is JF really 45? a joke surely


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I think you should have clarified the bit that I have highlighted in red, galaxy - that some of the comments are far from acceptable TO YOU. It is your opinion only, and not fact. It annoys the hell out of me when someone states what is only their opinion as fact.

And what annoys me is when peopel on this forum feel the need to provide their negative opinions about presenter's weight and appearance. I have no idea what they get out of it. Perhaps they get some perverse enjoyment in putting people down? Oh I#d better qualify that statement as being purely based on my opinion.
I can't believe the over reaction about the original post. I do not believe the OP is a bully. It's getting to the stage where I'm very wary of posting anything remotely critical about a presenter because of the people ready to jump down your throat and call you a bully. If the presenters are trying to flog us these often ludicrously overpriced creams etc, swearing that they personally couldn't live without them, and promising us fantastic results, all so they can part us from our hard-earned cash, then I think we are allowed to say that in certain cases, these prestigious products appear not be working!
I can, of course, totally understand some members being upset if they feel a comment is too personal, and EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion, but I feel that Galaxy has gone a bit far with the protestations. As has been mentioned, it is the job of the moderators to ensure things don't get out of hand.
We have a "report a post" function on this forum and I suggest in future you use it if you think someone is being a bully. As far as I can see there is no one in this thread being a bully and I would suggest you refrain from personal attacks on other forum members.

Dear Shazza Super Moderator,

I have taken on board your suggestion, thank you. Yes, your status gives you the right to assert your powers, but it doesn’t mean that your view is by any means the objective one.

I am afraid I am going to take the liberty to personally address you Super Moderator and you can take it as a personal attack, if you so wish:
How can you even begin to argue that so far everything you've read in this thread (and quite a few other threads for that matter) was OK, including sarcastic bullying references like the one describing how bad JF looks for her age and making fun of her, were fine i.e. not personal attacks against anyone.
However, you seem to find it appropriate to brand my comments directed to the concerned guilty parties (that were doing precisely that – dishing a personal attack on JF), as a personal attack on their sensitive souls???!

If a venomous post about personal appearance does not constitute bullying and "personal attack", what else does constitute a personal attack??? I would like to see who wrote your moderator's manual that you follow? A lack of judgement on your part perhaps, or do you make it up as you go?

You are not taking sides by any chance with some of your long term Forum friends that can’t cope being exposed as bullies, are you? wonder this kind of despicable behaviour has been going on for so long on this forum, it transpires the moderators nurture it!:bandit:

It’s a shame... but, this forum appears to have been hijacked by some people who thrive on malice and enjoy nastiness. I believe they are in the minority, but unfortunately it appears to be the protected minority!

Yeah and I was right about the Status Quo, it has been shaken.:mysmilie_462:
well i for one will continue to post my opinions, good OR bad about the personalities on QVC and i dont care a toss about what any other forum member thinks. in fact lets go the whole hog and change my profile name to bullybear!:rock:

neither will i be closing any of my more ..ahem.. "forward thinking" posts with the postscript "sorry if this offends anyone blah de blah" or any other namby pamby politically correct pacifisms. if anyone doesnt like my posts, dont read them. if you see a thread thats clearly going to be a slag-fest about a presenter, dont read it. it aint rocket science.

those of you who want to post only the most life affirming titbits on the pro's and con's of your latest crafting tool, or how adorable you think charlie bears are, please feel free. i shall not be contributing to your discussions and i dont expect to see you contribute to mine.

this mutual understanding that people are different, and come here for different reasons is how we make the world go around happily, and have done so for many years on this forum. the moderators do their job very well, we dont need censorship from any self-styled do-gooders.
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Dear Shazza Super Moderator,

I have taken on board your suggestion, thank you. Yes, your status gives you the right to assert your powers, but it doesn’t mean that your view is by any means the objective one.

I am afraid I am going to take the liberty to personally address you Super Moderator and you can take it as a personal attack, if you so wish:
How can you even begin to argue that so far everything you've read in this thread (and quite a few other threads for that matter) was OK, including sarcastic bullying references like the one describing how bad JF looks for her age and making fun of her, were fine i.e. not personal attacks against anyone.
However, you seem to find it appropriate to brand my comments directed to the concerned guilty parties (that were doing precisely that – dishing a personal attack on JF), as a personal attack on their sensitive souls???!

If a venomous post about personal appearance does not constitute bullying and "personal attack", what else does constitute a personal attack??? I would like to see who wrote your moderator's manual that you follow? A lack of judgement on your part perhaps, or do you make it up as you go?

You are not taking sides by any chance with some of your long term Forum friends that can’t cope being exposed as bullies, are you? wonder this kind of despicable behaviour has been going on for so long on this forum, it transpires the moderators nurture it!:bandit:

It’s a shame... but, this forum appears to have been hijacked by some people who thrive on malice and enjoy nastiness. I believe they are in the minority, but unfortunately it appears to be the protected minority!

Yeah and I was right about the Status Quo, it has been shaken.:mysmilie_462:

People are stating their opinion and in this thread it happens to be about a presenter, they are not personally attacking them, the presenter is not a member of this site, they are a presenter and that puts them in the public eye so they are bound to get positive and negative comments. Graham (the owner of this site) has always said is everyone is entitled to state their opinion, now of course not everyone is going to have the same opinion, we all have different likes and dislikes.
I don't have any arguments, Galaxy. I gave an objective opinion, without malice, and registered my objection to some of the OP's comments, as I have done on many occasions when I think people are OTT.

I don't see it as my job to dwell at length upon their means of expression as they are entitled to their POV.
I agree that the spelling was a cheap point, but you did mention that you are a schoolteacher.....

Artemis, you've got me confused with Toril I believe. If it means anything at all, English is not my mother language and I am personally quite satisfied of the degree and command I have in using English, thanks.

As I said: none of it is personally directed to you, Jude or anyone else in specific, unless someone feels they’ve been addressed through my general points, by seeing themselves as the ‘guilty’ party.
Trip trap trip trap over the bridge :dull:


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As has been mentioned, it is the job of the moderators to ensure things don't get out of hand.

Yes, but they don't do they?

Yet another Forum member sticking his/her neck out to address the nasty personal comments on here. Message to Galaxy - drop it, you will get bullied and insulted (those who do it know you you are, especially the feline one) and you will end up cancelling your membership here. The mod's message to you on this thread was pretty typical.

However, I doubt that you'll read this message as it probably won't be shown.

Word of advice: Just read this Forum occasionally but don't bother contributing. The nasties are running the show and are allowed to get away with it.
For what it's worth I can't imagine why anyone would be so bothered about a presenter's appearence, manner etc, etc.They're sales people, they do a job pretty well, they don't care about us and I for one, don't care about them.:cheeky:
People are stating their opinion and in this thread it happens to be about a presenter, they are not personally attacking them, the presenter is not a member of this site, they are a presenter and that puts them in the public eye so they are bound to get positive and negative comments. Graham (the owner of this site) has always said is everyone is entitled to state their opinion, now of course not everyone is going to have the same opinion, we all have different likes and dislikes.

Well if that is the case and everyone can state their opinion, (i.e. them being nasty about the presenters, etc, and me having an opinion about their nastiness - may I just point out: without being nasty and using derogatory language at all), why do you find it is your right to get involved as a moderator and pull me up on it??

As I said, you were not very objective.
Well if that is the case and everyone can state their opinion, (i.e. them being nasty about the presenters, etc, and me having an opinion about their nastiness - may I just point out: without being nasty and using derogatory language at all), why do you find it is your right to get involved as a moderator and pull me up on it??

As I said, you were not very objective.

Stating your opinion about all things "shopping telly" is fine but personally attacking forum members by calling them bullies will not be tolerated.

So you think I am not objective, fine, but I will continue in my role as moderator and as I have said often on here, not everyone will agree with the decisions admin and the mods take but we ask that people respect that we have had to make a decision.
I can't believe the over reaction about the original post. I do not believe the OP is a bully. It's getting to the stage where I'm very wary of posting anything remotely critical about a presenter because of the people ready to jump down your throat and call you a bully. If the presenters are trying to flog us these often ludicrously overpriced creams etc, swearing that they personally couldn't live without them, and promising us fantastic results, all so they can part us from our hard-earned cash, then I think we are allowed to say that in certain cases, these prestigious products appear not be working!
I can, of course, totally understand some members being upset if they feel a comment is too personal, and EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion, but I feel that Galaxy has gone a bit far with the protestations. As has been mentioned, it is the job of the moderators to ensure things don't get out of hand.

It's not what people choose to comment on Boycie, but about the words they choose to use and the manner in which they comment. All it seems with one purpose, only; to be as insulting as they can and get away with, score a buzz from it and see how many others can join in the ‘game’, so they can feed on it even more - it's called bullying, pure and simple.

There is a place and a way for commenting on everything you like and that’s what this forum should be about.
I've been here 8 years and it's been workin' fine so far!

Jude :wave:
Stating your opinion about all things "shopping telly" is fine but personally attacking forum members by calling them bullies will not be tolerated.

So you think I am not objective, fine, but I will continue in my role as moderator and as I have said often on here, not everyone will agree with the decisions admin and the mods take but we ask that people respect that we have had to make a decision.

Don’t worry they’ve admitted it now and don’t object being called bullies; as BullyBear explains it so well in his/hers post, above!:angel:
It's not what people choose to comment on Boycie, but about the words they choose to use and the manner in which they comment. All it seems with one purpose, only; to be as insulting as they can and get away with, score a buzz from it and see how many others can join in the ‘game’, so they can feed on it even more - it's called bullying, pure and simple.

There is a place and a way for commenting on everything you like and that’s what this forum should be about.

As I said before Graham is happy for people to post about things they like and dislike about all things shopping telly and that is not about to change.
Don’t worry they’ve admitted it now and don’t object being called bullies; as BullyBear explains it so well in his/hers post, above!:angel:

oh i'm very much a HE sweetie :beer::muscle::wink:
Yes, but they don't do they?

Yet another Forum member sticking his/her neck out to address the nasty personal comments on here. Message to Galaxy - drop it, you will get bullied and insulted (those who do it know you you are, especially the feline one) and you will end up cancelling your membership here. The mod's message to you on this thread was pretty typical.

However, I doubt that you'll read this message as it probably won't be shown.

Word of advice: Just read this Forum occasionally but don't bother contributing. The nasties are running the show and are allowed to get away with it.

:up:Thanks for your concern Re Cycle: I couldn't care less who knows me and if they are going to be insulting - for some of them it seems it's all they can manage.

They are exposing themselves quite nicely, :hi:. I expect in the next day or two, there will be few more making an appearance to contribute to this thread, mainly the ones sticking up for the 'gang'. Of course they stick up for themselves, if not they might risk a newbie like me bursting their bubble. God forbid, the thought!:giggle:

As for risking anything for stating my opinions: well, anything that is worth the risk in my book, hasn't been connected even remotely with this forum. The thought of possible threat of losing a membership on this forum makes my :heartbroke:. Not really.

But I agree with your last sentiment and for what is worth I have enjoyed seeing the hornets buzzzzzz mindlessly, today. Thanks, anyway!
It's not what people choose to comment on Boycie, but about the words they choose to use and the manner in which they comment. All it seems with one purpose, only; to be as insulting as they can and get away with, score a buzz from it and see how many others can join in the ‘game’, so they can feed on it even more - it's called bullying, pure and simple.

There is a place and a way for commenting on everything you like and that’s what this forum should be about.

Galaxy, you are a fairly new member of this site, which has been running for years. I am a new member too, like yourself, and quite frankly, I wouldn't dream of joining a forum and within a few weeks, telling everyone what it should be about. It's been running fine without us for years and will no doubt continue if we move to pastures new. I'm not saying that as new members we have less rights than others but surely it's common sense not to join and immediately start laying down the law?
I think BurlyBear has a point - if you can see by the title of a thread that it's a critical one about a presenter, maybe it would be wise not to read it? There are plenty of other informative threads giving us a heads up on TSV's and OTO's etc. Although I'm not a Jill fan, I think she looks pretty good for 45. I didn't actually agree with the original post but I didn't feel the need to call the OP a bully. I do read the bitchy threads, but if I knew they were likely to offend me, then I wouldn't.
Galaxy, it's been suggested that you drop it and I think that's good advice. It's getting tedious now and you've more than made your point. You're just going to go round in circles repeating yourself. When you first started posting on this issue I sympathised with your viewpoint, but now you're dominating this forum.
Thiis thread has run right off topic now and therefore has run its course.
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