If I Was QVC CEO, I Would ...


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Feb 3, 2012
do the following. a.Sell men's wear|shoes|toiletries with models from 20 to 70. b.Have grey-haired female models. c.Sell more wig|hair piece ranges. d.Sell knitting machines with demonstrations. e.Sell sewing machines with competent presenters to encourage and teach recycling|adjusting clothes, patchwork etc. f.Show make-up applications in real time, eg: Stacey|Models Prefer. g.Perform makeovers on QVC viewers ie: hair, make-up, clothes, shoes (newly-divorced, re-entering job market, recovery from illness etc.). What would you do? And if we see any of these ideas on QVC, we'll know where they got the idea(s)!!!
Takes big huge deeep breath - I would:-
Get all the clothes sellers to sort out the clothing sizes.
Stop giving the item colours bizarre names, and stick to the names they have been given by the manufacturers
Topical one - shake up the philosophy selection to make it more varied.
Ask Debbie Flint to stop cackling like an old fish wife (not conducive to aspiration selling) and her 'get yer apples ere' presenting style. OR move next door.
Inform Catherine Huntley that painting her own nails, trying on clothes, gazing at herself during a show is not on - stop or go!
Stop selling teeny weeny sample sizes of products to us and stop presenting them as if they are a real bargain, they are not. (yes gatineau I'm talking to you!)
Tell Kim to stop giggling like a 2 year old and GROW UP LOVE!

Can't think of anymore, but I reserve the right to add more as the day goes on if anything springs to mind.....
If I was CEO I would sack Jill Franks for the lies she tells !

Give AY a final warning for her behaviour towards the guests & the same to Ms Huntley & tell her to clean up the toilet she mistakes for a brain.
I would offer Webby Graham a sum of money too large to turn down for him to close down this forum, so we could no longer criticise QVC
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Sorry but I would do a cull /re train of some of the wing it, over paid, possession obsessed and self promoting presenters.
Due to the increased number of excellent brand representatives and professional guest presenters a good few of the regular presenters are no longer required in their present form.
In days gone by, the presenters used to do many hours of various products solely on their own.
Requiring them to do plenty of before hand preparation, perform a demo and show full product knowledge.
All too easily now they turn up, sit there self promoting and looking at themselves in the monitor, making all about me comments.
Then ask for reviews/phone calls/twitter comments for the viewers themselves to actually sell the products.
1.Allow customers to put as many items in your basket as you like for only one, reasonable delivery charge, or better still free delivery.

2. Sack the legal department or the staff who are ignoring their advice abiut what a 30 dat MBG actually means and instruct all staff to make terms and conditions perfectly clear
If I was CEO I would sack Jill Franks for the lies she tells !

Give AY a final warning for her behaviour towards the guests & the same to Ms Huntley & tell her to clean up the toilet she mistakes for a brain.

I would sack Jill Franks too but just because she is a terrible presenter.
h. I would display an on-screen size chart for clothes. --- I can't thank/like from my mobile, so please, everyone, take it as a given! And we are all available, Mr Boyd, at a huge consulting fee!
I would do fashion hours with complete outfits so that you can see how things look together. Clarks shoes, a kim and Co dress a cashmasoft cardigan; that sort of thing.

AND I would definately do something about the postage charges;

1. reduce them a bit and have them make sense!! Two eye pencils shouldn't cost the same amount to send as something much heavier.
2. a standard charge for multiple items ordered on the same day.
3. 50% reduction on postage for any second or subsequent item with the same item number. If may want to order the same item in two colours/fragrances/sizes but paying full postage on them all would stop me from doing so.

Did I mention that I would sack Jill Franks....
Give Alison Young the boot. She no longer serves a purpose. Its a wonder she has never been done for common assault (sp).

Do proper clothes sizing and make vendors stick to the same sizing.

Dump Basso

Make all cosmetic sellers apply makeup to clean faced models for demos.

Get Charlie to man up and stop talking so slowly, or go.

Ban all presenters from talking about celebs when selling.
As much as I like Julia Roberts I would send her and Alison Young for lessons in how to dress to suit their shape. I know that we are all sick of hearing about the toe posts and zippy leggings/skinny jeans BUT Julia had them on again last night whilst hoovering last night and they loooked terrible. As always. Get me the flame thrower please....
:clapping:I would give Alison Young carte blanche to slap all presenters and guests into shape.......

Yes really!!!
No 1 .... I would give more hours to Debbie Greenwood, she appears to listen to the guests and is easier on the ears than some of them.
No 2 .... Listen to the customers they are after all the ones keeping your company in business
No 3 .... Make everything clear to customers regarding the 30 day money back guarantee
No 4 .... Stop some of the presenters talking to the customers as if they are stupid.
No 5 .... Ban certain words eg phenominom (SP?)
Most of the above. Plus:

When showing a 'before' still shot of model with lank hair, no makeup or whatever, please remove the filters that change her hair colour or make her look half dead so that we can make a genuine comparison.

Give a contact email or text number for the guest expert so that we can ask questions about products that we might want to buy in between airings. (Pigs will fly before that happens I reckon but it would be useful. I'm thinking of Tom Ogden in particular because I like alpha-h and would like to know more about which serum to buy etc. because there often is no video available).
As much as I like Julia Roberts I would send her and Alison Young for lessons in how to dress to suit their shape. I know that we are all sick of hearing about the toe posts and zippy leggings/skinny jeans BUT Julia had them on again last night whilst hoovering last night and they loooked terrible. As always. Get me the flame thrower please....

And tell her to be more realistic with her sizings. I don't believe in a pigs eye she is wearing a 12 in that Ronni Nicole dress on the 5pm show with the size of her lower regions & her chesticles.:taphead: According to the measurements that makes her a 33inch bust.Porkies !!!
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Make all p&p free forever.
Make everything on 4 easy pays forever.
Make the website give the full list of ingredients for all beauty, and food, items.
I would get rid of all fashion and beauty items and just have shows of electronic gadgets, kitchen gadgets, DIY and tools, gardening gadgets (but no flowers and fertilisers) and any other gadgets they can dredge up.
1 Whenever the 30 MBG is mentioned they should add on "Terms and Conditions apply"
2 Ban all presenters from saying "I use this/ have this at home"
3 Improve the delivery time.
4 Introduce some scheme to reward loyal and regular customers.
Stop 3 people presenting/demonstrating gardening shows, just have Charlie Dimmock on her own! 3 people talking about a wind spinner for 20 mins is death by TV.
I would do fashion hours with complete outfits so that you can see how things look together. Clarks shoes, a kim and Co dress a cashmasoft cardigan; that sort of thing.

They actually did something a bit like this a few years ago, well sort of.... There was a whole evening presented by Glen Campbell and Alison Young which showed us how to get the complete look, including fashion, beauty, and jewellery. Anyone else remember this or have I made it up completely? :mysmilie_506::mysmilie_506:

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