I have got a little place in Spain!


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you sound like you come from accounts watersiren.

sadly i do have too much spare time watersiren. i have found its only one of the drawbacks to being a lady of leisure. normally i am out and about more but recently i have been confined more or less to the homestead and hence my travels into shoppingtelly land. pointless discussions with people i dont know, cliques, bullying and Dennis Basso (not to mention spending money at QVC) have now become part of my daily routine.

but as you desire happy stories of travel plans then i shall add mine. Last week i went to Valenciennes for the day (i got a flat tyre), on friday I will be spending a small fortune in Brussels (it will be freezing), at easter i will be in Normandy(it will rain), ascension day weekend will be Normandy again(the sun will melt us and the wind will blow away all of the droplets) and for a change we thought we would spend most of the summer will in Normandy (it will mostly rain).
But i am hopeful of actually having a proper holiday this year that involves an aeroplane, heat and a swimming pool as i have found that there is only so much damp and wind a lady of leisure can take before her hair frizzes permanently.
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sadly i do have too much spare time watersiren. i have found its only one of the drawbacks to being a lady of leisure. normally i am out and about more but recently i have been confined more or less to the homestead and hence my travels into shoppingtelly land. pointless discussions with people i dont know, cliques, bullying and Dennis Basso (not to mention spending money at QVC) have now become part of my daily routine.

but as you desire happy stories of travel plans then i shall add mine. Last week i went to Valenciennes for the day (i got a flat tyre), on friday I will be spending a small fortune in Brussels (it will be freezing), at easter i will be in Normandy(it will rain), ascension day weekend will be Normandy again(the sun will melt us and the wind will blow away all of the droplets) and for a change we thought we would spend most of the summer will in Normandy (it will mostly rain).
But i am hopeful of actually having a proper holiday this year that involves an aeroplane, heat and a swimming pool as i have found that there is only so much damp and wind a lady of leisure can take before her hair frizzes permanently.

I sympathise with you; it is as grim as it sounds :( With all this travelling, why don't you just buy a house in Spain?
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I think its a sad state of affairs when you cant be proud of an achievement!

She's at a stage in her life where her children are no longer dependent, her mortgage is probably paid and her money is her own. If that is how she chooses to spend it, then it's her business.

sorry but i dont think owning a holiday home is an achievement. it is a status symbol or even a well deserved luxury for a lifetime of hard work. I do not begrudge her or anyone any luxuries. i have enough of them myself lol

Getting a degree, turning 50, being married for 40 years, surviving illness, even making it to the end of the day without wanting to happy slap your husband can be an achievement imo
you sound like you come from accounts watersiren.

sadly i do have too much spare time watersiren. i have found its only one of the drawbacks to being a lady of leisure. normally i am out and about more but recently i have been confined more or less to the homestead and hence my travels into shoppingtelly land. pointless discussions with people i dont know, cliques, bullying and Dennis Basso (not to mention spending money at QVC) have now become part of my daily routine.

but as you desire happy stories of travel plans then i shall add mine. Last week i went to Valenciennes for the day (i got a flat tyre), on friday I will be spending a small fortune in Brussels (it will be freezing), at easter i will be in Normandy(it will rain), ascension day weekend will be Normandy again(the sun will melt us and the wind will blow away all of the droplets) and for a change we thought we would spend most of the summer will in Normandy (it will mostly rain).
But i am hopeful of actually having a proper holiday this year that involves an aeroplane, heat and a swimming pool as i have found that there is only so much damp and wind a lady of leisure can take before her hair frizzes permanently.

I sympathise with you; it is as grim as it sounds :( With all this travelling, why don't you just buy a house in Spain?

HaHahahaha at you two, both very funny posts.
You're right about ShoppingTellyLand, borednow. I have been on various foums for many years but this one seems to have released my inner bitch and I'm not always proud of myself. On the plus side, many of the posts make me laugh out loud and others are so darned informative that I wonder how I managed without them. Even better, I spend much less now which is probably a good thing as I have much less to spend.
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sorry but i dont think owning a holiday home is an achievement. it is a status symbol or even a well deserved luxury for a lifetime of hard work. I do not begrudge her or anyone any luxuries. i have enough of them myself lol

Getting a degree, turning 50, being married for 40 years, surviving illness, even making it to the end of the day without wanting to happy slap your husband can be an achievement imo

Absolutely! In fact, I think those who manage it deserve a free holiday home in Spain to reward the achievement...:mysmilie_61:
sorry but i dont think owning a holiday home is an achievement. it is a status symbol or even a well deserved luxury for a lifetime of hard work. I do not begrudge her or anyone any luxuries. i have enough of them myself lol

Getting a degree, turning 50, being married for 40 years, surviving illness, even making it to the end of the day without wanting to happy slap your husband can be an achievement imo

I will agree to disgree then - its my goal in life to retire by the time i am 50. I work hard, spend all my available income (or at least that not spend at QVC!!) on paying off my considerable mortgage. Once that is done, i intend to purchase a nice villa in the south of france with the satisfaction that i have achieved one of my lifes goals!

Of course, some of the tings you mention might be more worthwhile achievements in life and i thank my god i have not been faced with any of then yet! Then of course, my goals and achievements will change.
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To be honest it doesn't really bother me if JR mentions her place in Spain except to make me even more aware of how much QVC and the presenters are benefitting from us all. I then become even less willing to continue to line their pockets, which I see as a positive for me.

But JR shouldn't be taking all the flak as Kathy Tayler has a place in Corfu which I have heard her mention more than once and I think Anne Dawson also has one in Italy.
I'm no great fan of Julia but I'm not quite sure why it was a tactless remark unless it was totally out of context. It's a fact of life that there are others with more possessions/money than us, why should they feel unable to mention it, I find that puzzling....

As there are people with less than the rest of us ... couldn't agree more - that's life. To mention something is quite ok by me. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that other people have something I don't! I had a co-worker once who refused to watch "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" because she hated seeing people other than her win money! Never did work that one out!
As far as I can see, as long as someone isn't boasting (as in I've got this, you haven't - which I doubt in Julia's case) there is nothing unclassy about mentioning you have a place in Spain or wherever. It would be more unclassy to pretend that you were poor as a church mouse when you were not, surely?
To be honest it doesn't really bother me if JR mentions her place in Spain except to make me even more aware of how much QVC and the presenters are benefitting from us all. I then become even less willing to continue to line their pockets, which I see as a positive for me.

But JR shouldn't be taking all the flak as Kathy Tayler has a place in Corfu which I have heard her mention more than once and I think Anne Dawson also has one in Italy.

.....but have they got a swimming pool?:mysmilie_17:
Doesn't bother me in the least if she just mentions it in passing. Would love to have my own little bolt-hole in Spain - preferably a 10 million euro neo-classical villa on Sitges seafront :mysmilie_374: I think she has mentioned in the past that she flies to Alicante, so I assume it is somewhere in that region. Torrevieja perhaps, as I believe that is popular with Brits.
I don't know when she mentioned this - but I have always wondered if she had a place in spain - as she does tend to pop over there a lot - i've heard her mention previously with her 4 days off shes just gonna pop to spain! good luck to her I say.............................although on a completely different note,I reckon Ms roberts dearest wish is to get married :)
I can see both sides really. Even if you don't own a property abroad, if you don't have any bad money worries, you might not mind so much hearing about other people's possessions - you might even aspire to them yourself. However, if you're struggling from week to week just to make ends meet, the last thing you probably want is to be told about all the luxuries he/she owns by the very person who is trying to divest you of your hard earned cash.
I think a little tact is always called for, though sometimes I do wonder whether it's a psychological thing that presenters should be shown to be reasonably well off so you have more confidence in them. (A bit like a doctor turning up with scruffy clothes and a rusty old banger - would you have as much faith in him/her?)
I don't begrude anyone who has worked hard for what they have. I am sure we all work hard, whether being a housewife or being employed. I think we all realise that the presenters earn a lot of money being on QVC and other business interests that they may have, but I wish they would give a little thought to what they say before they open their gobs! I am sure most of us have financial worries given the financial climate at the present time but I wish the presenters would think before they speak but that is probably asking for too much!!
To be honest it doesn't really bother me if JR mentions her place in Spain except to make me even more aware of how much QVC and the presenters are benefitting from us all. I then become even less willing to continue to line their pockets, which I see as a positive for me.

But JR shouldn't be taking all the flak as Kathy Tayler has a place in Corfu which I have heard her mention more than once and I think Anne Dawson also has one in Italy.

Bet Craig has got two! I didn't see the clip so can't really comment as I don't know the context in which she said it.
QVC presenters tend to endorse a celebrity culture nowadays and are often carried away. In their defence, most of them have spent ages on QVC and there is a lot of familiarity with 'the customer'. In a less formal environment, one often says things without thinking twice. Wrong but quite widespread.
When one is faced with hardship, it is reality that hurts and the trouble one is in. Financial (and other) woes overwhelm life to such an extent that one has the time or energy to be pre-occupied with other people's lives, better or worse. I am sorry, but I do not buy into the 'being more sensitive' argument. As far as I am concerned, my personal circumstances are no one's business, so I would not voluntarily give out info. Equally, I am not interested in hearing about J's house; doesn't affect me. Yet, she was neither innapropriate nor insensitive, when she decided to share the info.
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