If postage was capped would you honestly spend more on Q?


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The only way I'll buy more is if (a) I like it, (b) I need it and (c) I can't get it cheaper anywhere else once the price including postage is factored in. Even things I used to love I no longer buy because I've found better quality, cheaper items elsewhere. In fact, we've bought more from IW recently because it's practical stuff we needed.

So the answer seems to be sorry, QVC, improve your product range first of all and charge a price that includes postage and packaging. Treat your customers fairly by discounting multiple purchased items, even different colours and sizes. Your "fashion" range just isn't and I don't buy beauty products, no matter how much you thrust them in my face. Oh, and stop your presenters treating me like the village idiot. We can see through your sales ploys and after a while, they just don't work.
It wouldn't encourage me to buy any more than I do which these days is minimal.As others have said I have worked through my Q buying obsession and much happier and richer for it! Few days ago one of the guest presenters was saying we should buy the top she was showing in all 3 colours,not mentioning these would be sent separately with 3 lots of P and P.They should sort that issue out its ludicrous.
no matter how daft qvc think we are i would never pay £18 to try on 2 tops and return two of them
Well the one thing this has shown is that whilst we have all fallen out of love with Q and don't order much capping postage wouldn't make us buy any more but we would still like it offered (just in case we take the head staggers again)
Well the one thing this has shown is that whilst we have all fallen out of love with Q and don't order much capping postage wouldn't make us buy any more but we would still like it offered (just in case we take the head staggers again)

I still like to watch Q but I now do it in a more ad hoc way,when in the past I would watch more or less most of the day
except when working.
Although I do occasionally still order items from QVC I don't tend to make impulsive purchases because if the P&P costs. I no longer order clothing, footwear or handbags as I like to try before I buy.
Funnily, footwear would be the one item I would buy under capped postage as it is the only item I would actually use and then take advantage of 30 MBG . I have terrible problems with footwear no matter how much I walk around the house on carpets etc I am not outside for 5 minutes when I just know that it was another bad buy.

Mind you they would need to sort out the sizing, all this size up size down malarkey and why can't we have half sizes.
Funnily, footwear would be the one item I would buy under capped postage as it is the only item I would actually use and then take advantage of 30 MBG . I have terrible problems with footwear no matter how much I walk around the house on carpets etc I am not outside for 5 minutes when I just know that it was another bad buy.

Mind you they would need to sort out the sizing, all this size up size down malarkey and why can't we have half sizes.

When I went to podiatry for my painful, painful feet she breezily told me 'of course, women your age and size often have problems with painful feet and fallen arches'. Thanks for that, love...
The only thing that would make me order more often from QVC is FREE postage and packing. Every item I want I search elsewhere now, and usually find it cheaper overall elsewhere. The free postage and packing always swings me. But that is never going to happen. I even gave yesterday's Decleor TSV a miss. There was a time when I wouldn't not order a Decleor TSV, but because other sites give free postage and better prices, I tend to order what I want, when I need it from them, rather than wait for the TSV.

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