I know I should get a life but...........


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Brace yourselves for lots of Ponce Siettia references over the next couple of days on QVC

Merry Christmas

Jude xx
Respect and good manners, thats what it was called - and not the respect word that "gangsta rappers is it ?" appear to have commandeered.
Kids do seem to think they are invincible...even my son goes on about ringing Childline sometimes when I'm having a pop at him. Never mind childline I tell him, it's parent line I need - I'm the one being abused!!! Nawwww seriously, he's OK :giggle:

I think the biggest influences on our children (apart from parents) are computer games and the TV. All far too violent. It never used to be like this...

my DD too used to quote Childline at me - I used to say no, let me ring, I'm sure they could be persuaded to find you a good home!
Gemma1, I just wanted to say thanks for this great thread. Welcome to the forum!
I don't agree with today's politically correct view that slapping a child is "unacceptable physical violence". There's a big difference between beating a child and giving them a slap. When I was a kid I got slapped sometimes when I misbehaved and it never did me any harm - it taught me what was and was not acceptable and to respect my mother's authority. Also, importantly, it didn't stop me loving my mother because deep down I knew she was right.

As Lottie said, something in today's world is cultivating more kids with ADD/ADHD, and coping with such a child must be horrendous. What I can't accept, though, are the parents who, when in a public place with a kid that's running wild, screaming etc., quite clearly don't think there's anything wrong with that. I recently told a kid who nearly knocked me over in a supermarket to stop and the mother gave me a four letter word and told her little darling not to take any notice of me - so the kid tore off to mow down the rest of the shoppers. If the mother had apologised and explained that she struggled with a hyperactive child I'd have had every sympathy with her.

That bad behaviour is now so often considered to be acceptable really depresses me. And as for the "you mustn't say no to a child or you'll stifle their personality" nutcases . . . . . . . . .
my DD too used to quote Childline at me - I used to say no, let me ring, I'm sure they could be persuaded to find you a good home!

With apologies to Mimi I really have to say "LOL!" because this really did make me laugh out loud.
Thank you Mia, glad you are enjoying this thread as am I.All the contributions so far have been really great and very, very interesting.Lots of opinions expressed are very thought provoking.It's good to know that people still have a regard for the English Language and it dismays me that schools now no longer place any great emphasis on it. Heaven knows, I'm no academic, butI hope I have a reasonable command of our wonderful language,instilled in me by teachers -admittedly more than 40 years ago! I'm so glad others feel the same and that I'm not as grumpy an old woman as I thought.

PS Have always loved reading the posts on this forum-they are both amusing and informative. Keep up the good work everyone.
Personally, me-myself Sublime, gets totally hacked off-of people what uses grammar incorrectly.

Myself feels that the overuse and incorrect use of 'myself' instead of the word 'me' or 'I' causes myself to grind my own personal teeth. To stumps. For you.

Oh, and myself thought of another - using 'outside of' instead of 'outside'.

The problem is that bad grammar is becoming increasingly accepted - even the BBC news website carried a feature yesterday called 'Other Stories You Might Of Missed.'

Myself doing more teeth-grinding now ...
I'm so glad others feel the same and that I'm not as grumpy an old woman as I thought.

Oh how I LOVE the "Grumpy Old Men/Women" TV shows, maybe my warped sense of humour but they always make me LOL! I don't mind being a GOW - would rather stand by my principles and be considered to be that than forgo my principles just to fit in with the majority.

I've always rather relished the idea of ending my days as "the eccentric old lady in the house on the corner". People who know me already consider me to be eccentric because I have a lot of animals (special needs rescues, I'm not an irresponsible animal collector) - apparently at the place I work I'm known as "the mad cat woman upstairs"! I have a friend who works in dog rescue and we've always promised ourselves that if we're both single when we retire we'll buy a big house together and be the two nutty old ladies of the village!

PS Have always loved reading the posts on this forum-they are both amusing and informative. Keep up the good work everyone.

I agree, it's great to be able to have a stimulating discussion with intelligent people.

I really don't like some of the threads here, though - the ones that are just streams of deliberately and gratuitously nasty comments where every poster is trying to outdo the others in terms of nastiness. I'm not a fan of all the QVC presenters, but I don't think that any of them deserve the really horrible things that are said about them here. There are some people who seem to really loathe all the presenters and all the products, and I've often read this forum wondering why on earth they keep watching QVC when they obviously can't stand anything about it. They seem to come here only to post the nastiest thing they can think of - and they try to hide the vitriol under the guise of being "witty".

I've often wondered if the people who post such comments ever consider how the people their viciousness is directed against actually feel if they read them? I hope that they're so carried away with the competitiveness of trying to construct the "wittiest" post in the thread that they don't actually think about how it might make the victim feel - I'd hate to think they'd post such foul comments intending to hurt people.

Wouldn't it be great if every thread was as good as this one?
Myself feels that the overuse and incorrect use of 'myself' instead of the word 'me' or 'I' causes myself to grind my own personal teeth.

I have to confess that this makes me clench my teeth too, but the one that I think is my number one peeve is when they say on the news (on almost every channel) "the Government ARE" - drives me to distraction.
I don't agree with today's politically correct view that slapping a child is "unacceptable physical violence". There's a big difference between beating a child and giving them a slap. When I was a kid I got slapped sometimes when I misbehaved and it never did me any harm - it taught me what was and was not acceptable and to respect my mother's authority. Also, importantly, it didn't stop me loving my mother because deep down I knew she was right.

I couldn't agree more. My mother's choice of 'weapon' was the wet dishcloth if ever my brothers or I were cheeky, or the back of her hand. My father never laid a finger a finger on us, BUT, just the tone of his voice was enough to discipline us. He was a coal face miner, so there was never the namby pamby "please dont do that" more the case of "if you do that again you will get the biggest hiding of your life " - always did the trick. And yes, we loved our parents to bits.
same here..I got the smacks, plus those for my younger sister! And of course it never did me any harm and I too loved my parents to bits..children have to have boundaries and they have to know what they are and what is unacceptable behaviour - sadly, something about which today's young parents seem to have no idea. I'm going to blame Dr Spock! When I was around 14 our neighbour's eldest was found taking eggs one by one from the fridge and dropping them onto the floor. Now my Mum would have gone for Wobbly Size 1 and given me a deserved clip round the lug...but this boy's mother sat down on the floor and asked him why he was doing this, trying to analyse it - ok maybe a lot of people would do this (?) but it wouldn't be my way of doing things! My DD has had plenty of smacks in her time and has grown up into a well-adjusted and responsible young woman..thank God!
At a Christmas market last year, I was looking at a big sign near a stall selling "Pussels". It took me a while to realise they were actually selling puzzles! And that was next to the loud mouth barker selling "poncy ettas" , instead of Poinsettias I had to laugh at that.

I was at a doll show once with my Mum, where a salesman said he liked the doll in the Flamingo dress (It was a Flamenco dancer's costume), my Mum and I had to stifle the giggles, but he didn't help us contain our mirth as he kept repeating it!
I'm in a rush, but just wanted to add two other annoyances that I don't think have been mentioned:- 'mischievous' pronounced as 'mischievious' (miss-chee-veeous) which is a very common mistake but always jars when I hear it, and confusion between 'stationary' and 'stationery'.
I don't agree with today's politically correct view that slapping a child is "unacceptable physical violence". There's a big difference between beating a child and giving them a slap. When I was a kid I got slapped sometimes when I misbehaved and it never did me any harm - it taught me what was and was not acceptable and to respect my mother's authority. Also, importantly, it didn't stop me loving my mother because deep down I knew she was right.

As Lottie said, something in today's world is cultivating more kids with ADD/ADHD, and coping with such a child must be horrendous. What I can't accept, though, are the parents who, when in a public place with a kid that's running wild, screaming etc., quite clearly don't think there's anything wrong with that. I recently told a kid who nearly knocked me over in a supermarket to stop and the mother gave me a four letter word and told her little darling not to take any notice of me - so the kid tore off to mow down the rest of the shoppers. If the mother had apologised and explained that she struggled with a hyperactive child I'd have had every sympathy with her.

That bad behaviour is now so often considered to be acceptable really depresses me. And as for the "you mustn't say no to a child or you'll stifle their personality" nutcases . . . . . . . . .

Awesome post! I agree 10000%. These stupid scutty-bag parents who allow their kids to behave like that should be steralised/snipped so they cant bring up any more scutters-to-be... thus allowing the cycle to continue!

Personally if I was up to me, Political Correctness would be banned, and the PC brigade shipped somewhere far away and left to rot. Discipline would be brought back along with respect, and there would be an absolute zero tollerance attitude towards the scum on the streets ruining it for everyone else. And I'm sorry, if this offends, actually no I'm not, but if it takes the police to beat the crap out of them to teach them a lesson then so be it - in other words, whatever it takes, do it! This country is run and governed by scum... the innocent ones, the ones who play by the rules, the good kids if you will, no longer have any rights! It's getting worse every single day. Unfortunately there is not one MP who in power would dare go against 'effing Europe and give us back our rights! I would also bring back the death penalty with immediate effect and all rapists, paedos (SP?), murderers would be got rid of the same day...and think of the money we would save.

I'm not saying that by bringing back the DP we would descrease their respective crimes but WHY THE HELL are we keeping these scum in lovely clean prisons at a cost of £45000 per scum per year??????? And neither would this stop the attrocities that happened in Norway (and they say there is a God??? - but thats a different and very personal issue) either but something has to give!

Sorry, I kind of digressed there!
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agreed Stumpy - make some room in those lovely comfy jails then pensioners like wot I am could move in and be looked after much better than in a care home!!!!!!!!
agreed Stumpy - make some room in those lovely comfy jails then pensioners like wot I am could move in and be looked after much better than in a care home!!!!!!!!

The sad thing is BusyMum, if anyone who read that statement and wasnt aware of what a joke this country is regarding this issue, they would think we were making some sarcastic/funny joke!! It really shouldnt be fact what I said, but it is! That scum has it better than many of our OAP's who (some) fought a war and/or paid into the system for decades to get pretty much jack-all out! It makes me so friggin' angry! :mysmilie_51: Personally if it was upto me I'd nuke all the HS prisons with that lot in them!
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Hmmm yes I agree that it doesn't do any harm to smack a child occasionally. I've done it with my son and that's usually when he starts bleating the childline stuff!! I've even told him to pack his case and that he knows where the front door is.

The thing is, I would only resort to a smack if it really was the last resort - you've tried asking, reasoning till you're blue in the face and eventually if still he doesn't do as he's asked, or he's cheeky, it's a smack. The thing is, it seems to work - for a lot longer than reasoning. I can see why our parents and grandparents who inevitably had more kids and less time resorted to a good hiding!

Only trouble now, is he's bigger than me so I don't think I'll be able to get away with it soon!
Hmmm yes I agree that it doesn't do any harm to smack a child occasionally. I've done it with my son and that's usually when he starts bleating the childline stuff!! I've even told him to pack his case and that he knows where the front door is.

The thing is, I would only resort to a smack if it really was the last resort - you've tried asking, reasoning till you're blue in the face and eventually if still he doesn't do as he's asked, or he's cheeky, it's a smack. The thing is, it seems to work - for a lot longer than reasoning. I can see why our parents and grandparents who inevitably had more kids and less time resorted to a good hiding!

Only trouble now, is he's bigger than me so I don't think I'll be able to get away with it soon!

Just tell him to stand still while you grab a chair Lottie! Um..I didn't wait till I got to the blue in the face stage I'm afraid..if I told her 2 or 3 times to no avail, then it was a smack - I got told once and once only!

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