Is/was Claudia a Socialite.


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Is/was Claudia a Socialite

I loved that show. Treated myself to the bracelet. I think it was so refreshing to see such a chatty show. The two of them obviously know each other, you could tell they were so comfortable with each other. I think Claudia did mention her school but i can't recall its name but it was obviously on a par with Tamaras, they shared the same parties. The range is very elegant and it was just nice to see it presented is such an easy and informal manner, certainly helped me decide to buy something. Just need to justify to the other half now, oops, and supposed to be pulling the old belt in.

I think she said it was something like Oakdene. It was defintely in Beaconsfield because I go a couple of pubs there and it stuck in my mind.
Call me sad but i spoke to my friend Lorna who does public schools admissions in Kent to see if there was a school in Beaconsfield called Oakdene like you said Topaz. She just called to say that yes there was indeed a Private Girls School called Oakdene which has since closed down and they have built multimillon pound homes on the site. Apparantly it was a very exclusive boarding school and the residents were up in arms about it coming down after nearly 200 years. There is an article on the website about it. So that must be the school she went to then and i'm sure she lives in Buckinghamshire too.
What are we like? Poor lady, hope i'm not seen as a stalker !!! I just rather like her thats all and now after hearing that those of you that met her in real life also say she is lovely.
In my opinion I think she must have got perfect balance with her children as she clearly doesn't work fulltime on QVC so i think she is working on QVC to give her an interest that she loves, you can tell she enjoys her job. I just think she should bring more jewellery designs out soon as i'm desperate to get another piece of hers.

Thanks for the heads up on the blog, I found the information on her Father and the jewellery. Now i've got another thing to look at. Oooooh did you see the cutey piccie of Claudia and her little baby son Blake?.... Ohhhhh if i wasn't so old i'd have a little baby.
By the way i missed her on the Comic Relief show that was mentioned. Was she there alone or was she with her Husband? Did you see him?.. sorry i'm nosey aren't i?
She was sitting with a man - no idea if it was her hubbie. It was this saturday's show - so if you're desperate to see it - it'll still be on iplayer - she was panned onto as Robert Webb finished his dance the first time.
Didn't she say once her father was army and also a gunmaker or something? Perhaps I'm mixing them up-but I know when she designed that ring awhile ago she alluded to the fact her father was a maker of something or other.

Yes she did.
I think it is admirable how Claudia and her husband, support Breast Cancer Care and Mind. It's good to see someone who not only talks the talk, but also walks the walk.
I think it is admirable how Claudia and her husband, support Breast Cancer Care and Mind. It's good to see someone who not only talks the talk, but also walks the walk.
Too true, we all know someone, or know of someone who has been touched by those charities.

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