I don't understand Bibi Bijoux


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I like to choose my own jewellery too and I am very sentimental! I have a full Pandora bracelet that took me since 2008 to collect but each piece is significant as it covers the entire time from meeting hubby, house buying, getting engaged in"the big apple" getting married and having children. Also there are charms with a cat and another with a handbag, plus some with moon stone (a favourite stone) and my favourite colour blue, and my initial. Suffice to say it cost a fortune spread over time (particularly as it's mixed silver, gold and 2-tone charms) but many were discounted, all of them are genuine and very solid and heavy. I wear it every single day because I love it and it is the story of my life... or part of it. I clean it a couple of times a year with a silver cloth.

That's exactly what jewellery should be. What you like not what everyone else thinks. It's lovely you wear your memories every day and that means you are getting real value out of it.

I like some charms but don't think I will add more as I'm not interested enough for the price of them and I would hate to think of someone spending that sort of money on a charm I didn't like because I just wouldn't wear it.
I would hate to think of someone spending that sort of money on a charm I didn't like because I just wouldn't wear it.

I've got a system - I get the little Pandora catalogue each season and I circle the charms I like and then I leave it on the book shelf. Then my husband just looks for the clues... and he can also answer anyone else who asks 'what does Tiddly want for christmas / birthday' etc.

He loves it because it takes the pressure off him to find something and I still get a surprise to see which charms he's bought.

Win - win.
I've got a system - I get the little Pandora catalogue each season and I circle the charms I like and then I leave it on the book shelf. Then my husband just looks for the clues... and he can also answer anyone else who asks 'what does Tiddly want for christmas / birthday' etc.

He loves it because it takes the pressure off him to find something and I still get a surprise to see which charms he's bought.

Win - win.

Good tactic!

If there's something you love - and I think men get rather nervous about asking (especially as they normally end up asking multiple times...) they have a way of being sure not to get you the same thing you've already got that way as well.

I'm sure for the non-Pandora fans among us (me included) this tactic would work excellently for other shops who do catalogs. Then for when you don't have a physical catalog, I tend to use an amazon wish list. For anything non-amazon, I just paste in the URL... anyone who asks gets sent to my latest wish list for ideas :mysmilie_47:
It has always been expensive to buy jewellery where you add charms, even in the 60's. The real eye opener is if you go into a shop where they have a full bracelet on show and you can see the eye watering price, albeit spent over a period of time.

Unfortunately I wouldn't want anyone to choose for me as I like to pick all my own jewellery, and I'm not sentimental so wouldn't be interested in having them bought for occasions.

I like the charms as gifts but I give people a list of what I want!
I have a Pandora bracelet and also a Thomas Sabo one, both were gifts. I must confess I never fancied owning either but my husband bought me the Pandora bracelet the first Christmas we were married and he says it`s solved birthday and Christmas presents until the bracelet is full. Every charm on it has been bought and chosen by him. I wear it everyday, its never tarnished, I wear it in the shower, in bed, it`s never broken or damaged and the charms have never lost stones. I reckon I get his moneysworth out of it every single day.
The Thomas Sabo bracelet was a gift from my oldest son and his wife but I don`t wear it 24/7 mainly because some of the charms on it ( also gifts ) catch on my clothes or get stuck on things.
I doubt I would ever have bought either bracelet for myself but now I have them, I not only look upon them as gifts from my family but also as memories, each charm for both bracelets being a moment captured in time.
Everything is just a matter of personal taste and your particular lifestyle/work.

At the moment they are selling Slankets and I know the are loved by members, often multiple purchases, but I just don't get them myself.
Everything is just a matter of personal taste and your particular lifestyle/work.

At the moment they are selling Slankets and I know the are loved by members, often multiple purchases, but I just don't get them myself.

Totally agree with you on that. Our tastes will coincide with others on some but not all things. Even the reasons why people love or prefer certain things is down to entirely personal reasons.

I'm not particularly a jewellery person. I can appreciate how nice it looks on others, but it's not something I have any real desire to get into. When my ears heal up a bit more, I'll have another go with earrings, but that's really my lot. I can't tell the time, so don't bother with a watch. The only time I wear any significant amount of jewellery is if I'm going out for the evening... and I'm happy with a set from Accessorize or somewhere similar for the frequency with which I will wear it.
I've got a system - I get the little Pandora catalogue each season and I circle the charms I like and then I leave it on the book shelf. Then my husband just looks for the clues... and he can also answer anyone else who asks 'what does Tiddly want for christmas / birthday' etc.

He loves it because it takes the pressure off him to find something and I still get a surprise to see which charms he's bought.

Win - win.

That's exactly what hubby likes about MI Imenso, I get the book and do the same as you. He thinks it's great. Prevents me getting naff pressies like a box of mushroom compost ( I kid you not )
nice getting what you really really want. i get money or a card with cash so i can pick what i need. everyone knows how fussy i am....
I love the brand and have a bracelet which I bought for a present but kept for myself as I loved it so much and wear it a lot and it looks expensive and has not tarnished at all over the 3 years I've had it. However I do think they are over priced, I got very excited about TSV a while ago and it was rubbish and sent it back.

If you get the right design, in a TSV, worth going for but I wouldn't pay the full prices; far too high!

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