It arrives like the tide - every day


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Registered Shopper
Dec 24, 2010
I am possibly a lone voice, but I would be overjoyed if they closed down.

A stream of boxes arrive, filled with products we don't need but keep, others that were always about to be going back but ran out of time so were kept. A Sanyo television that came out of its box after the warranty ran out, it sounded awful, speakers vibrated, the remote kept freezing up so it had be switched on and off to get it to work properly, and a few weeks later the integrated dvd stopped working - what a bargain !amers

I have several steamers that do NOT shift any sort of baked on grease, and why would they, steam has very little to do with it, its water vapour that spills out of the nozzle and that has no cleaning properties at all. Hose reels that self retract but don't have gone in the skip, every TV is tuned to QVC when its turned on - even the laptop home page, emails, postman, the delivery guy who calls every single day with a box or two of
' something ' that will no doubt eventually find its way into the bin !
Hello bluem5 - you do sound blue. This forum will cheer you up and may even help you cut back on qvc.
Another likely candidate for aversion therapy. :emo:
I just watch shopping telly for a laugh - if I see something that interests me I research it online first (to see what others' experience has been), then look to see if I can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Which I invariably can.
I am possibly a lone voice, but I would be overjoyed if they closed down.

A stream of boxes arrive, filled with products we don't need but keep, others that were always about to be going back but ran out of time so were kept. A Sanyo television that came out of its box after the warranty ran out, it sounded awful, speakers vibrated, the remote kept freezing up so it had be switched on and off to get it to work properly, and a few weeks later the integrated dvd stopped working - what a bargain !amers

I have several steamers that do NOT shift any sort of baked on grease, and why would they, steam has very little to do with it, its water vapour that spills out of the nozzle and that has no cleaning properties at all. Hose reels that self retract but don't have gone in the skip, every TV is tuned to QVC when its turned on - even the laptop home page, emails, postman, the delivery guy who calls every single day with a box or two of
' something ' that will no doubt eventually find its way into the bin !

its difficult i know, but if you bought a TV that didnt come out of the box until a year later then you possibly need to have a think about your shopping habits rather than closing down THE shopping channel and depriving us of our gossip-fodder! :rock:

i'm with klarion, i watch it for the camp-factor mainly. and in the hope that something will go horribly horribly wrong. there are a couple of ranges that i like but ive worked out my own little ways of making sure i dont get ripped off *wink* and would suggest everyone else do the same.
I just watch shopping telly for a laugh - if I see something that interests me I research it online first (to see what others' experience has been), then look to see if I can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Which I invariably can.

Yes me too. It's always good for a laugh though :sleepy:
It's not the channel that needs closing down, it's your crazy shopping habits!!!!! I'm not being nasty 'cause we've all bought stuff we've not needed, regretted,and I can hand on heart say, stuff I've not even really wanted and bought for the sake of it. I've never left a box unopened, though there's been times when I've seen the contents, I've felt so disappointed because the unopened box was better quality, of more practical use than the contents.

This year, I'm going to try and be more selective because I can't afford to keep forking out to send stuff back, I very rarely keep stuff I'm not happy with, it's not worth it, it would make me cross everytime I saw it...and as for throwing it in the bin, I'd rather get some of my money back. I recently succumbed to a set of those hot hedz balaclava hoods as it's soooooo cold, knowing I'd look daft, but hopefully in a good way...sadly, I didn't, just frumpy and ridiculous, and what they do to your hair when you take them off doesn't bear thinking about. Thankfully I've got till January to return them, and return them I will because realistically I'm never going to wear them....however cold it gets!

Try and enjoy QVC and the other channels for the entertainment, and try not be sucked in by their promises, I know it's hard!
This year, I'm going to try and be more selective because I can't afford to keep forking out to send stuff back, I very rarely keep stuff I'm not happy with, it's not worth it, it would make me cross everytime I saw it...and as for throwing it in the bin, I'd rather get some of my money back.

Good for you! I read the reviews on QVC where someone absolutely slates a product but goes on to say that they didn't send it back because the p & p would be too much. I want to scream at them "Send it back, even if you only end up £10 better off after the p & p that's better than having something you will never use!".

I have become more selective, there have been things like L'Occitane TSVs that I liked but didn't buy and to be honest a few days later I'm not bothered that I didn't order so I'm not really missing anything.
I notice that you posted in the wee small hours, Blue - things can look pretty black then. Maybe you'll remember some wonderful goodies from QVC in the clear light of Christmas Day (but I wouldn't bet on it :doh: ).

Don't let it spoil your Christmas, make a New Year's resolution not to get stung in 2011 :grin:

You lot have prompted me to turn the telly on - QVC is doing handbags and IW is doing Moira C :headbang:

clemenzina x
This forum has undoubtedly helped me to curb my spending. Before I found it and joined I was always clicking on the 'add to basket' button, ringing QCut or phoning the Bid UP channels etc etc.

I've not bought anything off the BidUp channels or IW for months and the majority of purchases from QVC now are re-orders of stuff I've bought before, and that's usually because I've not found it anywhere else ......... yet. :wink:

My only defence for spending like a shopping channel-holic was that I'd just moved into a new house, following a divorce, and had no crockery, cutlery, bedding etc., as I left it all with the ex. Mind you, that wasn't the reason for my buying make up, electronic gizmos and Charlie Bears. :giggle:

My New Year's resolution is .......... only buy if I really need it and not just because the presenters are doing their 'hard sell' routine and getting inside my head.
I have now cut down drastically - it can be done I promise and you do feel better for it. I have so many bags now...and make up and Birkenstocks!! Just think about it and before you know, a day has gone past and you did not miss it. I tried to buy non QVC moisturiser, but I caved in lately and bought a Gatineau kit which I will use happily. Dont get hooked into the makeup shows it is not worth it...Well done for speaking about it - when you are down it is hard.
Hi Blue!
I can understand your frustration and disappointment....there was a time when I was convinced that every last bargain offered on QVC had to be bought...and often in duplicate to take advantage of the reduced p&p....

Although there have been some great things I have got at QVC, there are plenty others that I would not repeat purchase and many others that I would will be bought elsewhere as QVC are not as competitive as they suggest.

Do not fear missing a great bargain with QVC....they do sometimes have some great deals, but the great deals are usually on brands that always have great deals and will be repeated...
Hi Blue!
I can understand your frustration and disappointment....there was a time when I was convinced that every last bargain offered on QVC had to be bought...and often in duplicate to take advantage of the reduced p&p....

Although there have been some great things I have got at QVC, there are plenty others that I would not repeat purchase and many others that I would will be bought elsewhere as QVC are not as competitive as they suggest.

Do not fear missing a great bargain with QVC....they do sometimes have some great deals, but the great deals are usually on brands that always have great deals and will be repeated...

And they have "great" deals on stock they have to shift 'cos they know an updated version is round the corner, i.e. Toshiba cam 5mp to 8mp.

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