In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'


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Jun 29, 2008
I didn't want to hijack a positive thread on Jill Franks so I have started a response thread to give an opposite view. I don't know Jill Franks as I have never been introduced personally to her but as she is often in my living room uninvited, I feel I am entitled to express an opinion of her as a QVC presenter...she irritates the beejezuz out of me!!!!!!

It's not 'bran new' for God's sake....what the hell does she think 'bran new' means? It's when she says 'think' instead of 'thing', that drives me bonkers. I cannot watch her without my hackles rising but she often presents items I like so I have to grit my teeth and endure her really annoying flicking, speaking so fast she runs out of breath and then gasping for air...why? is she paid by the word? Her absolute over use of 'I'm such a girlie, girl..' why? Because she is too stupid to cook? She was presenting 'EasiYo' with the cookery lady and said she was so useless in the kitchen that she couldn't get the easiYo to work!!!!! How difficult is it to mix a powder to water and shake a container??? She apparently put it in the fridge instead of leaving it at room temperature. Is this a ploy to get her husband to do all the mundane chores while being such a 'girlie, girl' she goes shopping for shoes and handbags, not so think then, are you Jill?!

So sorry to be negative as there will be a load of St.commers saying it's not on slagging off presenters...their just doing their jobs...if you can't say anything nice...etc, etc, etc. Well go stick your comments in a post of your own. I really can't stand Jill Franks (as a presenter). :mysmilie_12:
Totally agree. And ... without highjacking your post, would like to express the same opinion about a particular craft "expert" presenter that's being shoved down my throat lately. Find her VERY patronising to any level of crafter and despite my complaints to QVC, I find that she's invading my living room even more. Obviously QVC don't listen to comments they don't want to hear.

Pauline x
I didn't want to hijack a positive thread on Jill Franks so I have started a response thread to give an opposite view. I don't know Jill Franks as I have never been introduced personally to her but as she is often in my living room uninvited, I feel I am entitled to express an opinion of her as a QVC presenter...she irritates the beejezuz out of me!!!!!!

It's not 'bran new' for God's sake....what the hell does she think 'bran new' means? It's when she says 'think' instead of 'thing', that drives me bonkers. I cannot watch her without my hackles rising but she often presents items I like so I have to grit my teeth and endure her really annoying flicking, speaking so fast she runs out of breath and then gasping for air...why? is she paid by the word? Her absolute over use of 'I'm such a girlie, girl..' why? Because she is too stupid to cook? She was presenting 'EasiYo' with the cookery lady and said she was so useless in the kitchen that she couldn't get the easiYo to work!!!!! How difficult is it to mix a powder to water and shake a container??? She apparently put it in the fridge instead of leaving it at room temperature. Is this a ploy to get her husband to do all the mundane chores while being such a 'girlie, girl' she goes shopping for shoes and handbags, not so think then, are you Jill?!

So sorry to be negative as there will be a load of St.commers saying it's not on slagging off presenters...their just doing their jobs...if you can't say anything nice...etc, etc, etc. Well go stick your comments in a post of your own. I really can't stand Jill Franks (as a presenter). :mysmilie_12:

I can tell by your post that you really like her, she is your favourite presenter is she not. You much watch her so much to love her as much as you do.

Please don't hit me I am wearing reading glasses. :mysmilie_697:
I truly dislike everything about JF and find her unwatchable. I admit that I am not a very laid back person and her sloppy speech and gets on my nerves. Who else would pick up a dish that was straight out of the oven with their bare hands and then be surprised to get burned? I don't like the aggressive hard sell but I cannot bear incompetence. I don't find it endearing or down to earth, just irksome.
Aran lady I'm with you all the way but the presenters on C&C really do make me despair so it must be a secret craft presenter's technique school that's behind it all :D
I agree with Huggles, her speech really annoys me, especially when she pronounces words ending -ing as -ink. I normally love the diversity that accents bring to the language, but I can't listen to her. I also think that John Barrowman would have made anybody look good.
I also thinks she's quite vulgar which I know lots of people would find ok but I could live without it.
I'm saying it quietly so the liberal enforcers don't come around and make me watch hours of smutty Nigel from IW:mysmilie_701:
I agree with Huggles, her speech really annoys me, especially when she pronounces words ending -ing as -ink. I normally love the diversity that accents bring to the language, but I can't listen to her. I also think that John Barrowman would have made anybody look good.

Unless you want to end up self harming due to fury about "thinks" make sure you never even for a moment catch Stephanie on IW/C&C. :mysmilie_73:
I also agree with many of the posts about JF, she drives me mad also!! Ahhh!! I am getting to the stage where I cannot bear to watch her, even if its a show I want to watch I would rather not watch and put up with her cr@p!! When she was on the other day with Ralph from Honora she started going on about Laarrrry and I thought THATS IT, so I turned over. I think she was on her best behaviour with John Barrowman as she seemed a different person. Probably had a brain transplant!! For JF to say she couldn't make the Easiyo yogurt I don't find that endearing it shows how bliddy stupid she is. She likes to brag how much her OH spends on her, perhaps he does not know any better!! Sorry if I have upset anyone, so I apologise if I have!!
"I have never been introduced personally to her but as she is often in my living room uninvited"

So she has control over your remote control too?! Blimey.

I don't mean that in a derogatory way but I would hate for you to have to order some rubber wallpaper just because of a saleswoman you could avoid!
When she was on the other day with Ralph from Honora she started going on about Laarrrry and I thought THATS IT, so I turned over.

She was wittering on about Laarrrraaay in the midnight show which was bad enough, but when she was on with Ralph later yesterday afternoon she was still going on about him. Really, who cares about all these off-screen people she keeps working herself into a frenzy over? :mysmilie_73:
Watched her on easiyo too, and she contradicts herself all the time, claims to have it all the time, then claims she can't make it because she's soooo ditzy and girlie..

I'll tell you what she "is lovin'" though ... those bloody hair extensions she's got in, she was swinging her head round as if she was in a head and shoulders advert ... I also spot a bit of the old botox .. ssssshh ... its a secret ......

Sorry but she irritates the hell out of me ... !!!
I don't think it's a secret that JF is not my favourite, but I am kerbing my insults towards her and will begin with a relatively nice comment - she's looked far better with the hair piece and false eyelashes - from a distance. There I've said it. However, in today's society when a lot of people make comments about youngsters not being able to speak properly I wonder where it began - possibly the likes of JF being lazy with her words? She may be super fit but she's lazy - with the English language, in fact I'm surprised she doesn't say Finks, maybe she does, my mind turns off of her voice, "somethink" I learned from "havink" small kids, and boy and I glad I did.

Cheers boys XX :mysmilie_687: :mysmilie_12:
"I have never been introduced personally to her but as she is often in my living room uninvited"

So she has control over your remote control too?! Blimey.

I don't mean that in a derogatory way but I would hate for you to have to order some rubber wallpaper just because of a saleswoman you could avoid![/QUOTE]

Huh? Don't quite understand your point, Swankypants. I tend to purchase items I need, want and can afford regardless of the presenter and sometimes despite the presenter. The reason JF is an uninvited guest is because I may wish to watch QVC as there might be something I want to buy (mostly Lola Rose at the moment) and I'll tune in especially to watch the presentation but there she'll be, whether I like it or not...therefore, she is in my living room but certainly NOT because I want her there, in fact in this digital age I'd think QVC could have on-line video's of items without a presenter and I'd gladly watch them to see the item I'm thinking of purchasing without the irritating presenters like JF. If my remote could function so I can delete her but watch the item I'd be pressing that button like fury!
My turn, my turn! For me, Jill and Debbie are the worst. Debbie is sooo over the top, thankfully she has moved away from the hard sell routine she employed when she first came back, but she must think we are all stupid the way she practically orgams very time she smells a face cream or tastes a diet chef biscuit.

Now, JF. What bugs me about Franks is that she thinks she is a beauty therapist and always buts in when the real experts are talking, but it's always with utter carp. I watched her on a Gatineau show and Andrew was explaining about the PH balance of their toners and she buts in to announce that she is "massively into PH balances". Ok Jill... So Andrew continues about the PH of oven cleaner or something and she buts in again and says "because you need to have products that are PH 7". Andrew just ignored her and went on to explain that 5.5 is the correct balance (her "fact" being massively unhelpful because the argument for using toner is that water is not the right PH for our skin so you need to tone afterwards, whereas if we needed our skin to be PH 7 there would be no need to use toner). Also, she rants on during Decleor shows about how she uses all the products and offers her own skincare advice. Frankly Jill, you look like a sun dried tomato and I'm not going to be taking beauty advice from you!
"Frankly Jill, you look like a sun dried tomato and I'm not going to be taking beauty advice from you!"

Now I've got to wipe tea off my screen. That's one of the funniest insults I've read in a long time :D

With regard to language, one of my pet peeves is the misuse and mixing of "classic" and "classical". Perhaps those at the top of the command chain are just as bad because I'm sure someone in the 'gallery' should be correcting these errors but I don't suppose they know any better themselves.
Try never to watch her,imho "girlie girls" have always been in real life the toughest hardest b..ches you could ever cross swords with,so even though I have never met her I'm quite sure I would never want to.
Having seen her in the flesh at a QVc 'do' she is even thinner and more scary in the flesh.Very unhealthy looking little lollipop. I really can't stand her-she is the only QVC presenter I really cannot watch for any length of time-Slimey Craig is bad enough but I can just about tolerate him whilst gritting my teeth. I laughed when she tripped herself up in a lie the last time LE was on with the TSV: She said she had started her mum on the superbalm concentrate and she was loving it,then a little later said 'maybe I should get my mum that next' and then tried to correct herself,giggled,gave an anxious look into the camera and then they cut back to Liz again (who did her Swan thing and either never noticed or completely ignored it.) I ran it back 3 times as I couldn't believe she had messed up so royally! I remember when the Apprentice teams were on there and the critisism she levelled at them (and lets face it,it was a new thing for them whilst she is 'trained' and has been doing it donkey years) could have easily been levelled at her. She made the comment then though,that you do whatever it takes to sell the product-so in her case,that means lies and hard sell with regular updates telling you to buy quickly as it will sell out. I hated the hours with Ralph,who seems such a gent.OOh I'm all in a lather now-need to have a soothing cup of tea and biscuit!

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