Is QVC a friend in the corner?


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Next time I'm watching QVC at 1.30am, I'll think of all you ladies doing the same !

I had a couple of years of severe depression and at the risk of sounding like a drama queen, QVC was a life-saver. I'm much better now but I still feel some "affection" for it.

Linda xx
Woah there! Scroll Up, Scroll Up! @Minim, Snarly not know about bicarb pore shrinker! Please share. P-p-puhleeze! @Catkins - it's hard for you to be brave for the little mite isn't it? I made up a memoryfoam bed for her which she loved and her 'sulking' hours were comfy. @EricsMum - Depression affects many of us, girl. (((((cwtch))))) cooch, welsh hug x Snarly
I also love QVC burbling away in the background (and I also love Radion 4 on the telly Snarly!), I potter around and it is like a friend in the corner - I would miss it if it went. I suffer from insomnia and I can quietly pop downstairs, make a cuppa and feel like I'm not alone when everyone else is snoring away upstairs.:coffee:

I also leave it on for the dog if I'm going out for a couple of hours, which my family think is hilarious and often ask her if she has ordered any eek today!!:giggle:
SpeckledHen, your family's just being silly about the dog and eeek. Surely, they know poochy is a SouthWestern fan-GetAlongLittleDoggie! lol Simon Templar's on ITV4 now, well worth waiting up for. Mighty Fine. Mighty Fine. |sigh|
My rabbit Hugo has radio 4 on in the kitchen most days; it minimises the jumping-out-of-his-skin-at-every-sound. He's not a fan of the Archers though, hoping for racier story-lines I reckon! I went for Radio 4 in the hopes of intellectual stimulation because his conversational skills are limited to asking for "Noms!" and "Grooms me Mama!" but I live in hope.

Jude xx
I to like to have Q on in the back ground and can often be found in the early hours sat on the sofa with 3 dogs on my lap watching while I am waiting for my pain killers to kick in.
And while I have been up every 2 hours with Amber and her puppies it has been a god send.
I agree with all of you that it is non threatening,easy listening and it doesn't demand any thing from us.
I haven't brought from Q or any other shopping channel for over 18 months so I am not going to be "talked" into buying anything.
I too had a very bad bout of depression several years ago, it's one of the reasons I work part time now and Q was a comfort at that time. And I live alone for the first time in my life following son going off to uni and then break up of long term relationship. Although my life is really good now compared to a few bleak years that were a struggle to get through I do retain an affection for Q. Plus I just know that when something has made me giggle I can come on here and many of you lovely people will be giggling at exactly the same thing. I also like all the pet pics, again this is the first time in my life I have not had a pet and have been toying with the idea of getting a kitten as do like cats very much. Oh and just wanted to say to Snarly I love your name, makes me smile!!
(mum writes)

I agree with you all. QVC was a "friend" when I was starting to deal with a downturn in my health that led to me having to give up work. It was nice to feel that there was some company there during the days. (My son is my carer now, so that's less of an issue). Sadly, I find I compare QVC now to QVC then and, to me at least, it doesn't seem so good which has taken away that shine it used to have. It actually makes me feel a little sad at times when I think about it. I cannot go out and shop now and used to look forward to the postie bringing me my parcels but I find there's just nothing I want there anymore. I don't like the fact there are so many hours of the same thing each day. Gardening is my particular niggle but the thought of seven hours of Ken Paves makes me feel the same. I find I record those schmaltzy daytime movies and put them on in the evenings now. That said though, like many of you, I'd rather it was there than not!

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