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Not Claire Baldwin ?Rather her than Amanda Holden.
Not Claire Baldwin ?Rather her than Amanda Holden.
OMG, I so dislike that woman and I don't know why. Maybe because she just has no tact at all and seems to go at everyone like a bull in a china shop when she's interviewing them. Might be entertaining if she was on QVC with Charlie Brook though, or Lorna KoNot Claire Baldwin ?
They should but they won't- got to be seen to be ticking those boxes!!!Well they should, and bugger the consequences. Let's face it I don't think anyone of any creed or colour would complain if they let her go - She is a terrible presenter!
They are totally clueless as to their target market, young girls have hundreds of brands to choose from on the High St, which are more fashionable and much cheaper. They tend to go for fashion on the go, if they want an outfit for Saturday night they go shopping that day and wear it out that night. They would hardly be interested in buy from QVC with their dated fashion and waiting 3-5 days for delivery and running the risk that they don't like it/doesn't fit etc they end up with nothing to wear!!QVC are obviously targeting the very young audience, 20’s/early 30’s, and more diverse. I’m not convinced that women in those categories are interested in shopping telly nowadays.
I’d prefer them to focus on the older more traditional customers, taking more care to select the right fashion lines, mix of brands and improving their customer service.
Unless she leaves of her own accord, she will be there for life! There is more chance of me getting 6 numbers up on Saturday night than them getting rid of her. QVC and their Box ticking is getting as bad as the BBC!!I don't know what the hell they were thinking in giving her the job in the first place. I can only think that they looked at her screen test and thought she'd inject a bit of "yoof" into what is seen as a "conservative" (I don't mean Tory btw) shopping environment and could possibly steal some some of the Tik Tok generation away from the likes of Boo Hoo/Missguided etc. Not gonna happen in a million years I'm afraid - It's a bad fit, I mean they wouldn't give a presenter's gig on Love Island to somebody like Helene Berman or Frank Usher's lovely June. Could you imagine?!!! Q viewers can barely cope with Ruth Langford's sexagenarian biker/rock chick look let alone Ophelia's Sarf London street vibes comin' at cha! There's absolutely nothing wrong with a regional accent, but there's a lot wrong with giving work to someone who has no presenting skills whatsoever. She is still parroting everything her co-presenters say, breaking simple words down into syllables seemingly to buy herself more time to think of something coherent or useful to say, and usually doesn't. The only words she says off her own bat is "I'm Luvvin' this" every thing else is scripted - price, item number, stock levels. She looks great but sadly good looks do not make a good presenter!
I totally agree with everything you say there. QVC have got their market, and are successful because of it. These are the people who don't want to/can't trawl around the shops and find that there are only a small amount of classic clothes available. Of course there's more to Q than just clothes, but the youngsters Q think they're gonna attract by introducing younger, more "hip" presenters will be interested in clothes and make up, but definitely not what Q have got to offer. If they're going to attract a younger demographic they need to change a lot more than the sales person. Going off at a tangent, just recently the quizmaster at our weekly quiz, which is a well attended evening with loyal teams (all I may add are of a certain age) decided for some reason to give us a picture round of "rappers" to identify, one time he gave us an entire music round of dance music of which we had to identify the style and the artist - Look around yourself you twonk! The town is full of "fun quizzes" for the youngsters, this one is one of the few remaining straightforward general knowledge quizzes set in an old school pub without the neon lights, the pool tables, the machines and screens and blaring music. We're not gonna rush off and tell our sons and daughters to grab all their mates and come along, we're just gonna be bored and disgruntled. Be happy with the customers you've got and provide what they want!!!!They are totally clueless as to their target market, young girls have hundreds of brands to choose from on the High St, which are more fashionable and much cheaper. They tend to go for fashion on the go, if they want an outfit for Saturday night they go shopping that day and wear it out that night. They would hardly be interested in buy from QVC with their dated fashion and waiting 3-5 days for delivery and running the risk that they don't like it/doesn't fit etc they end up with nothing to wear!!
She does the same to me. She has a horrible voice which I can't stand listening to, although as you say she is not common. It is her fake smile that makes my skin crawl. She is like the riddler out of Batman. I like Alex, Jackie is a bit sycophantic over Ruth and childish but otherwise OK, Katie Pullinger OK but she starts every sentence with umm. Like Kathryn and Jilly. Love Glen Campbell and Craigie but cannot stand Ophelia, she is the worst presenter for me. She is so common she really needs a job in Bid Up TV. Coming up in the next owwaaahh. And as for Chloe Everton, she needs to calm it down. The cute little girl act does not cut it at 40 plus, jumping from foot to foot and her accent grates, comin gup in the next show. Used to like Debbie Flint the best but she needs to stop shoehorning her grandkids into every sentenceVictoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex (changed my mind about her too) and in little bits, Kathryn because she's a bit excitable. Oh and I like Jilly but more as a person than as a presenter. Fussy aren't I!
But what is worse is that she always says, oh no, this is about to sell owt. if I 'ad seen this, I definitively would 'ave bort it. Do they take us for fools? They prep for each show and always see the clothes beforehand. If you wanted the item love, you can quite easily whip your ipad out and order it before the show. And she uses the same dialogue all the time, my mum would love this, my neice would love this, my grandmother would love this, my next door neighbour would love this, on and on and onI don't know what the hell they were thinking in giving her the job in the first place. I can only think that they looked at her screen test and thought she'd inject a bit of "yoof" into what is seen as a "conservative" (I don't mean Tory btw) shopping environment and could possibly steal some some of the Tik Tok generation away from the likes of Boo Hoo/Missguided etc. Not gonna happen in a million years I'm afraid - It's a bad fit, I mean they wouldn't give a presenter's gig on Love Island to somebody like Helene Berman or Frank Usher's lovely June. Could you imagine?!!! Q viewers can barely cope with Ruth Langford's sexagenarian biker/rock chick look let alone Ophelia's Sarf London street vibes comin' at cha! There's absolutely nothing wrong with a regional accent, but there's a lot wrong with giving work to someone who has no presenting skills whatsoever. She is still parroting everything her co-presenters say, breaking simple words down into syllables seemingly to buy herself more time to think of something coherent or useful to say, and usually doesn't. The only words she says off her own bat is "I'm Luvvin' this" every thing else is scripted - price, item number, stock levels. She looks great but sadly good looks do not make a good presenter!
They will never get rid of her because she's a Box ticker
I get the impression the other presenters are not keen on Victoria. She comes across as bossy and a know-all. The type of girl who would dob you in to further her career. Debbie Flint made a comment saying something like, I hope Victoria isn't watching because she will tell me off for saying that. Who the hell does she think she is? Shes a newcomer. I hope she doesn't last long. I tape a lot of the shows and when I get home I click into them. The minute I see Ophelia or Victoria I say, noo way, and delete it.She referred to a top with balloon sleeves a couple of weeks ago as "bayloon" sleeves. No I think she's had a fair run at it and should be better by now, I can't watch her and I can't watch Victoria Fitz-Gerald either, I feel like I'm listening to the Princess of Wales!
Hahahaha, Jesus Alison Young and her 'PC' dialogue she comes out with. Its parents day and that means whatever form your parents take... unnecessary and pathetic. She is selling a face cream and she says people who are transitioning can use this. Well of course they bloody can. Why does she feel it necessary to bang on about it. Someone should tell her to get off her soap box and stay relevant. Can't stand the womanI bet they are scouring the agencies for transgender presenter as we speak. That box is begging to be ticked! Alison Young will explode with excitement!
Ms Young is not far behind Ophelia when it comes to mass irritation they can both be given there P45.Hahahaha, Jesus Alison Young and her 'PC' dialogue she comes out with. Its parents day and that means whatever form your parents take... unnecessary and pathetic. She is selling a face cream and she says people who are transitioning can use this. Well of course they bloody can. Why does she feel it necessary to bang on about it. Someone should tell her to get off her soap box and stay relevant. Can't stand the woman
Anyone appearing on QVC has to be ultra careful what they say. Whatever you say you 'hate', there will always be someone who disagrees. Maybe that's why many of the presenters come off as syrupy sweet.I think Ophelia shot herself in the foot when first started, saying she hated dogs. I forget who she was presenting with, but she was a well known dog owner/lover. They were selling a coat or a bag. and the BA said that the pockets would be handy for putting doggy poo bags in when on a dog walk. Ophelia was horrified! Screwed her face up and said something like oh I hate dogs, much to the BA’s disapproval!
If you listen to the Kipling promo the lady says kiplin' - drives me nuts!I too tried to watch QVC today. Switched on, dreadful woman, she actually said Kip lin!! (Kipling) . Switched over. Absolutely dreadful. I feel sorry for the brand ambassador who has to work alongside her, wonder if they dread it as much as alot of us viewers seem to?
Anyone appearing on QVC has to be ultra careful what they say. Whatever you say you 'hate', there will always be someone who disagrees. Maybe that's why many of the presenters come off as syrupy sweet.
I can go right off people! How can you hate dogs? The smell, the hair, the drool, the bed hogging, the barking, the stealing food, sofa hogging, blanket hogging - I mean what's not to like?I think Ophelia shot herself in the foot when first started, saying she hated dogs. I forget who she was presenting with, but she was a well known dog owner/lover. They were selling a coat or a bag. and the BA said that the pockets would be handy for putting doggy poo bags in when on a dog walk. Ophelia was horrified! Screwed her face up and said something like oh I hate dogs, much to the BA’s disapproval!
Your ever-faithful, loving friend.I can go right off people! How can you hate dogs? The smell, the hair, the drool, the bed hogging, the barking, the stealing food, sofa hogging, blanket hogging - I mean what's not to like?