I can''t believe the "joke" Nina Leonard just made


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I remember in when Sep 11th happened and an awful American woman on a news channel commentated "that plane just went through the tower like a hot knife through butter!"
I remember thinking noooooooooooooo. It was almost as shocking as the event itself.
After jet lag, one hour's sleep and presenting a TSV + hours of other presenting, I would be saying far worse - that is if I was able to say anything coherent at all!

I am confident he didn't mean to give offence. Just exhausted verbal diarrhoea.

Give the man a break.
I remember in when Sep 11th happened and an awful American woman on a news channel commentated "that plane just went through the tower like a hot knife through butter!"
I remember thinking noooooooooooooo. It was almost as shocking as the event itself.

Really? You must be easily shocked Julius to think a remark by a news presenter was almost as shocking as the events of 9/11.
Not into car crash TV and just switched on to see that Nina Leonard is on. I just cannot watch that man, I cringe and it is too uncomfortable. I cannot believe that sales don't reflect the viewers reaction to the shows as I am clearly not the only one to feel this way. It's not as if the clothes are so amazingly good to compensate for Lenny.

I appreciate that he may deserve a break for being jet lagged etc but so are Mally and Kimmy when they are on and no one makes allowances. If Lenny can't do it maybe he should send a rep who can.
So how many people have to be offended to merit an apology? l'm not offended, and neither are several people here, so there must proportionately be millions watching who weren't offended either. And do they apologise for insensitive as well as offensive remarks, because they're not the same thing? As someone already said, this silly, one-time off the cuff remark is being blown out of proportion, but I'm sure if enough people complain to Q the molehill can be built into a mountain.
It is not a numbers game. Insensitive potentially hurtful remarks to those who have done nothing to deserve it, merits an apology.
Unfortunately Lenny is one of those people who opens his mouth before engaging his brain, he always will be!
Personally, like another forumite mentioned, I thought he was drunk. He seemed to slur his words (as he has done on other occasions), or was it jet lag - perhaps a glass or two over the top on the plane ???
It is not a numbers game. Insensitive potentially hurtful remarks to those who have done nothing to deserve it, merits an apology.

My point was that sensitivity is relative. Nobody should have to apologise for voicing a comment just because someone else doesn't like it. That person may be ridiculously oversensitive. My saying that l find something insensitive doesn't make it so. Judging whether something is insensitive or not has to be a numbers game - if large numbers of people consider something to be insensitive, then it probably is. Even then, so what? lt's only words, they're not lethal.

Personally l think our society has gone way overboard with political correctness and needs to grow up, toughen up and appreciate the enormous gift and privilege of free speech before it's too late. Millions of people have given and are, at this very minute, giving their lives fighting for free speech - we had it, and we're just giving it away bit by bit. We're just handing it back without a murmur and are becoming a society where people are now being imprisoned for expressing an opinion, just because that opinion is distasteful to a section of society or - worse - to the government. It's an insidious erosion and it betrays the millions who died to ensure we kept this freedom.

l passionately agree with the statement usually (wrongly) attributed to Voltaire: "l disapprove of what you say, but l will defend to the death your right to say it".
The comment was tasteless and self serving. Can't his company send someone Who is more professional? or is he so egomaniacal that it always has to be him oafing around and showing himself up on screen?
Really? You must be easily shocked Julius to think a remark by a news presenter was almost as shocking as the events of 9/11.

I guess it's one of those things that needs to be seen to be understood, but her remark was truly breathtaking. Everything about what she said - the tone, timing and context was wrong.
i think the remark he made is very very insensitive...and if he watches the news later he will see a parent of one of the missing totally in distress ....
I don't think lenny knows WHAT he is saying half the time he just syas the first thing that comes to his head. even some of the things he says re joy are a bit "TONGUE IN CHEEK" at the very very best.
he may even have a slight learning disability..
i think qcv bods must be frightened of him or something...jokes are jokes but when it causes offence to something so raw it is just not acceptable...no europeans or Americans involved so that makes sense now....
Good lord Ive just turned off because he's on again shouting, talking too much and acting The clown. I cannot watch, it's embarrassing.
Good lord Ive just turned off because he's on again shouting, talking too much and acting The clown. I cannot watch, it's embarrassing.

I pity the presenters that are lumbered with him and can't get away...I switch off/over as soon as I hear/see him. Imo he is a right pain in the bum...
I pity the presenters that are lumbered with him and can't get away...I switch off/over as soon as I hear/see him. Imo he is a right pain in the bum...

I agree, it must be dreadful presenting with him and not knowing what he is going to come out with next.
Bear in mind that to date the fate of the aircraft and its occupants remains unconfirmed, making this a particuarly sensitive issue. I do sometimes find Lenny amusing but feel he should be a little more considerate. Blurting out things like he does is quite strange!
I didn't watch his hour with Jackie last night, but at the beginning of the hour, he seemed very hyper, and her sounding like she was gonna dread it. He said he only had 1 hour sleep, since the midnight launch so could be zany.

Maybe it would be nice to see the Nina part of Nina Leonard, and take some of the workload from him

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