(In)consistent beauty advice?


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Dec 12, 2009
Watching decleor show yesterday it was starting to strike me that AY's beauty advice can be inconsistent - obviously to fit the product she's selling. So here are some questions:

Should we use toner or not? Some ranges include them (Decleor/ Elemis) - but not with all products (like decleor's cleansing foams) but they never tell us we should use/buy the toner separately if we buy that product. Plus other ranges (like Clientele/ SBC) have cleansing washes that tone as well.

Are cleansing washes proper cleansers? In yesterday;s Decleor show they kep going on that you should use the lotion if you want to do a 'proper' cleanse - but when they sell the washes they don;t tell you the washes don#t cleanse your skin properly!

Should we use a separate eye make remover? But C&P is sold as Ok for eye makeup removal (as are several other ranges as well like Elemis).

Are separate products really necessary for areas like eyes, lips. necks? Apparently in one of yesterdays' beauty shows normal facial scrubs are not OK for lips because the skin is 'different' and you need to buy the expensive tiny pot of some unheard of celebirty range.

For a beauty expert AY to me just seems to tailor her expertise to the product that is on air at that time...:mysmilie_81:
I agree with you but I have no answers.

I have made the decision not to buy any more beauty products from QVC, mainly for that reason - I've lost any confidence I used to have that they actually tell us the truth !

I now buy "high street" products such as Boots No7, Marks and Spencer's skin care ranges, Olay etc and I'm still reasonably happy with my skin

I'm really not into beauty - I'm happy with what I use and it works for me (liz earle)

The only other thing I may be sorely tempted to use is the ultra sun - so i do watch presentations on that.I've put this many times on this forum - simply because I could not believe my ears - AY said very clearly on one presentation that if you don't want wrinkles - chuck everything else away - you do not need any other product etc etc this is the only product you'll ever need.Period.

So that kinda put all the the other comments she makes into perspective (for me)
yep i agree with you i dont listen to AY much any more cos so ovious shes just a sales person now,she does always say though about c&p that she prefers us to use seperate eye make up removers as in the long run all the pulling and dragging can cause wrinkles, ive not heard her say that while on air with LE though
as for toners ive never used one that actuuly does a single thing apart from LE cos it smells georgeous.Then they usually bang on about cleansing twice which unless youve been doing some sort of drag act i dont think is needed, is that just a ploy to get us running out quicker?
I'd like to start by saying I am a Liz earle fan and i'm grateful to qvc because without them i wouldn't have been introduced to her brand.
However I gave up taking beauty advice from Ay years ago. You're right Dr Jude she changes her spiel and" Beauty desert Island must haves "to suit the show she is presenting. How her guests haven't cottoned on to it I don't know or maybe they have and just don't care as long as they shift the products
She is laughably inconsistent and i wish she'd stop being so celebrity obsessed and realise the majority of us don't give a flying fig what supposed products they use on their surgically enhanced faces.
During the Bare essentials show yesterday she talked about how the foundation would just glide on over your moisturiser then in the next breath buy the primer otherwise your make up won't glide on as smoothly as it should.:mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73:
The thing to bear in mind is that it's not 'beauty advice', it's 'marketing'. AY is a saleswoman, and you are being sold a product. As with all sales pitches, you should exercise your own judgement at all times.
LE lover your point made me wonder if there was any products that I am thankful I've been introduced to by QVC. One that I definitely would not want to be without is the Alguaromes shower gel (not found a high street alternative yet that quite hits the mark) and another might be the decloer night balms which I use now and again. There is probably a longer list though of items I've been brainwashed into thinking I need (like makeup primers).
LE lover your point made me wonder if there was any products that I am thankful I've been introduced to by QVC. One that I definitely would not want to be without is the Alguaromes shower gel (not found a high street alternative yet that quite hits the mark) and another might be the decloer night balms which I use now and again. There is probably a longer list though of items I've been brainwashed into thinking I need (like makeup primers).

That's exactly the point, If you went into any shop or beauty counter and had that hard sell for about 10 mins about any product you'd believe you needed it . Just because Ay calls herself an expert and keeps using the words only before mentioning the price is £69 a pot it's easy to become tempted.
I don’t listen to her advice either. I only buy those brands I know and like. If I like the look of something new then I will always research it before listening to AY’s advice!! Funnily enough, it was during the Decleor hour that I was thinking about her inconsistent advice too! She was mentioning cleansing wipes, about you should always tone after them, whereas she has been known to previously spit her dummy out when mentioned before. Beauty 'experts' are not the gods they think they are, they know the basics and can only sprout on about the products they have been trained in. My sis in law for example, knows her stuff about skin but can only tell me about Decleor as that’s all she sells, she knows nothing about the benefits of Elemis, but still tries to persuade me to switch to Decleor! At the end of the day, as long as you’re looking after your skin by regularly cleansing and moisturising, and ideally eating a good diet, brands are just there for preference. My sister is training in beauty at the moment, and as she hasn’t been indoctrinated into any particular brand, her advice is spot on!!
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Watching decleor show yesterday it was starting to strike me that AY's beauty advice can be inconsistent - obviously to fit the product she's selling. So here are some questions:

Should we use toner or not? Some ranges include them (Decleor/ Elemis) - but not with all products (like decleor's cleansing foams) but they never tell us we should use/buy the toner separately if we buy that product. Plus other ranges (like Clientele/ SBC) have cleansing washes that tone as well.

Are cleansing washes proper cleansers? In yesterday;s Decleor show they kep going on that you should use the lotion if you want to do a 'proper' cleanse - but when they sell the washes they don;t tell you the washes don#t cleanse your skin properly!
Should we use a separate eye make remover? But C&P is sold as Ok for eye makeup removal (as are several other ranges as well like Elemis).

Are separate products really necessary for areas like eyes, lips. necks? Apparently in one of yesterdays' beauty shows normal facial scrubs are not OK for lips because the skin is 'different' and you need to buy the expensive tiny pot of some unheard of celebirty range.

For a beauty expert AY to me just seems to tailor her expertise to the product that is on air at that time...:mysmilie_81:

It came across to me that the washes were a second rate product so why does such a prestigious brand as Decleor sell them?
I treat AY no different from any sa in a cosmetic hall. They are only interested in selling the brand they work for and come out with the biggest load dog do on some occasions. As AY works with different brands she will of course follow the company policy for each brand whether it contradicts any other brands she is selling ten minutes later.

So overtime I have decided to use whatever brand I like and follow my own routine when using said brand. I have removed makeup with a facial wash without problem, I do use a toner(well I have two 400mls sizes so need to use them up).

Sa's want you to use up the product quickly in order that you buy more. The newest formula is always better than the old one which only came out like ten minutes ago.
Just watching Claudia's show - she is quite refreshing actually. I only caught a bit but I saw no gushing/overselling, and she even said it didn't matter what colour neck toner you had - whereas other presenters would have you matching it to your knickers or your next door neighbours bread knife!!! :mysmilie_17: And "one at home, one on the go" (GH lift lip) - rather than one at home, one in the breadbin/shed/garage/shower/stable......:mysmilie_61: More Claudia for beauty shows :mysmilie_696:
I only watch A Y for a laugh and to count how many time she says "Cheryl Cole", how in the name of anything are any of us going to look like Cheryl Cole by buying some overpriced tosh off QVC ! Agree with LElover that there are products I would never have tried without tuning into QVC, love Elemis and Deceleor neroli oil, but my cleanser is always from Boots likewise toner and skinwash. It's just a question of what suits your skin and your budget.
I only watch A Y for a laugh and to count how many time she says "Cheryl Cole", how in the name of anything are any of us going to look like Cheryl Cole by buying some overpriced tosh off QVC ! Agree with LElover that there are products I would never have tried without tuning into QVC, love Elemis and Deceleor neroli oil, but my cleanser is always from Boots likewise toner and skinwash. It's just a question of what suits your skin and your budget.

I think we sometimes forget that they are asking astronomical prices for some of their skincare and shower gels. Don't get me wrong i love my l'occitaine but once my stockpile is finished it's back to the high st brands for me.
If i was in sainsburys and I saw a shower gel for £20 I would laugh as it's a ridiculous price. Sometimes a trip down the high st is just what you need to gain some perspective on the prices qvc are asking.
I got the impression watching one the Decleor shows yesterday that the TSV was aimed at people who have either never had a skincare regime or have lapsed from it (ie made a New Years resolution to give the skin a good purge!!) and that's why a bit of everything was included.

I still don't understand why I use toner. I use LE Instant Boost Skin tonic and apart from knowing that it doesn't have alcohol or astringent in it like supermarket ones I really don't know what it's doing!

Yesterday, I noted that AY was demoing the eye make up remover as a step up from normal cleansing but like overtherainbow commented it sounded like you need to be wearing the equivalent of a drag queen to use it.

I think we sometimes forget that they are asking astronomical prices for some of their skincare and shower gels. Don't get me wrong i love my l'occitaine but once my stockpile is finished it's back to the high st brands for me.
If i was in sainsburys and I saw a shower gel for £20 I would laugh as it's a ridiculous price. Sometimes a trip down the high st is just what you need to gain some perspective on the prices qvc are asking.

This is true. More expensive is not always much better! Just before Christmas I decided I was bored with my make up and wanted to do smokey eyes. I went into Boots and Rimmel were giveing away a palette with £10.00 spent. This pallette has the eyeshadow colours in it I wanted and has a fabulous blusher that looks very similar to Smashbox fusion pots.
I'll admit that when I first started watching QVC I took everything AY said as gospel, and fell for a lot of the spiel. It lead to me buying and regretting buying lots of products that either didn't work or didn't live up to the hype. However, I have learned a few bits and bobs from her and along the way have changed my skincare routine from a fairly bad one to a fairly reasonable one. I can't and don't think I ever will use a cream cleanser and seperate eye make up remover - I really really do prefer a lather from a face wash on my skin, I just don't feel clean otherwise - and that won't ever change. I know that when I use a cream cleanser (from any brand) I immediately break out in spots, get more oily and feel grimy. I can't explain it, it's just how I am.

I think at the end of the day if a 50p pot of Astral and a bar of soap works for you and you have lovely skin and are happy then all power to you. My Grandmother got to 88, washed her face every day in Fairy Green Household Soap, slapped on a layer of Ponds cold cream twice a day and there wasnt a wrinkle on her. My routine is slightly more than that, but it doesn't cost me a fortune and it suits my skin. At the end of the day it's up to us to decide what's right - and if you ahve the money and can afford the treats, then go for it and don't feel guilty - but likewise if a cheap, simple routine suits you then that's brilliant as well. Don't be afraid to trust your own judgement, and don't rely on someone who changes her tune more often than she slaps on an expensive pot of face cream just cos Cheryl Cole uses it ;) :D
I don't believe a word about the alleged benefits of all the gloop on QVC. Sure most of it only works on surface level otherwise it would need a medical licence.

Can't say I can ever trust someone who once extolled the virtues of that dreadful Genie rubbish she used to push.
I reckon that if you cleanse and moisture, using a range that you like and can afford, plus use a SPF of 15 or above, lay off the fags and booze, try to eat well and hopefully sleep well and are able to handle stress there isn't much else you can do for your skin. Sadly sleep deprivation and stress tend to go hand in hand and do take their toll. I also think that skin care and make up should be a pleasure and be part of valuing and treating yourself and not promoted as some sort of alchemy and mystery that will keep us young forever. Pampering good, imposible promises bad!
Argh!! Did anyone else see what AY just did in the last beauty hour? You know that whole rule about not pumping the wands in mascaras/lipglosses etc to stop the bacteria getting in - well, she's just done it really heavy handedly on a set of lipglosses she was demonstrating. Now, that's inconsistent -she'd go barmy if anyone else did that...

Sorry, rant over - it actually is one of my bugbears that...:D

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