I don't understand Bibi Bijoux


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I watched the Bibi hour & like the look of some of the pieces BUT agree they are overpriced and it is an easy look to copy at much cheaper prices.I remembered I have a 'silver' metal look double strand long necklace full of lovely charms which I bought when I was still working ( probably paid quite a bit for it!) Bibbi can't come near it.
I could have written several of these posts myself - I've thought the same myself often. I have some beautiful jewellery bought from QVC in years past. What happened to Suarti? IMO Lola Rose is a con - charging boutique prices for market stall quality stuff. In fact, that's not really fair on market stall traders, as some of their stuff is good, but you know what I mean :) I also hate the cultivated affected false-posh voice. I wish these "ambassadors" (what a stupid name for them) would just be themselves on air. There's nowt wrong with a bit of "common" as it takes all sorts :) Money doesn't always make good people.
Actually the clutch that they showed on Frank usher ,I have the similar one for 9.99 .We have a shop in the town centre with lovely bags ,so no idea how much profit the so called ambassadors make on qvc .
I've just bought a lovely necklace in Cyprus with a silver butterfly, quite BBish and cost me £4. How does this company get away with their prices?
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I was interested in the one time only ,the Ming pearl necklace in 2 pm show .I put it in my basket and when I read the description it said bleached Ming pearl .....went to wiki and they say the Ming pearls are not bleached or touched .Then how can this be authentic ? It's similar to a lab treated blue or yellow diamond .Unlike US they don't describe much to us .
Bibi always strikes me as over-priced tat aimed at, erm, "common people". The guest is the perfect brand ambassador. :)

Well that's me put in my place then!

I have real gold and gems costing thousands and costume jewellery costing a few pounds and everything in between including Bibi. In its defence it is much better quality than market stalls stuff but I admit it is overpriced but that it partly because it is an EU brand rather than the Far East.

It's a bit like clothes - there is nothing wrong with wearing Primark 20 quid jeans along with your Uggs costing £200.

Nowadays jewellery is often just a fashion statement and who wants to spend a fortune on fashion items. There is room for everything in "your jewellery wardrobe" without being snooty about it.
I feel the same as many posters, that the Bibi range sells for such exorbitant prices, because of the name. I do quite like the range but, unfortunately, being so petite, it is too chunky for me, and looks silly. I did purchase a bracelet and, although I liked it, had to return it for this very reason.
For jewellery which is a cheap base metal, and not even silver or even bronze, it is way overpriced. I like Clogau, yet I am aware there are those who feel it is expensive for silver/rose gold, and gold, with 9% welsh gold. Personally, I believe it is more exclusive than Pandora, which everyone and their mother seems to wear.
As long as Bibi ispopular, QVC will continue, understandably, to sell it. That Maxine lady does, imo, cheapen the brand image.
Well that's me put in my place then!

I have real gold and gems costing thousands and costume jewellery costing a few pounds and everything in between including Bibi. In its defence it is much better quality than market stalls stuff but I admit it is overpriced but that it partly because it is an EU brand rather than the Far East.

It's a bit like clothes - there is nothing wrong with wearing Primark 20 quid jeans along with your Uggs costing £200.

Nowadays jewellery is often just a fashion statement and who wants to spend a fortune on fashion items. There is room for everything in "your jewellery wardrobe" without being snooty about it.

I totally agree. I get huge satisfaction from shopping in charity shops and pairing things with designer/expensive pieces. I am wearing my first piece of BB tonight (going to see Grease at the theatre, very excited!!) and it feels really good on. It is a little pricey, but I am happy to pay for it as it's unusual, very tactile (which I love) and I'm a lazy shopper, haha. Suits me.
like some of the bits in this range. expensive but when you get it home you can see why..always have compliments with this beautiful range. in silver with this weight it would cost many hundreds of pounds in bibi quality.as been said before its made in europe to high standards not the far east or china so it will cost more
Whilst the raw materials may be from the Far East the workers and company are Dutch where costs are very high so BB prices will always be much dearer.

In my opinion BB will far outlast the cheaper items purely in the fastenings/elastic quality but I agree if you only want it to last a season or two there is no need to pay the extra.

I must say I like the bits I have but I think in an effort to reduce the price (yes, they were even dearer a few years ago) Q have forced them to reduce the quality slightly, in the good old made especially Q syndrome .
I have 2 pieces of Bibi, both bought as TSVs, I have worn the bracelet a few times, but the necklace was worn just once. I think they are too pricey for what they are, but I bought them hoping they will not tarnish. I can't stand the guest!!
i have some items for many years and they have never tarnished. they are a lot heavier and i would think better quality than the e bay cheaper versions. if you love this style and will wear it every day like i do its worth the investment for years and years of pleasure. silver goes black on me this does not and i'm not careful. the detail is very very good. the bracelets average £35 pounds. for years of wear thats a good investment imo.
Leaving aside obnoxious Simon Wilson and the off-putting Bibi woman, how do the metallic-look B&W pieces compare with BB pieces? anyone?
i dont buy bw anymore partly because it looks a bit gaudy and i wont wear it anywhere. bibi is more casual. they are made different as well. bw is not comparable to bibi in style or how the jewellery is manufactured imo.
Just had a look, some really sweet pieces and really good value for money. Probably sourced from the same place as BB but a fraction of the cost. That's what I love about this forum.

You're right, in the few times I've seen her, I've never heard Maxine say the balls are made especially for QVC or BB, which means anyone can buy them, I've bought pieces from eBays Bibi and there is weight to them and the same look for a fraction of the price.
You're right, in the few times I've seen her, I've never heard Maxine say the balls are made especially for QVC or BB, which means anyone can buy them, I've bought pieces from eBays Bibi and there is weight to them and the same look for a fraction of the price.

the balls are a major part of the range. bibi use an alloy that they make up themselves that resists tarnishing and it works i can tarnish anything lol..

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