How is Howard employed?!


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Latest proof that Mr Griffith's mental integrity is questionable at least....."Swinging your pans, is a lifestyle choice"..he did actually say that, live on air ! he must be a local "Care in the community" placement.
Total fruitcake is a description that springs to mind. 'Weird and creepy' is another and Care in the Community 'ain't working. I think he comes from the Pope Peter (Simon) El Crappo School of Acting, and like him he has a darn good snigger when he comes off screen, (and sometimes when he's ON screen), thinking how clever and witty he is and how he fools the gullible. How they keep their jobs I cannot imagine....unless they know something we don't?

Latest proof that Mr Griffith's mental integrity is questionable at least....."Swinging your pans, is a lifestyle choice"..he did actually say that, live on air ! he must be a local "Care in the community" placement.
Latest proof that Mr Griffith's mental integrity is questionable at least....."Swinging your pans, is a lifestyle choice"..he did actually say that, live on air ! he must be a local "Care in the community" placement.

I know that I can be very naïve at times, but is "swinging your pans" a euphemism for something?
Knowing Howard..........and I think I do..........he probably just meant "swinging" is a lifestyle choice (his) but quickly remembered where he was and added "pans" up some meatballs eh Howard? eh? eh?
I genuinely don't understand why people on here complain about Howard and Dirty peter and Mike, honestly. Would you really rather watch ANOTHER presentation of the SAME item (which for some reason we are all mad enough to do it seems) with someone as dull as Joanne or Dennice? Ask yourself this, what do you NOT know about ceramic Tower pans? Are you waiting to be tempted to buy them? Then why on earth would you watch the 92nd presentaion of them if it's someone as dull as dishwater? I asked myself this the other day, and realised that Peter and Howard are the ONLY reason this channel is worth watching, would rather watch gemstv or QVC for at least some different products :)

Maybe I'm strange, but I like the 'weird' ones on IW as they give it some flavour, just like I'd rather watch Paul Brodel than Joe, just to see how much Paul can shove in his mouth over the hour whilst trying not to actively drool at every food item, Joe is just dull :)
IF you enjoy watching them fine but as far as i am concerned watching paint dry is more interesting particularly MM and PS.
Passing over the obvious fact that this is a forum giving people the chance to make comments about whatever they wish, my personal criteria for a good presenter is someone who can explain the product, interact well with an audience (a little genuine sense of humour helps in all areas of life), demonstrate (or assist the guest to demonstrate) the product and generally tell you what you want to know about the product if you are considering buying. After all, it may be the 92nd time of watching that demo for you, but not necessarily for thousands of others out there and they want FACTS! Of course, the presenters want to sell their product - their job depends on it and on getting good overall sales figures - but what irritates me is when presenters use the show as their own 'vehicle' to make an exhibition of themselves, brag about books they've written, invite you to 'a pity party' about their lives, do a poor Larry Grayson take-off or generally show off/behave like prats. Some presenters are like failed actors - with the emphasis on the word 'failed' - and as to watching them, well it's car crash TV and you watch open-mouthed or laughing your head off (usually both). OK, it's entertainment, but I don't follow the logic in your comment - it doesn't come down to a two-option choice between either stupid presenting behaviour or dull presenting behaviour, it's perfectly possible to have a good presentation without it having to be done by "dull as ditchwater" presenters. It's not about being either manic and stupid OR dull and boring - there is the other route that I've mentioned, but unfortunately few shopping channels have this type of presenter (Scott Worsfold on Gems TV was one, funny and witty but really could put across information about what he was selling - and factually accurate).

I genuinely don't understand why people on here complain about Howard and Dirty peter and Mike,. Would you really rather watch ANOTHER presentation of the SAME item (which for some reason we are all mad enough to do it seems) with someone as dull as Joanne or Dennice? Ask yourself this, what do you NOT know about ceramic Tower pans? Are you waiting to be tempted to buy them? Then why on earth would you watch the 92nd presentaion of them if it's someone as dull as dishwater? I asked myself this the other day, and realised that Peter and Howard are the ONLY reason this channel is worth watching, would rather watch gemstv or QVC for at least some different products :)

Maybe I'm strange, but I like the 'weird' ones on IW as they give it some flavour, just like I'd rather watch Paul Brodel than Joe, just to see how much Paul can shove in his mouth over the hour whilst trying not to actively drool at every food item, Joe is just dull :)
Of course, I understand that, but I'm just talking personally. I totally agree about Scott too, great presenter!

I just mean for me, and was asking you all, as people who clearly watch the same hours over and over, I know most of the posters on here have seen, for example, the x-hose hour, at least 5 times, so why wouldn't you rather watch an entertaining/risqué/mouth open in shock type presenter for your 6th watch, as opposed to Hayley Green?

New viewers sure, are going to happen across IW on an hour they might be interested in, with Peter Simon being incomprehensible and think "WTF??" but I just mean you and I, who know the schpeel for the Tower pans inside out, surely there is NO entertainment in watching Joe and Joanne present them AGAIN?
I think what we need to ask ourselves is, what would our opinion of these presenters be likely to be, had we not come across this forum/other internet opinions.

I personally have become much more cynical (more so towards qvc) and consider myself lucky that I have a outlet of information that can read between the lines (rightly or wrongly) on what is said on shopping tv in general.
New viewers sure, are going to happen across IW on an hour they might be interested in, with Peter Simon being incomprehensible and think "WTF??" but I just mean you and I, who know the schpeel for the Tower pans inside out, surely there is NO entertainment in watching Joe and Joanne present them AGAIN?

See I would rather watch Joe present than Paul as I don't find it entertaining watching someone practically gasping to get the food off the plate I find it in bad taste apart from the fact that I dread watching incase he explodes whilst on air! As for PS well its incomprehensible to me how he keeps a job presenting on TV on a plus my money is totally safe in my pocket when he is on.
I know that I can be very naïve at times, but is "swinging your pans" a euphemism for something?

Mutters, I think 'Swing your Pans,' is a play on words on ' Swing your Pants,' which was a semi catchphrase from kids BBC tv comedy duo Trevor and Simon from 80's. It's on U tube but i am not clever enough to link it on here.. Hope that helps.
Utterly bizarre sales pitch from the Welsh wizard tonight..................Whilst selling a Kitchen M8 (Woo not just a mate but ,M8) anyway he is doing a daft faux loud look at me darlings type sneeze as he must think he isnt geting enough attention, strange act when selling a cooking product.

Also for someone like our Welsh wizard friend who bangs on about healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle he munches away on these hours like no ones buisness and as its Mr Brodel its cooking lets just say you wont be losing any weight soon on his style of cooking.

PS Be quick we are only 3 minutes in and these are flying out..................yes but where are they flying too Howard? Same old patter hour after hour when selling any product YAWNNNNNNNNN ZZZZZZZZZZZZ :sleepy:
Watched him yesterday with miserable fat git Paul Brodel and just couldn't believe what I was seeing, he had to stuff his face with everything "mm mm" to prove the food was nice, it should be Howard love, it was cooked by a chef. It's ironic that every time they have a food presentation it's his "naughty day" funny that, I had to laugh though when he said to Paul "ahh mince, we love a good mince"............unfortunately Howard, you are not.
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I genuinely don't understand why people on here complain about Howard and Dirty peter and Mike, honestly. Would you really rather watch ANOTHER presentation of the SAME item (which for some reason we are all mad enough to do it seems) with someone as dull as Joanne or Dennice? Ask yourself this, what do you NOT know about ceramic Tower pans? Are you waiting to be tempted to buy them? Then why on earth would you watch the 92nd presentaion of them if it's someone as dull as dishwater? I asked myself this the other day, and realised that Peter and Howard are the ONLY reason this channel is worth watching, would rather watch gemstv or QVC for at least some different products :)

Maybe I'm strange, but I like the 'weird' ones on IW as they give it some flavour, just like I'd rather watch Paul Brodel than Joe, just to see how much Paul can shove in his mouth over the hour whilst trying not to actively drool at every food item, Joe is just dull :)

I do, I understand, it's always better to laugh with a presenter than at them, if it's the latter, they're not doing their job properly. I don't find Joe boring, he's a lot more pleasant than watching miserable git Paul Brodel who looks like he doesn't want to be there and he's about to punch someone's lights out.
Had the misfortune to tune in a while back and Howard was talking about Soft Stools, thought it was a home furnishing show, until I looked up and saw he was flogging a Nutri blender type machine.!!!

BTW nip over to 24studio and the 8 in 1 cooker is £29.99 and if its your first order an extra 10% off with free p&p making it £26.99
it's not often I bother to watch IW these days but I'm watching it now and it's embarrassing. Howard seems to have overdosed on energy drinks and is acting like a most annoying camp queen. He was screeching how he loves thes the Viking E-bikes and now the car buffer man with Howard keeps shouting "buff! buff! buff!" as he's buffing.

What has ideal World come to!? Terrible. :mysmilie_51:
it's not often I bother to watch IW these days but I'm watching it now and it's embarrassing. Howard seems to have overdosed on energy drinks and is acting like a most annoying camp queen. He was screeching how he loves thes the Viking E-bikes and now the car buffer man with Howard keeps shouting "buff! buff! buff!" as he's buffing.

What has ideal World come to!? Terrible. :mysmilie_51:

I didn't see it but I can imagine, oh how I can imagine! Howards that camp he should change his name Butlins.
it's not often I bother to watch IW these days but I'm watching it now and it's embarrassing. Howard seems to have overdosed on energy drinks and is acting like a most annoying camp queen. He was screeching how he loves thes the Viking E-bikes and now the car buffer man with Howard keeps shouting "buff! buff! buff!" as he's buffing.

What has ideal World come to!? Terrible. :mysmilie_51:

I saw a bit of him selling the E-bikes and he was telling us about the excitement of being on one of these bikes "with the wind rushing through your hair"... He made it sound like you are speeding on a Harley Davidson!
:mysmilie_13: Muttley, he should hurry up, as he's hardly got much hair for the wind to rush through, so take advantage before his hair waves goodbye to his head...However, this is more than made up for by the hot air rushing out of his gob......the bloke is a total idiot and so full of himself it's embarrassing.

To paraphrase something Churchill once said "an empty taxi drew up......and Howard got out". I honestly do wonder if he's on medication - I've never recovered from seeing him on a Woodland Leathers hour with some poor model, who looked as though she wished the ground would open and swallow her.....he was unbelievably awful, spouting complete and utter nonsense and insisting on parading up and down the catwalk, doing a poor man's Larry Grayson act but without the humour. But, as we've said on here before, IW love it and encourage it. I'm still having therapy to get over it. I know what I think is making him behave like that...

I saw a bit of him selling the E-bikes and he was telling us about the excitement of being on one of these bikes "with the wind rushing through your hair"... He made it sound like you are speeding on a Harley Davidson!

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