The majority of IW picks of the day this week are create and craft blockbusters. I thought the whole point of introducing the create and craft channel, was to dedicate more products to crafters. I can appreciate this as my mum makes cards etc. I don't shop from IW, so I don't mind on a personal level.
But, as IW calls itself a tv shopping channel, it ought to be showcasing a variety of product lines. The viewers who do watch the channel don't, I'm sure, do so to be bombarded with C+C products. If they want to see them, there's always the dedicated channel.
If IW does not rethink it's product strategy, it will soon (hopefully!) be going south.
But, as IW calls itself a tv shopping channel, it ought to be showcasing a variety of product lines. The viewers who do watch the channel don't, I'm sure, do so to be bombarded with C+C products. If they want to see them, there's always the dedicated channel.
If IW does not rethink it's product strategy, it will soon (hopefully!) be going south.