How often do you buy on


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Registered Shopper
Apr 14, 2009
Just curious how often everyone purchased from the website as opposed to using the phone? I find it to be less of a hassle for most items.

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I use the website and on the odd occassion qcut. Have never ordered via operator. So much easier.
Since I joined quidco last year I have placed every order online.

Don't know why anyone rings up to place an order these days.
Qcut or the web for me never use the operator service, It takes too long
Don't know why anyone rings up to place an order these days.

I guess some people still don't have (or don't like to frequently use!) the internet!
On a recent Clientele clearance show, the phones were apparently going into meltdown & several of the items did in fact sell out very quickly, despite the fact that all the items featured on the show had been fully accessible (& at the same price!) in the clearance section for some time, several weeks at least, so could have been purchased at that price long before the show!
Since I joined quidco last year I have placed every order online.

Don't know why anyone rings up to place an order these days.

Same here. It's far quicker- and the OH can't overhear! :D

I'll use Qcut if the item looks like selling out and the pc isn't on.
Always online for me - gotta get that cashback!!! Even easier now I've got an iPhone - no waiting for the lappy to boot up :)

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