Is it just me ???


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
Or does anyone else think the price of bags are skyrocketing through the roof ? Have just checked out Maxx bags, and for just under a £100 we can buy vinyl and canvas - for way over £100 raffia is the material of choice. ehhhhhhh !!!!! Lulu G is another "fine" example of customer exploitation. Most High Street stores sell equally nice bags for a fraction of the cost in synthetic materials.

I dont care if the quality is superb and they are "right on trend", but do QVC think they have the type of customer who can fork out these amounts - on easy pay or not. OK so accordingly they do have "limited stock" and sell out quick, BUT what numbers of stock do they have in the first place.

I would like to know the age group of the buyers at QVC Towers, because judging by the products they only have one age group in mind !!!!
well said brissles!!!
and especially in a day and age that everything has a label stuck on it.
you can buy a 50p bag with a label on. i know how this is different from bags sold by the reknown fashion houses (still pointless and exploitative imo). yet, i have no idea how and why a 50p bag with a label is different from obscure labels like KVZ, LG, MAXX, or whatever they are called.:33:
Well their philosophy & marketing strategies are totally wasted on me then, as although I was brought up strictly in the 'always nice shoes, nice bag & the bit in the middle can always be <s>tarted up</s> made to look more expensive with a decent piece of jewellery!' way of thinking, I have never really gone for the 'on trend' & 'label' way of buying bags & at my age probably never will!

New or vintage, I do tend to go for certain brands that I like but this is not the same as buying a label! Style & quality will always take precedence over a 'name' for me but this is clearly not how everybody sees it & I certainly feel with KVZ for example, that what you are buying is a 'name'....with a bag attached!

TBH, I'm surprised they sell KVZ at all, as her range is very restrictive as far as potential buyers go I would have thought? Too expensive for the very young person with very limited funds, not good enough quality for the young(ish) lady with the cash to splash out on a bag for every occasion/day of the year & too 'young' for the 'lady of an age'?
I'm just not au fait with designer labels so they simply don't affect my bag buying decisions! If I see a bag I like at a price I think is reasonable I will buy it regardless of what make it is.
with certain exceptions, i tend to use a "rule of thumb": does it look more expensive than what i have paid for? if the answer is yes, then i consider it a good purchase.
with certain exceptions, i tend to use a "rule of thumb": does it look more expensive than what i have paid for? if the answer is yes, then i consider it a good purchase.

I agree! I must admit I do have a tendency to look at other peoples' shoes & bags, though I seldom look at their clothes! I don't often see a 'designer' one I covet desperately though, I have to say!
I don't often see a 'designer' one I covet desperately though, I have to say!

KWC, if you roam Rome's city centre, you will see so many designer bag copies sold by immigrants, it will put you off designer bags for life!!!:26: lol
KWC, if you roam Rome's city centre, you will see so many designer bag copies sold by immigrants, it will put you off designer bags for life!!!:26: lol

Apparently, there are people who spend a goodly proportion of their holiday spending money stocking up on all the fakes that can be bought in various parts of the world! :11:
I've never owned one so couldn't say but have heard that some are so good they're virtually impossible to tell from the real thing!
(Many are sold quite blatantly apparently, 'out the back' of otherwise quite respectable shops - it's a whole different world! lol)
Luis Vuitton look identical! it is very difficult to tell the difference with Prada. they actually put their stock on the pavement and hassle people that pass by. they can sit under the open sky at 45 degrees for hours. you really empathise with them. one of them offered me a Prada at 30 euros and he was willing to sell it for 10!

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