How many more presenters do they need?


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Feb 16, 2015
Just caught a bit of the De Jager garden hour - presented by Dale, the Gnome and the Bloke from De Jager (who may be first cousin to The Man From Del Monte), all trying to get a word in edgeways. Why, why, why do they think that 2 so-called 'experts' and 1 'bystander' are all required to present an hour about bulbs? The 3 of them look totally ridiculous standing together, more like a police identity parade about to start or waiting for a firing squad. I've come to the conclusion that Q have no idea about proper presentation - and now that the Miceal and Kathy lunchtime show has just started, with its stilted, hammy, embarrassed 'chat', I'm CERTAIN that Q have no idea about proper presentation.
PS: just switched back and caught Kathy presenting with a guest selling fruit and veg: Kathy: "did I say December? I really meant September". Kathy: "we hope this item will be send out to you in, no, it WILL be sent out to you in week...." Nice to see things are all as normal with the professional presenting style - you're working well, Kath, but don't (do!) give up the day job. Come back, Marv, all's forgiven.
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Just caught a bit of the De Jager garden hour - presented by Dale, the Gnome and the Bloke from De Jager (who may be first cousin to The Man From Del Monte), all trying to get a word in edgeways. Why, why, why do they think that 2 so-called 'experts' and 1 'bystander' are all required to present an hour about bulbs? The 3 of them look totally ridiculous standing together, more like a police identity parade about to start or waiting for a firing squad. I've come to the conclusion that Q have no idea about proper presentation - and now that the Miceal and Kathy lunchtime show has just started, with its stilted, hammy, embarrassed 'chat', I'm CERTAIN that Q have no idea about proper presentation.
PS: just switched back and caught Kathy presenting with a guest selling fruit and veg: Kathy: "did I say December? I really meant September". Kathy: "we hope this item will be send out to you in, no, it WILL be sent out to you in week...." Nice to see things are all as normal with the professional presenting style - you're working well, Kath, but don't (do!) give up the day job. Come back, Marv, all's forgiven.

I know when the gardening hours are on it does seem like there is a 'spare part in a wedding' (usually 'the gnome'), it is the same when they sometimes have beauty hours and they have a presenter as well as the 'Qualified Beauty Expert' and then the guests also, oh and of course'the model' (sleeping on the job usually :)).

I think it is because Q don't think that 'The Gnome' could do the job of presenting on his own, but yes it is sometimes awkward, The Gnome, always 'jumps in' and never lets the guests finish their sentences, or he [the gnome] goes of on a different tangent, thus what the guest is trying to state gets lost (this could be about feeding, or where to plant, so some important information could get 'lost in translation). No I prefer the gardening hours when 'the gnome' is not in them, for all manner of reasons!
When they have the gardening shows I'm always reminded of The Plantpot Men with Little Weed in the middle.
its overkill but its not just gardening. think of fashion. a qvc presenter, a brand ambassador, three models. then beauty. 3 or four models a make up artist or two, a presenter, a brand rep. must cost a fortune. not to mention family members common on to. michelle mone is an example
Yes, and we all know who they pass the costs on to, don't we? The overpricing on just about everything is partly to pay for the small army of presenters. Personally, I wouldn't pay Gnome the minimum wage per hour - all he seems to do is to repeat what the others have said, as though he thought of it first. What this bloke knows would fit on a flea's backside.

its overkill but its not just gardening. think of fashion. a qvc presenter, a brand ambassador, three models. then beauty. 3 or four models a make up artist or two, a presenter, a brand rep. must cost a fortune. not to mention family members common on to. michelle mone is an example
This reminds me of the episode in the first series The Apprentice in which one of the challenges was selling on the telly. I vaguely think it might have been IW.

I remember that SO well on IW ! I think they were trying to sell a wheelchair, and some craft sticky spots (cant remember the other item), but it was hilarious. And I also remember that Loen Love, sitting in what looked like the Board room telling the contestants that the reputation of IW was at stake so it had to be professional - I often wonder what Loen must think now, when watching Genevieve with verbal diarrohea and less than professional Sally Jax !!
I remember that SO well on IW ! I think they were trying to sell a wheelchair, and some craft sticky spots (cant remember the other item), but it was hilarious. And I also remember that Loen Love, sitting in what looked like the Board room telling the contestants that the reputation of IW was at stake so it had to be professional - I often wonder what Loen must think now, when watching Genevieve with verbal diarrohea and less than professional Sally Jax !!

Also a chunky winter cardigan with wolves knitted into the fabric and a shawl collar.

I caught Genevieve on IW for the first time last week (channel hopping, I don't watch IW). What a raucous voice, not the calm composed persona we saw presenting that 'fashion' range (something & Co ?).
The words 'professional' and 'Sally Jax' can't go into the same sentence. It's as though she's firing a machine gun into your ears. I caught 5 seconds of Screeching Sal yesterday and my gawd, the voice is worse than ever! It was so bad I checked the remote, in case I'd accidentally turned up the sound very high, but no. And she certainly looks as though she's put on quite a lot of weight - in spite of the 'miraculous' Jane Plan, that had changed her life. Of course if there's a natural reason, then congratulations, Sal!
I remember that SO well on IW ! I think they were trying to sell a wheelchair, and some craft sticky spots (cant remember the other item), but it was hilarious. And I also remember that Loen Love, sitting in what looked like the Board room telling the contestants that the reputation of IW was at stake so it had to be professional - I often wonder what Loen must think now, when watching Genevieve with verbal diarrohea and less than professional Sally Jax !!
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Also a chunky winter cardigan with wolves knitted into the fabric and a shawl collar.

I caught Genevieve on IW for the first time last week (channel hopping, I don't watch IW). What a raucous voice, not the calm composed persona we saw presenting that 'fashion' range (something & Co ?).

Was it Casual & Co ? when I first started watching about 15 years ago, there was a range that comprised matching tops and bottoms, and a very slender Genevieve would be the 'brand ambassador'. This was in the days before dresses were invented on Q
Was it Casual & Co ? when I first started watching about 15 years ago, there was a range that comprised matching tops and bottoms, and a very slender Genevieve would be the 'brand ambassador'. This was in the days before dresses were invented on Q

Yes that's it - Casual and Co ! Not a cold-shoulder or sharks-tooth in sight. Those were the days.
its overkill but its not just gardening. think of fashion. a qvc presenter, a brand ambassador, three models. then beauty. 3 or four models a make up artist or two, a presenter, a brand rep. must cost a fortune. not to mention family members common on to. michelle mone is an example

The other day they was a Liz Earle hour, and rather bizzarly (I think I am overusing that word), there was of course Carol and the presenter (think it was DF), but then they had Sarah (the beauty therapist for Liz Earle), just 'there', she didn't have a model, so she couldn't demonstrate any of the techniques, so all you got was her spritzing and washing her face. I mean all other brands if they have a therapist then at least they have a model as well. No I think this was an excellent showing of how awkwardly a guest could be!
I have always said the presenters are best on their own without guests however watching Katie P going solo on the Honora outlet I'm not so sure- she is making a right meal of it.
IMO having a guest along often brings out the worst in the presenters - the ego goes into overdrive and in DF and JR's case, the snide comments and attempts to belittle the guest. For example, Dale can be quite calm on his own, but when he's got a guest he's acting up the whole time, sycophantic and often downright stupid with his daft so-called 'jokes' and asides, especially if you catch him presenting a Charlie Bears hour.
I have always said the presenters are best on their own without guests however watching Katie P going solo on the Honora outlet I'm not so sure- she is making a right meal of it.
I have always said the presenters are best on their own without guests however watching Katie P going solo on the Honora outlet I'm not so sure- she is making a right meal of it.

Chloe Everton is a crafty mare, by her own admittance in past shows she can't manage alone, so what does she do? put the pressure on the model that's with her, asking her questions and letting her bare the brunt. She makes out like she's involving the model but what she's actually doing is taking the stress and pressure from herself. I could only stand that particular visit for less than a minute, and over the channel goes. I thought Chloe Everton was being really sly.
Chloe's been taking lessons from the lovely Howard of IW - I've seen him coasting along doing this on many occasions when he's presenting a fashion hour, firing questions at the model (think her name's Sheila - she's on there all the time, so you'd think I'd know her by now!!). OK, it's women's clothing being flogged, but the presenter is there to present, not cross-examine the model and get her to do all the talking. But I suppose it saves the presenter doing their homework (what homework do I hear you say?).

Chloe Everton is a crafty mare, by her own admittance in past shows she can't manage alone, so what does she do? put the pressure on the model that's with her, asking her questions and letting her bare the brunt. She makes out like she's involving the model but what she's actually doing is taking the stress and pressure from herself. I could only stand that particular visit for less than a minute, and over the channel goes. I thought Chloe Everton was being really sly.
Chloe Everton is a crafty mare, by her own admittance in past shows she can't manage alone, so what does she do? put the pressure on the model that's with her, asking her questions and letting her bare the brunt. She makes out like she's involving the model but what she's actually doing is taking the stress and pressure from herself. I could only stand that particular visit for less than a minute, and over the channel goes. I thought Chloe Everton was being really sly.

I know, I briefly watched her yesterday doing a clearance jewellery show and because it was a clearance show there was obviously no guest presenter, so as you say she was on with the model, who was Debra-Anne, who strangely was not very 'open', I always thought she was more out-going and chatty than she was yesterday (she certainly is in the Shape-wear shows), so my own guessing is that even she doesn't like CE presenting style. No after 5 years, she still seems like an amateur. Also, she on Friday she went on and on about going to festival and what clothes she could have worn in the hour that she was presenting, whilst that is 'semi-ok' in the fact that she was trying to put scenarios in where the clothes could be worn, she still managed to make it all about her, a extremely good 'talent' that talking about herself and the product but mainly about her self. Also Chloe stated that she lived on an island for 3 months, which is fine, but what exactly does she think the UK is! I know sports teachers were not exactly known for their intelligence (sorry any sports teachers out there :mysmilie_19:, but surely you should know that England's green and pleaseant land (as well As Wales and Scotland's) is an island. I know what she was alluding to an island how we would like to perceive it (blue sea, white sands etc), but still it was a 'daft thing' to say!

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