In The Salon With SBC TSV 8/1/13


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Just cannot get on with SBC - I find that they sit on my skin even if put on sparsely... and I also do not like that they have alcohol in them so how on earth can they keep saying they moisturise? if I use collagen gel on my face, I find it very drying and I have combination skin. I also tried their cleansing gel for face and eyes and it stung my eyes so much, they were still watering several hours later despite them saying that you could remove eye makeup with it!!!!!!:angry:

I had exactly the same experience and 100% agree about the cleansing gel,it was like having acid in my eyes and that's not an exaggeration. Don't rate SBC at all.
I've just thrown out a three quarters full litre bottle of Arnica that was on my shelf for about three years and staring at me malevolently every time I entered the room. I bought it to see if it would help both my Mum and Dad after they'd both had hand surgery within a year of each other, as they always rave on QVC about it being good for pain/bruising/swelling etc. Neither of them found it any use either for easing discomfort or for massage on the site of the scar afterwards. Hence they gave it back to me :wink:.

I also had the Evening Primrose Gel which I thought I might try for my sensitive skin as a moisturiser. I may as well have just dunked my face in lemon juice. It was sticky and tacky no matter how lightly I applied it and IT BURNED. Rahhh.
Have to say I've been using the Collagen gel on my face for years now and I like it. Whether it is making any difference or doing any good is another matter, but it has become a habit to slap it on immediately after washing. Also found the gel for aching legs excellent for leg cramps at night. Bought a selection of different gels years ago and never really use the arnica and didn't really like the smell of the Propolis.

Might be better just buying the gel from another source or as a separate item.
I've just thrown out a three quarters full litre bottle of Arnica that was on my shelf for about three years and staring at me malevolently every time I entered the room. I bought it to see if it would help both my Mum and Dad after they'd both had hand surgery within a year of each other, as they always rave on QVC about it being good for pain/bruising/swelling etc. Neither of them found it any use either for easing discomfort or for massage on the site of the scar afterwards. Hence they gave it back to me :wink:.

Probably because it's in such a feeble concentration in the SBC stuff as to have little or no real effect! I have slapped a fair bit of arnica on horses legs etc. in my time (& unlike myself where I'll give pretty much anything a go, I was extremely fussy about what went on their bodies or down their gullets, it had to be proven to actually work! lol) & found it to be excellent for knocks & such like so I wouldn't give up on the idea of it per se, just get some better quality stuff! :nod:
Why is she spouting a-load of BS about the collagen one? The molecule size is too large to be of any use
I'm still waiting for someone to explain how applying plant collagen to human skin can possibly be of any benefit. Along with the placebo that is "arnica gel" this surely must be one of the cons of the century. I'm not saying this pink goo isn't a moisturiser, and good luck if you like it, but it's nothing to do with the collagen.
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I'm still waiting for one one to explain how applying plant collagen to human skin can possibly be of any benefit. Along with the placebo that is "arnica gel" this surely must be one of the cons of the century. I'm not saying this pink goo isn't a moisturiser, and good luck if you like it, but it's nothing to do with the collagen.
You should tweet in BurlyB, seems to be the only thing they answer nowadays
You should tweet in BurlyB, seems to be the only thing they answer nowadays

I asked before on here and later discovered that the dreadful Lorraine Winslade (ex SBC guest) had blatantly STOLEN my quote and stuck it on her own naff website along with a totally unintelligible "answer" about the benefits of collagen. It was total cobblers of course. I e-mailed her and asked her to remove it.

These beauty consultants are a joke. They do an 3 day NVQ in moisturisers and think they're bloody Einstein.
I've never found Arnica effective but thought it was just me, as everyone seems to rave about it.. Quite relieved I'm not on my own.
I agree about that Rachels feet. Staring at me all hour, feel like David Mellor.
I wouldnt go near her toes? She was back on at 7pm, wish they would cover her feet up. Even if they were the nicest feet in the world, i dont want to spend an hour looking at them. Claire did allow more info to come through on the tsv, she did not hog it like craig did. Iv ordered one and it will make my mams day when she sees them big bottles, we prob split the collagen gel because I do have to confesss to using that after shaving. But Im no Craig, I dont buy the 20 odd pound serum!!
Oh yes I remember, didn't he wear his Chelsea shirt? I think she was called Antonia de Sanchez or something like that.
That was her. Im going to watch the 9pm sbc show but I know now it will be the same dim model and I will have to spend an hour looking through the camera lens at her big ugly size 9s. Obv the cameraman has a big foot fetish.
Ooh well don't let them Hobbit feet get you down Tri :) Maybe you could tweet in and ask them to cover them up. No one should have to watch that.
It wouldnt be so bad if the model was say the lovely delicate Bula but that Rach's feet make me feel physically sick. she needs a Pedegg or somet. Surely they can find her some slippers. I know mostly when they do the bed hours, the models often have slippers on dont they. Anyway rachels size 9s are straight down the camera lens, so predominantly we are staring at them all the hour. Think she has been walking around backstage barefoot as the mares feet are very grubby looking. Also Im not keen on this Rachel, she only gives very stock answers when poked.
When she is poked to speak, she seems as thick as two short planks. If she is a member of mensa, Im a dutchman. She has terrible feet.

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