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Touche! Loen may be a very nice person, but imo never in this life would she get a job as presenter anywhere other than IW.
Nine times out of ten she has no idea what she is talking about,or indeed what she is going to say next. I know for sure I wouldn't pay her in buttons... She was funny to start with,now I just switch her off.. I switched the fashion on yesterday and she had something on her head that made her look like a bag lady....

I agree both Loen (I haven't got a clue about this product,but I will stand here and make funny noises and totally irrelevant remarks) Love and Timothy Lumsden sorry I meant Shaun (Seriously,outstanding product) Ryan would not get a job anywhere else on TV.
I think Shaun has been at IW since the very beginning which basically tells you everything about this boy's talent.
Mrs H says he will be buried on the set of IW when he finally pops his cloggs,as he is so much part of the furniture........:angel:
I agree both Loen (I haven't got a clue about this product,but I will stand here and make funny noises and totally irrelevant remarks) Love and Timothy Lumsden sorry I meant Shaun (Seriously,outstanding product) Ryan would not get a job anywhere else on TV.
I think Shaun has been at IW since the very beginning which basically tells you everything about this boy's talent.
Mrs H says he will be buried on the set of IW when he finally pops his cloggs,as he is so much part of the furniture........:angel:

Would you believe Timothy/Shaun is 42? I was surprised :mysmilie_505:
If you are talking IQ Mommabear,then I wouldn't be surprised at all............:cheeky:
I DO apologise: this is a NICE thread about IW, regardless of any on-screen provocation that may present itself.

As you were. :happy:
I would watch IW if the products were better and different as I think the most positive thing is that in general the presenters don't take themselves as seriously as those on QVC! They look like they enjoy working at IW...if I can mention C&C this channel has flourished this year and it's a positive thing for IW in the face of the barren wasteland that was craft on QVC!

Can you imagine Nigel May or Loen Love on QVC..nuff said!

You talk of fashion but IW present Yours Clothing and I have bought quite a few bits from them this year..but direct from them not IW of course!
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Considering the latest crop of QVC presenters (Anna the slowly deflating Care Bear, Mic(h)eal the pygmy on speed and Carmel [who may be in a relationship or something - she's so closed-mouthed about it though!]) that are allegedly gracing our screens, Nigel and Loen would be a step up!
Considering the latest crop of QVC presenters (Anna the slowly deflating Care Bear, Mic(h)eal the pygmy on speed and Carmel [who may be in a relationship or something - she's so closed-mouthed about it though!]) that are allegedly gracing our screens, Nigel and Loen would be a step up!

can't disagree with you there HC, luckily I seem to miss them most of the time!
I do enjoy watching Loen acting the fool for the entertainment value, but I would never buy anything from her. Its more about her than the product for me.
I do enjoy watching Loen acting the fool for the entertainment value, but I would never buy anything from her. Its more about her than the product for me.

That is exactly it NikkiJ..........:mysmilie_502:
And if the top brass at IW could only realise this they might sell more stuff......:taphead:
As a shopping channel they should be looking to sell products,and not to try and perform variety with the likes of Loen (I ain't got a clue about this product,but I will make funny noises and totally irrelevant remarks) Love and Howard (We have a stock update,these are literally flying out of the window,there is only wait a minute 40%,did I say 40% well I meant 35% of today's stock left) Griffiths.
I ain't no stick in the mud and like the occasional laugh,but when I want to purchase something I am looking for a detailed presentation and that is something you just don't get with presenters like "Love and Griffiths"
^^^ I agree ^^^

Loen certainly only has entertainment value, but not much else

However, IW don't help the situation by selling totally BLAND products, not once a week, but over and over. which leaves nothing substantial for the viewer to stay tuned into

Within 10 minutes of seeing a product most people have already decided if they do or don't want it. If the ONE product has a further 50 minutes sales pitch to go, 'entertainment' is the last resort to stop us switching back to QVC ... "fibre fillers" maybe

I Was there during the early launch days (Whatters/Lavers/Flint) great variety of product and a good balance of entertainment, rarely dull moments through the shows

IW seriously need a board meeting to re-jig the on air agenda, and bring back the IW that at first, shook up QVC Towers
Spot on! Their product selection has been nothing short of appalling these last few months with maybe 2 or 3 different items over a 6/8 hour schedule...Tom Tom, karcher, Tom Tom etc.

I can only assume that there are still viewers out there that need these things as the gods at IW keep hawking them! And as or that bloody Toshiba laptop...get a different selection already!!! I feel very sorry for the presenters who have to go on about the same boring old **** day in day out!!!
Gave up on em all ages ago...just see them when channel hoping...did it earlier and guess what...friggin' karchers again!! Jesus H Christ (c)
It's like eternal damnation: being made to flog Karchers, Poltis and halogen ovens on a neverending loop.
Awwww: everyone stopped loving IW in 2011?

Come on: it's 2012! Ellis has lost weight, the Loves are both trying new wigs, and Howard is... There. Yes. :wonder:

They have new products! Like, erm... :thinking: And the, ah... Yes. :blush:

Hurrah for IW!
They have some Kurt Muller stuff now which is a definite improvement - mind you, with a KM outlet store just down the road I ain't going to buy from IW!!:nod::nod:

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