I hope Emma Hardie isn't going to...


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Jun 24, 2008
Isn't going to....

1. Wear that shite brown uniform she usually wears.
2. Get her white chicken-skin legs out from under the shite brown trousers to demo a body "soufflé".
3. Allude to some past illness without telling us what it was. Not interested luv.

Emma: Illness. I contracted a virus called Epstein Barr. I had chronic fatigue. I couldn’t walk properly. I couldn’t go to work. I had muscle pain, dizziness, anxiety, depression, panic attacks. It went on twelve years until eventually I collapsed and was bed-bound for five months. I then became agoraphobic. I couldn’t talk and couldn’t move.

H: It is hard to imagine, seeing how bubbly you are now. How did the therapies come in?

E: Well, the doctors had tried everything. I had undergone all manner of tests and spent hundreds on dietary supplements. I suddenly thought to myself, ‘if the doctors can’t help me, the only person left to help me is myself’.

Emma: Illness. I contracted a virus called Epstein Barr. I had chronic fatigue. I couldn’t walk properly. I couldn’t go to work. I had muscle pain, dizziness, anxiety, depression, panic attacks. It went on twelve years until eventually I collapsed and was bed-bound for five months. I then became agoraphobic. I couldn’t talk and couldn’t move.

H: It is hard to imagine, seeing how bubbly you are now. How did the therapies come in?

E: Well, the doctors had tried everything. I had undergone all manner of tests and spent hundreds on dietary supplements. I suddenly thought to myself, ‘if the doctors can’t help me, the only person left to help me is myself’.


What has the got to do with skincare?
What are her skin products like? I've read on here that they're good. I have olive skin & just, just getting rid of acne rosacea that appeared from no where about 2 years ago. It's not a bad case but can flare up around my t zone. I used Decleor neroli oil for a while, it was great but eventually aggravated my combination skin so not sure if Emma's products might be too rich for me.
What are her skin products like? I've read on here that they're good. I have olive skin & just, just getting rid of acne rosacea that appeared from no where about 2 years ago. It's not a bad case but can flare up around my t zone. I used Decleor neroli oil for a while, it was great but eventually aggravated my combination skin so not sure if Emma's products might be too rich for me.

I have Normal skin that withstands most things (I exfoliate every day!) but the moringa balm gave me whiteheads :(

I use it (sparingly) on the ends of my hair now when I leave it natural (curly)

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Thanks for the replies ladies, very much appreciated. I did think the balm may be too rich for me but for those whom it suits I'm sure it's great x.
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Em's glammed up 2ite, red replaces brown polyester! We've got to look after our skin as we've got to hang on to what we've got as we're living longer apparently. Blasted science & medical breakthroughs! The medievals were such lucky buggers living to an average age of 30, blow the starvation, lack of medication for anything & pain, they didn't have wrinkles or have to worry about them did they lol! x
Thanks for the replies ladies, very much appreciated. I did think the balm may be too rich for me but for those whom it suits I'm sure it's great x.

Nikki, today would be the day to try it - only 12p to lose - oh and of course whatever it costs to send it back if you didnt like it:doh:
I tried the balm in Space NK and didn't much like the smell so that's put me off trying it. And those seeds! I'd get in a right old mess making up an exfoliator with that lot. The seeds would be everywhere.
She looks a mess in my opinion.

I disagree. Ok her hair doesnt suit her and should be styled. But, on my TV, she doesnt look greasy at all as someone said, and the skin on her cheeks is very smooth. She is 50 and I dont think her skin is looking bad at all - toned around the jaw and no deep lines around eyes. Ok, so shes not a natural beauty but I think we get so used to seeing "beautiful" models and so called Celebs all glamed up and selling their wares on TV that we forget that not everyone is blessed with model type looks.
my mum loves this but she is 84 and has dryer skin than me. but i find the geranium overwealming and it would irritate me as i have an oiler skin anyway. smells very spa like and lovely textures
Thank you so much ladies! :cool: Having looked at the balm last nite it does look too oily for me and supports what you have all said. OK if you have very dry skin. My mum would love it but for me I can feel the zits errupting now at the thought of using it xx.

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