Ideal World Lies


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Oct 17, 2024
Hi everyone, I'm new here and just came across this forum a day or two ago. I've been watching Ideal World for a year or two now and am frankly incredulous that their presenters can seemingly tell lie after lie without any sanction whatsoever. I've seen them promote ceramic heaters that defy the laws of Physics, beauty devices that make you look 20 years younger practically overnight, creams and ointments that cure every disease or ailment that you can possibly think of including cancer and so on. And every single one of the shysters claim that each product that they bring to air is "flying out the door" and is going to sell out within minutes which it NEVER does. There's something seriously wrong with this country if they can get away with this blatantly fraudulent behaviour scot-free. Has anyone ever tried complaining about them to Trading Standards for instance? Surely it'd be an open and shut case?
Sometimes you get hardened and cynical about the way they operate - making comedy out of it. Sometimes you need a fresh opinion from an articulate voice to bring you back to thinking that how they mislead with impunity is actually a pretty serious state of affairs. I genuinely don’t know if Trading Standards are allowed to get involved or not? Are TV shopping channels’ selling transgressions their remit or does it have to be the ASA?
Sometimes you get hardened and cynical about the way they operate - making comedy out of it. Sometimes you need a fresh opinion from an articulate voice to bring you back to thinking that how they mislead with impunity is actually a pretty serious state of affairs. I genuinely don’t know if Trading Standards are allowed to get involved or not? Are TV shopping channels’ selling transgressions their remit or does it have to be the ASA?
It’s trading
Sometimes you get hardened and cynical about the way they operate - making comedy out of it. Sometimes you need a fresh opinion from an articulate voice to bring you back to thinking that how they mislead with impunity is actually a pretty serious state of affairs. I genuinely don’t know if Trading Standards are allowed to get involved or not? Are TV shopping channels’ selling transgressions their remit or does it have to be the ASA?

I would say ASA for the things they say on the TV show or state on the web.

If the products purchased don't conform to the stated specs/function or have faults then under the Consumer Rights Act we would have recourse and if IW would not honour their obligations then we could refer the case to trading standards I think.
Indeed they are trading. But we are talking here about the way that goods are presented to the public, and the serious shortcomings this channel consistently has in doing that in a candid, transparent and above all..FACTUAL manner. I suspect that we cannot take the way goods are being sold on television to an organisation like Trading Standards. We are stuck with the useless ASA that does nothing and never will do. Trading Standards’ only role that I can see here is dealing with defective goods sold by shopping channels and not the WAY they sell them. That is the key issue, and because there is no serious policing by the allotted investigative body, this particular channel and others have absolutely no incentive to clean up their collective acts.

Agree completely with Wanderer.
Thanks for the advice everyone. The outlandish claims are indeed amusing up to a point but then it occurs to me that there's real people out there who are getting sucked in by these flagrant lies and ending up out of pocket. P.S. Over the last few weeks I've noticed that ALL of the presenters have started to employ the phrase "flying out the door" which makes me think that the deception is totally systematic and orchestrated from above.
I've complained to the ASA and they told them not to do it again. But they do it again and the ASA tell them again not to do it again. I have read comments on these threads that the ASA have stopped accepting complaints from certain people as they are seen to have a grudge against the company by constantly complaining about IW. Of course you could say that these people constantly complain because absolutely no-one in authority stops IW from acting the way they do.

We need Watchdog back, or one of those scam programmes they show on BBC1 in the mornings. I never liked Anne Robinson but she would sort the presenters out.

Bernie100, not sure how much of this forum you've read but the presenters and crew read it. They then use our screen names (mainly Hammy) and read out texts saying he's bought everything and saying how wonderful the product is. Although why we would use our screen names we use here to text IW is a mystery. That is blatant misrepresentation. Unless there is another Hammy from Aberdeen who goes walking. They've used my screen name Muttley - I'm apparently a man from Hull (I'm a female from London). When we say something here often the same thing is said by the presenter. We refer to the crew as idiot YTS trainees.

Nothing changes. But we have fun on this forum having a rant so welcome🙌
Thanks for the advice everyone. The outlandish claims are indeed amusing up to a point but then it occurs to me that there's real people out there who are getting sucked in by these flagrant lies and ending up out of pocket. P.S. Over the last few weeks I've noticed that ALL of the presenters have started to employ the phrase "flying out the door" which makes me think that the deception is totally systematic and orchestrated from above.
When they say things like "you can't get his cheaper" I just grab my phone and check a couple of places. Mostly finding it cheaper within 2 minutes. But they are relying on an audience who either trust the presenters, or don't have the ability to check their claims easily.
Essentially , I think all we can do is continue to ridicule them. Clearly, they don’t like being mocked. The truth hurts. And if the truth is applied to be hurting in a comedic sense only, then so be it. These people need to go home and sleep at night. I know if I was cheating, prone to generally misinforming and getting my customers at times to part with their monies under false pretences in my job, I would lie awake at night worrying about it. Do they? I very much doubt it.
Essentially , I think all we can do is continue to ridicule them. Clearly, they don’t like being mocked. The truth hurts. And if the truth is applied to be hurting in a comedic sense only, then so be it. These people need to go home and sleep at night. I know if I was cheating, prone to generally misinforming and getting my customers at times to part with their monies under false pretences in my job, I would lie awake at night worrying about it. Do they? I very much doubt it.
Pedro probably stays at the Ritz
Thanks for the advice everyone. The outlandish claims are indeed amusing up to a point but then it occurs to me that there's real people out there who are getting sucked in by these flagrant lies and ending up out of pocket. P.S. Over the last few weeks I've noticed that ALL of the presenters have started to employ the phrase "flying out the door" which makes me think that the deception is totally systematic and orchestrated from above.

It's infectious

Alex K on QVC just said "flying out".
When they say things like "you can't get his cheaper" I just grab my phone and check a couple of places. Mostly finding it cheaper within 2 minutes. But they are relying on an audience who either trust the presenters, or don't have the ability to check their claims easily.
Yes I do the same. I always now check. Taking into account delivery times, pp, when I want the item. As consumers we need to be more savvy. It's up to us to check and not take at face value what we are being told.

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