I am sending more back than I keep!


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Registered Shopper
Aug 7, 2009
I do try to consider whether I really want a purchase but these days I am sending more back than I keep. I just don't like a lot of stuff when I finally get to see it in the flesh. I need to curb my spending again I think.:mysmilie_81:...think even longer and harder before I buy.:mysmilie_34:
I've sent back two things since Christmas, which would normally be the sum total of my returns for a couple of years.
One was a top which was less than flattering - in the old days, I would probably have kept it and shoved it to the back of the wardrobe. The other was a mookite ring, which was lovely but the sizing was strange - too tight for one finger, too loose for another and I knew I'd spend loads of time fiddling with it and getting irritated by it, so I feel quite virtuous.....
I sent back the Gossip watches TSV today.

I had a long time to decide, but they were just too big for my little wrist.
Funny you should bring this subject up.

This morning I woke very early and was going through QVC Active for todays Hot Picks and 'specials' :mysmilie_34: (sad I know but I was bored and OH is away)

All I can say is what a lack lustre array of TAT;

Fake diamonds set in silver as a TSV,
EasiYo Yoghurt
NV Perricone Skincare ( are they having a LAUGH :mysmilie_697:)
and ruddy Kim & Co Outlet with prices that still beggar belief £28.45 PLUS p+p of £3.45 for an acetate scoop neck tee shirt! In CLEARANCE!:mysmilie_61: QVC must think our heads button up the back!:mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17:
Funny you should bring this subject up.

This morning I woke very early and was going through QVC Active for todays Hot Picks and 'specials' :mysmilie_34: (sad I know but I was bored and OH is away)

All I can say is what a lack lustre array of TAT;

Fake diamonds set in silver as a TSV,
EasiYo Yoghurt
NV Perricone Skincare ( are they having a LAUGH :mysmilie_697:)
and ruddy Kim & Co Outlet with prices that still beggar belief £28.45 PLUS p+p of £3.45 for an acetate scoop neck tee shirt! In CLEARANCE!:mysmilie_61: QVC must think our heads button up the back!:mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17:

That's the spirit Jabba. Talking about the clearance section, I went through it yesterday (as you do) and I found all the prices still very high. Almost everything only had a couple of pound off and there were no bargains on it at all. No spends for Loveheart. Yay!.
:mysmilie_348: I'm really going to make a concerted effort in future,with the help of the FARTERS off course!

I would have money to buy luxury items that I really want if I stopped my reckless QVC spending :mysmilie_698:
:mysmilie_348: I'm really going to make a concerted effort in future,with the help of the FARTERS off course!

I would have money to buy luxury items that I really want if I stopped my reckless QVC spending :mysmilie_698:

Me too, spending far too much on QVC, instead of going to other shops and looking around and getting better bargains.
Funny you should bring this subject up.

This morning I woke very early and was going through QVC Active for todays Hot Picks and 'specials' :mysmilie_34: (sad I know but I was bored and OH is away)

All I can say is what a lack lustre array of TAT;

Fake diamonds set in silver as a TSV,
EasiYo Yoghurt
NV Perricone Skincare ( are they having a LAUGH :mysmilie_697:)
and ruddy Kim & Co Outlet with prices that still beggar belief £28.45 PLUS p+p of £3.45 for an acetate scoop neck tee shirt! In CLEARANCE!:mysmilie_61: QVC must think our heads button up the back!:mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17:

Heads button up the back!!!
Love that!!!
:mysmilie_348: I'm really going to make a concerted effort in future,with the help of the FARTERS off course!

I would have money to buy luxury items that I really want if I stopped my reckless QVC spending :mysmilie_698:

Me too Jabba, I've got a car loan I want to pay off early as my job is looking a bit risky so I will be trying to fart like a good'un this year :mysmilie_17:

I've been v good so far and even avoided watching QVC this week but with Yankee on at the weekend don't know if I will be able to hold out for much longer......
been watching as it does entertain me and I love this forum, but not buying as even the sale prices are rubbish, have two things waiting to wing their wing way back to QVC, bought pre Christmas and I just can't face the post office as it is always so busy. Am determined to get to the end of Jan without buying anything. Luckily nothing has tempted me and yesterday when Debbie F was wafting on about £2 95 being a "small" amount to pay for p and p to have some teeny tiny ring sent out I felt a bit cross!!
I don't get the chance to send back as I order so little these days.

The luster has well and truely come off QVC for me. There are brands I like and yes I look but then go and nose on the bay and get them cheaper.
Clientele neck cream is fabulous the double one at QVC its £44+ then shipping, I bought mine on ebay for £22.00 and under £2 shipping.

I had a mad spending spree on QVC from end of November up to now.
Oh yes, one Elemis TSV not the last one, sonic toothbrush and a ring in the sale which I used my 3 easy pay on. I am very happy with all these but no urge to buy anything else in the forseeable future.
I think you speak for most of us Donna with regard to the lustre wearing off!

I haven't bought too much lately. I also bought a ring on 3 easy pays (first time I've done that). I keep checking out things but usually manage to control the urge to press too many buttons.
Wow, all these promises. I may be out of a job soon then. My work as a f.a.r.ter will no longer be required if everyone is f.a.r.ting for themselves.
The lustre has definitely worn off for me! I think I was getting weary of QVC last year, and then in November, discovered this forum. What can I say, except that I laughed myself silly until the early hours of the morning reading some of the comments. And it made me realise just how easily I get sucked into the presentations. I too have really cut back on my spending. Still watch QVC at times, but I realsied that at times I was watching it from sheer boredom. Having Sky+ has also helped, because there is always something on record that I want to watch, instead of getting hypnotized by QVC.

I think the only products I will be buying from QVC are Laura Geller, AD Skin Synergy facial oil, L'occitane (but only if the TSVs are really good) and possibly some A'kin cleanser. Anyone know of any A'kin TSVs coming up?

At one point, I started making note of the products that I was seriously tempted by, but then resisted. I was writing down the amounts, and it ran into hundreds of pounds! Not buying those products didn't cause me any regret (apart from February's L'occitane TSV on auto delivery, which I passed up because I had bought too much that month! still kicking myself!). It just goes to show that farting on some of the stuff QVC try to make us believe we really need, can help us to save a poacket, and spend the money on something really necessary. :mysmilie_698:
At one point, I started making note of the products that I was seriously tempted by

I used to have several Notes pages in my Filofax dedicated to a sort of Wish List - tiny neat writing, all the item numbers, mini descriptions, prices + P&P - I'd forgotten about it.

I hardly ever watch these days, too often it's Diamonique or Northern Nights when I switch on.

I used to have several Notes pages in my Filofax dedicated to a sort of Wish List - tiny neat writing, all the item numbers, mini descriptions, prices + P&P - I'd forgotten about it.

OMG! I did too and when I was bored I would go through all the item numbers to check if anything had been reduced!

How sad am I?!

Having a horrible day at work so thanks for cheering me up :mysmilie_696: :)
The lustre has definitely worn off for me! I think I was getting weary of QVC last year, and then in November, discovered this forum. What can I say, except that I laughed myself silly until the early hours of the morning reading some of the comments. And it made me realise just how easily I get sucked into the presentations. I too have really cut back on my spending. Still watch QVC at times, but I realsied that at times I was watching it from sheer boredom. Having Sky+ has also helped, because there is always something on record that I want to watch, instead of getting hypnotized by QVC.

I think the only products I will be buying from QVC are Laura Geller, AD Skin Synergy facial oil, L'occitane (but only if the TSVs are really good) and possibly some A'kin cleanser. Anyone know of any A'kin TSVs coming up?

At one point, I started making note of the products that I was seriously tempted by, but then resisted. I was writing down the amounts, and it ran into hundreds of pounds! Not buying those products didn't cause me any regret (apart from February's L'occitane TSV on auto delivery, which I passed up because I had bought too much that month! still kicking myself!). It just goes to show that farting on some of the stuff QVC try to make us believe we really need, can help us to save a poacket, and spend the money on something really necessary. :mysmilie_698:

I feel exactly the same way and I am not sure if it is the lack of interesting stuff or the forum which has caused the end to my long term love affair with QVC. When I look back over the stuff I have bought in the past I shudder. I could have had a bliddy holiday with the postage alone.
I ordered the B Makowsky TSV (never arrived, got a refund) and this was one of many items that didn't make it to me in the latter part of 2009.
I haven't had to send anything back because I have ordered so little lately. Having said that I have ordered a pair of earrings (12 pounds) that arirved yesterday. They are nice and I am wearing them. I have also ordered a red travelon bag in the clearance section.
There aren't many interesting TSVs in the future either. Liz Earle, Occitane, Tignanello and that's just about it for the next month so FARTing should be easy! A good thing becuase I am skint anyway!!

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