---------->

I remember that Alan! They really need to put a rocket up their web team! OK mistakes do happen but the fact that they haven't amended it months alter is just very poor!
If I'd wanted to, I could have returned mine with free return and PP refund on the grounds that it was not as advertised and was TOO BIG.

Yeah but realistically how many people are going to send something back because the item is bigger than advertise (providing of course it is not clothing, jewellery, or anything that needs to be 'size specific'. No I think they would have thought you were a little strange (no offence meant) if you were going to send it back because of that 'error'.

As for changing the graphics I have noticed many discrepincies. One of which was the fact that the OTO price (which is suppose to be lowest price 'ever' on air, has then been a different price on air. What also confuses me is how they sometimes change the pricing (even if it only by a few pence), so that they can offer the relevant easy payments. I think the only understandable thing about Q pricing is that they are not understandable!
It would have been a valid excuse to return it and get all PP back.

But a person living on their own, who wanted it as a teapot (one of its suggested uses) would find 2.5 litres far too big.
Don't forget your rights in relations to the Information Commission. Companies have a duty to keep accurate information on you and to correct inaccurate information. They also have to supply you with a full copy of the information that they hold on you although they are allowed to charge a small fee for this.

If you have the stomach for this, I would suggest that you send a recorded letter to their Company Secretary outlining your complaint, with the chain of events and reminding them of their legal obligations. I often find that approaches to Company Secretaries especially when it is the case that the company is not acting legally, can be highly effective!

Well, I asked and had quite a short reply telling me that they'd been kind enough to supply a label and a note was on my account saying I'd sent an item back saying it was the wrong size, but when checked it wasn't!

I asked the advisor to check the item again and explained that I could see they've now updated the description, but the screenshot I took at the time I ordered had the original longer length in the description. Another verbal tussle where I was told that they don't accept screenshots as "evidence" so I asked if they would kindly check the video which is STILL UP as the longer length is still shown in the side box on the video. Silence. Then, another agreement that I was indeed correct - bearing in mind I'd already gone through all this when I requested the label.

I asked what would be done about the note on my account which basically says I'm lying about items in order to get free returns and was told that notes couldn't be removed or ammended. I asked that a new note be placed to which advisor agreed, but I don't know if it will be. The original postage will also be credited - I checked the amount and was told £2.95 and then had to argue that I was charged £3.95. I'll be watching my bank account closely.

If anyone else has had this kind of thing happen, have you also had "LIAR" notes placed on your accounts?
Don't forget your rights in relations to the Information Commission. Companies have a duty to keep accurate information on you and to correct inaccurate information. They also have to supply you with a full copy of the information that they hold on you although they are allowed to charge a small fee for this.

If you have the stomach for this, I would suggest that you send a recorded letter to their Company Secretary outlining your complaint, with the chain of events and reminding them of their legal obligations. I often find that approaches to Company Secretaries especially when it is the case that the company is not acting legally, can be highly effective!

The trouble is, it is then costing you more in postal charges than the postage you are trying to recover
Just read the thread, what a palaver, perhaps they are briefed not to return the outward postage hence the attitude. This reminded me when they missold AH Liquid Gold mask duo on BCC but we all received a single tub and they wouldn't accept the responsibility saying 'we believe it still represents good value' WTF (pardon me). I got half money refund in the end after many calls.
Hello Dips hope you are well..
Hi Bettyboo, certainly am, thank you! Bit stressed at mo as have finally persuaded my mid-80s parents to move from their large, old, country home into a new & maintenance free home. Over 40 yrs of "keeping this in case it's useful" to sort out and they are finding it emotionally difficult (quite understandably). Hope all is well with you?

The trouble is, it is then costing you more in postal charges than the postage you are trying to recover
True. Faxing letter or email can also work, although the latter is my least preferred as PA's can often filter and forward straight to CS.
I once bought a hair piece which was nothing like the colour it was meant to be. The customer services rep actually offered to call me back as I said that I was not going to pay the postage on the item. True to his word, he phoned me and said that there had been a load of complaints about this particular item and of course my postage would be refunded as well as sending a returns label. I was very impressed with his customer skills.
In my opinion, they may omit to do this deliberately, to see if you will challenge it or just not bother (and they are not the only Shopping Channel that I've had to challenge about not getting my p & p back on an item that was faulty in some way, although to be fair, Gems normally do it automatically, but even they've slipped up a couple of times with me). Tell them you know you are entitled to it and want it credited, and if it isn't you'll take it further. This is normally all you need to do, I've found, and they cough up, but keep an eye on things, just in case.

Sorry, I know this has probably been posted before, but I can't find anything specific.

I ordered a bracelet that was on screen and described as one length, but when was too short when I tried it. Thought it was a bit odd so measured it. Yep, shorter than described. Went online and the details have been updated. But NOT the video - which clearly shows the old length on the descriptions. So I took a load of screen shots and rang CS.

CS agent tried to deny it and was a bit short with me UNTIL I told her to check out the video. She came back and said she'd send a pre-paid label which she has.

So, it's gone back and I've been credited but NOT the original postage. Should they have credited that as well? I'm not well enough up on the rules and regs, but I know most of you will have the answer.

Thanks for all your help and encouragement - I finally had the correct credit.

I don't suppose this will be the last time, though. So, just a reminder, everyone - screenshots/pictures and recordings until you're absolutely satisfied and all's okay with what you bought. If they insist on arguing, we must keep our evidence.
with amazon you just send a message on thier website and everything is sorted. you even get return freepost lable in most orders. qvc are just trying to avoid paying out. its this evasion that stops me buying

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