"I wasn't expecting it to go there" and faux shock faces


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Feb 16, 2023
Anyone else get annoyed with this, with EVERY item, no matter who the presenter is?

They know EXACTLY where the prices are going to because they have a sheet next to them on the desk that tells them the price that every item is going to "drop" to. They hide it out of view, but occasionally, they forget and the camera catches a glance of it on the desk. Alex McKay used to leave his in view on Gem Collector regularly, and Jim even HOLDS HIS UP and tells us in advance what prices of certain items are going to drop to.

It especially annoys me on things like the 'secret santa' bags and the wooden boxes - the prices of those items have been the same for YEARS - yet the presenters still pretend to be shocked.
I don't understand why it's still in the Selly Telly Handbook either. Don't these companies look at changing attitudes and trends at all?! It's so behind the times, especially in this digital age, with access to price & product information from across the globe. The sales reps on TJC, when they're part of a double act, are equally as bad - sometimes worse - with their spiel. It comes across as so false, you might think they were deliberately parodying themselves.
I don't understand why it's still in the Selly Telly Handbook either. Don't these companies look at changing attitudes and trends at all?! It's so behind the times, especially in this digital age, with access to price & product information from across the globe. The sales reps on TJC, when they're part of a double act, are equally as bad - sometimes worse - with their spiel. It comes across as so false, you might think they were deliberately parodying themselves.
It's still being done because all of those people out there who truly believe that the presenters are their friends and they're family will fall for it time and time again, A tried and tested method to make sales out of the gullible so why change it.
Talking of pricing, adverts and gullibility, this made me chuckle - it's a banner ad from this forum.

Left: Yeah, right...£49.99 on Gemporia?
Middle: What exactly are you buying and does she do the hoovering as well? 🤣
Right: Get a bit warm & have a few drinks, a trip to the ladies looks terrifying 😱
It's still being done because all of those people out there who truly believe that the presenters are their friends and they're family will fall for it time and time again, A tried and tested method to make sales out of the gullible so why change it.
I think this is true. They play on this and on people who just haven't twigged that there's a pre-prepared sheet telling the presenter the price to which the item will drop. All this faux shock and surprise is SO obvious when they keep milking it, and it's another example of how they treat the viewers as though they are idiots. Like the price comparisons for items in silver against something from elsewhere that's set in gold or with larger stones - people aren't daft, they are capable of seeing the differences.
I think this is true. They play on this and on people who just haven't twigged that there's a pre-prepared sheet telling the presenter the price to which the item will drop. All this faux shock and surprise is SO obvious when they keep milking it, and it's another example of how they treat the viewers as though they are idiots. Like the price comparisons for items in silver against something from elsewhere that's set in gold or with larger stones - people aren't daft, they are capable of seeing the differences.
Quite. I'm male, tall and I wear underpants. But I'm not remotely similar to David Gandy! 🤔🤣
Let’s face it, there are no falling price auctions on any channel. And I don’t understand how anyone who has had their telly on for more than a couple of days, hasn’t spotted this. They know exactly what each item is going for, and, usually in Me Troth’s case, they only dramatically lower the price when there is a real danger of getting left with shedloads of ‘Legacy’ pieces.
I don't understand why it's still in the Selly Telly Handbook either. Don't these companies look at changing attitudes and trends at all?! It's so behind the times, especially in this digital age, with access to price & product information from across the globe. The sales reps on TJC, when they're part of a double act, are equally as bad - sometimes worse - with their spiel. It comes across as so false, you might think they were deliberately parodying themselves.

It's embarrassing to watch - especially when it's Lyndsey Carr or Jess Foley, with their over-exaggerated shock faces.

The same applies to their price comparisons - which are always against high-end / designed brands. Why don't they just compare against genuine competitors such as H Samuel, F. Hinds Jewellers or Argos' Elizabeth Duke range. It's a pity Ratners aren't still around - they'd probably be the nearest to compare against in terms of quality...........

I'm sick of hearing them comparing their poor quality, cloudy purplish-burgundy coloured, filled Rubies in gold-tone or silver to high quality, eye-clean, red, untreated / heat-treated Rubies in gold from the likes of Tiffany's or Van Cleef & Arpels.

They actually compare their Morganite to high-end jewellery retailers - despite most of theirs being irradiated to within an inch of its life to try to get the slightest hint of pink out of it, and still barely got any pink hue out of it even then.

It's embarrassing and a total cringe.
Yes and the silence on treatments but lauding colour and clarity is creeping into Gem Collector too, which is a shame. A 3ct ruby does not cost £39.99 unless...
Gem Collector is unwatchable now in my opinion. It used to be the one channel where they didn't take people for idiots and left all the hard sell and patronising waffle to Gems TV.

Those days are gone.

A lot of the buyers on Gem Collector are very knowledgeable. Possibly even more so than the presenters. Telling us that "Tanzanite is 10,000 times rarer than a diamond" or trying to convince us that Fluorite is similar to Diamond because they "have the same crystal structure" is patronising viewers and insulting their intelligence. Neither are rare - there's tonnes of both coming out of the mines each year - and Fluorite is about as similar to Diamond as my Ford Focus is to a Bentley.

I've gone from making almost daily purchases to buying maybe twice a year - and that's only on the very rare occasion that they put a new, genuinely rare stone on there (an actual 'new' stone - not what they call a new stone - another variety of Spinel or Peridot from Farflungistan. That's not a 'new' stone - it's a stone they've flogged before - just from a new location).
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Gem Collector is unwatchable now in my opinion. It used to be the one channel where they didn't take people for idiots and left all the hard sell and patronising waffle to Gems TV.

Those days are gone.

A lot of the buyers on Gem Collector are very knowledgeable. Possibly even more so than the presenters. Telling us that "Tanzanite is 10,000 times rarer than a diamond" or trying to convince us that Fluorite is similar to Diamond because they "have the same crystal structure" is patronising viewers and insulting their intelligence. Neither are rare - there's tonnes of both coming out of the mines each year - and Fluorite is about as similar to Diamond as my Ford Focus is to a Bentley.

I've gone from making almost daily purchases to buying maybe twice a year - and that's only on the very rare occasion that they put a new, genuinely rare stone on there (an actual 'new' stone - not what they call a new stone - another variety of Spinel or Peridot from Farflungistan. That's not a 'new' stone - it's a stone they've flogged before - just from a new location).
Sadly, I think that I agree. Apart from the new studio, the changes have been subtle but there, I think.

I'm still not convinced by Jim on GC (fine on Gemporia) and Emily has pulled back a little and is not quite so friendly (more a feeling I have, hard to pinpoint or articulate).

The prices are often just silly, e.g. £104 for a small slice of nice but unremarkable malachite and the same price for a 20mm sphere of Aquaprase. I'm sure that I'm missing something but those "master carving" birds - why are they £400, for example? They do exist at a much higher price or similar in the US online but also, very similar vintage ones at a much lower price (£15 for a pretty rose quartz and sodalite macaw on an amethyst geode section, made forty years ago).

The line up is, as you say, on a bit of a treadmill. Last night it was:
- Stocking Stuffers under £20
- Jim's Gems
- Kunzite again
- Under £30 and
- Silly Steals

Your point about the breadth of type of customers on GC is bang on. I'm sure it was recognised or appreciated in the days of Alex/Emily/Nick in the "cupboard".

(PS I must steal "Farflungistan" from you 🤣)
Sadly, I think that I agree. Apart from the new studio, the changes have been subtle but there, I think.

I'm still not convinced by Jim on GC (fine on Gemporia) and Emily has pulled back a little and is not quite so friendly (more a feeling I have, hard to pinpoint or articulate).

The prices are often just silly, e.g. £104 for a small slice of nice but unremarkable malachite and the same price for a 20mm sphere of Aquaprase. I'm sure that I'm missing something but those "master carving" birds - why are they £400, for example? They do exist at a much higher price or similar in the US online but also, very similar vintage ones at a much lower price (£15 for a pretty rose quartz and sodalite macaw on an amethyst geode section, made forty years ago).

The line up is, as you say, on a bit of a treadmill. Last night it was:
- Stocking Stuffers under £20
- Jim's Gems
- Kunzite again
- Under £30 and
- Silly Steals

Your point about the breadth of type of customers on GC is bang on. I'm sure it was recognised or appreciated in the days of Alex/Emily/Nick in the "cupboard".

(PS I must steal "Farflungistan" from you 🤣)
The new studio doesn't work for Gem Collector. It's too echoey, bland and its lost its spark. But it's shared with one of their channels - so they've obviously done it to free up space at Gemporia Towers. Probably so that they can use the space for whatever Steve's 17565th future business venture may be (probably some species of undercrackers made out of a material that is yet to be discovered, but when worn, they will magically help you to lose 8 stone in 24 hours - and if you buy the deluxe versions, they'll probably come with a little pouch so that you can put one of Lynn Jinks's crystals in to cure you from everything). Bennett's Briefs™ - or perhaps he could go into collaboration with Jade Troth to form Jade Troth's Jockstraps™ - complete with Jadeite button fastening.

Anyway, back on topic..........

I really like Jim - but the problem is that he's gone over as a 'Gems TV Presenter' and still stuck in that presenting style, rather than the more laid-back approach of Gem Collector of old.

Emily - I can take or leave to be honest. She's nice enough as a person, but too hard-sell, too giggly and, again, not really a Gem Collector style presenter. Emily would be PERFECT on Jewellery Maker - where its more about interaction with viewers, interaction with jewellery designers, lots of talk and giggling whilst still going for the hard-sell.

I found Alex a bit tough going towards the end too. Again, a nice chap, but the same jokes over and over again, endless stories that went on-and-on (some that seemed a bit far-fetched and made you think "this didn't really happy Alex, did it?"), and music quizzes on a gemstone show just became tedious. I also didn't like the way he used to see if he could get away with charging more when one-off stones or a new launch was on the channel. He'd spend a good 10-15 minutes showing ONE stone - hyping it all up, and sticking a fairly high price on screen, and then if there was no interest, he'd say "But I'm not staying there.................." and then drop the price after a LOT of talking. It gave the impression that he wanted to stay there - but there was no interest. I've never got the impression that Gemporia presenters work on a commission basis - but for some reason, Alex seemed to give off the impression that he did.

The best presenters that Gem Collector ever had, in my opinion, were Nick Davies, Lara De Leuw and Katie Ho. They just got on with it. Knowledgeable, talked, joked and interacted with viewers without over-doing it, no hard sell. no gimmicks, no patronising spiel. It was just great to watch.

Nick has always been very under-used and under-rated by Gemporia in my opinion. He's very professional, very calm, knows his stuff, and comes across as very genuine. Yet they've always stuck him on the Lounge or one of their lesser-watched channels. The same applies to Drew Nicholls too.

Prices - well, they've just gone ridiculous now. I remember years ago, I bought whopping big 50+ carat Lemon Quartz's, etc for like £20. Now they charge that for 7 or 8 carat pieces. The carvings, I suspect, have something to do with Dave Troth. Gut feeling. I suspect that he'd flying them in from China, from the same sources as he's getting his Jadeite carvings. I may be wrong - but I just have a sneaky suspicion.

If you want to see some AMAZING carvings, have a quick search on Instagram. There are some amazing carvings on there that are actually hand carved (not laser cut - like some of the pieces Gemporia refer to as 'carvings') and look stunning. When you see them, they make Glenn Lehrers stuff look amateur (he's massively over-hyped by Gemporia anyway - and he's a legend in his own mind).
... and if you buy the deluxe versions, they'll probably come with a little pouch so that you can put one of Lynn Jinks's crystals in to cure you from everything). Bennett's Briefs™ - or perhaps he could go into collaboration with Jade Troth to form Jade Troth's Jockstraps™ - complete with Jadeite button fastening...
I wonder if he'd do a range so I could put two of Lynn's crystals in two pouches 🤔🤣

Agree on the rest. The new studio is soulless, thank you - that's exactly what I meant I think. With his training and years experience, Jim is better suited to Gems TV. I think that's what I'm getting from Emily now - more the salesperson, less Emily. I understand what you mean about Alex - I just took it as part of the package & the sales drive thing was pretty naked so I could take it or leave it. Nick is good too (never saw Lara or Katie on GC).

Thanks for the pointers on the carvings! I know what you mean about Lehrer pieces. Nearly folded last night - there was a 20mm R de F amethyst torus on and I have a weakness for the lavender & steel that is displayed in a fancy cut. But all the focus was on standard cut Brazilian stones so lost heart and the start price indicated a final offer price that wouldn't have been tempting.
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...and now I'm utterly confused, both shown on screen, final offer price:

Pear 11.25mm, totally eye clean. Very smart.
Rectangle 7.5mm, visibly included.

Perhaps I know sweet FA about anything 🤷‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷
Thanks for the pointers on the carvings! I know what you mean about Lehrer pieces. Nearly folded last night - there was a 20mm R de F amethyst torus on and I have a weakness for the lavender & steel that is displayed in a fancy cut. But all the focus was on standard cut Brazilian stones so lost heart and the start price indicated a final offer price that wouldn't have been tempting.
What I dislike about the Lehrer range is Gemporia's very very few (probably deliberate!) references to them not actually being cut by Lehrer himself - but by the team he trained up in Jaipur. Very misleading in my opinion.

The actual 'proper' Lehrer pieces, cut by the man himself, are extortionate. Way overpriced, for stones that are generally fairly common too (Agates, Amethyst, Ametrine, Opals). The stone value is, realistically, about 20% of the price - the other 80% is for the privilege of telling your mates down the pub that it was cut by Glenn Lehrer.
...and now I'm utterly confused, both shown on screen:
View attachment 27215
Pear 11.25mm, totally eye clean. Very smart.
Rectangle 7.5mm, visibly included.

Perhaps I know sweet FA about anything 🤷‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷

And very very bottle green in colour.

If that's their true colour 'in the flesh', then I'd love to see the lab certificates that they claim to get for everything.

How their Padparadscha Sapphires and Indicolites get certified as such is beyond me. Assuming that they're telling the truth when they tell us they get everything lab tested. They wouldn't lie to us. Would they?........................... :rolleyes:

Their supposed Padparadscha Sapphires are pink with no secondary hue - and their recent 'Indicolites' are green. At best, green with a slight bit of blue pleochroism.

A true Indicolite should be very similar to London Blue Topaz in colour.

A true Padparadscha Sapphire should be Pinkish-Orange. Not pink. Not Orange. There's still a lot of controversy and debate in the trade as to whether it should even be called a Padparadscha Sapphire at all unless its from Sri Lanka. Toby Cavill was showing some a month or two ago that were RED. They were clearly rubies.
To be fair, the pear-shaped one was very blue, closer to a dark Australian parti sapphire. Nice thing, actually, in its own right but not London Blue, as you say. I also couldn't understand the pricing of both, side by side - that really took me aback. The rectangle one was as included and bottle green as the stock image suggests and considerably smaller.
I suspect it highlights the parameters within which the Cavills have to work through Gemporia. When they were Rocks & Co, they offered some quite beautiful stones; real Paraiba tourmalines, proper Padparadscha sapphires and some Russian emeralds that were jaw-dropping in their colour and clarity. It's interesting, I have some beautiful, well cut Andalusite (none of the wishy-washy bow tie effect cut stuff) but they came from TJC. I stumbled upon them by accident on their website - and who partners with TJC? Tony Diniz, another Rocks & Co dealer.
To be fair, the pear-shaped one was very blue, closer to a dark Australian parti sapphire. Nice thing, actually, in its own right but not London Blue, as you say. I also couldn't understand the pricing of both, side by side - that really took me aback. The rectangle one was as included and bottle green as the stock image suggests and considerably smaller.

I remember the occasional viewer questioning things like this with Alex, and also questions like "why are these cheaper on Gems TV despite them being set into jewellery on there" - and you could tell he looked slightly awkward and got around it by saying things like "It depends when we bought them, the quality of the cut, the saturation of the colour, etc - you can't just say well if a 1ct stone is £100, this 0.5ct stone should be £50", etc. He'd try to suggest that one may have been bought 5 years ago, and the other one 5 months ago, etc.

Which is nonsense really because when they sell quantities of more than one, they have a 'studio sample' in a bag - with the rest kept in the vault. I suspect that the 'studio sample' is the best from the bundle and cherry picked for that reason. They once used to deny having a 'studio sample' - But I know for a fact that they do (plus i'm sure I've spotted one of the bags slip into view on screen with a label on it clearly saying 'studio sample')

If the camera operator used one of the vault stones, rather than the 'studio sample', then it probably results in things like this happening.

I've bought stones before that have looked full of colour on screen, but when mine has arrived, its wishy-washy in colour.

They claim not to cherry pick - but it's clear that they do. You have to look at the 'secret santa' bags (or whatever they rename them to at various points of the year). Four items of jewellery for £20. They ALWAYS show bags on screen that contain, for example, a nice silver chain, a fairly decent looking ring with something like Kyanite in it, a pair of earrings with something like Ametrine in, and a bracelet with something like a Garnet set into it. The value ALWAYS looks more than £20 worth of jewellery.

When yours arrives, it contains something like a cheap stretchy chip bracelet, a ring with a cheap stone such as Smokey Quartz, a pair of earrings with either tiny stones or a bigger 'cheap' stone such as Moonstone, and a silver chain. It always looks exactly £20 or less worth of jewellery.

I'm sure people think that they're going to get a bargain - jewellery worth something like £50, for just £20 (and the way it's presented on screen, it looks like they try to give that impression too).

They also trip themselves up by saying that "the bags are put together at random - nobody knows what you'll get" - but then in their next breath, they say "Don't buy 4 bags, pick your favourite 4 items and then send 3 bags back because we'll know"

Well, if they're put together at random, how will they know if people have swapped a ring or a pair of earrings in order to get 4 items that they like?...............

They think we're idiots.

On the subject of things being picked at randoms - it'll soon be time for those "spin the wheel" things where they supposedly spin the wheel at random to take a 'random' amount off the price. Again, that's not at random either! It's all pre-selected. If it was done at random, you'd see things like 50% being knocked off a gold ring when its already at £80, or.................... £10 being knocked off an item that is at £12. They never happen? I wonder why.........

Instead, they'll do a 'random spin' and knock £10 off a candle that's being displayed at £30 - to take it down to £20. ITS USUAL ****** PRICE!

How do they get away with this crap?

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