How have Green Seasons done this Xmas?


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Have you seen the photos of the green turkeys from Tesco? I think those customers would rather had non delivery a la Q than what they found upon carving.

Tesco response is not that great either - just a refund.
OMG I just googled that! How disgusting does that look? It looks as if the bird has swallowed a seedling which has grown inside it!!!! Absolutely revolting, and the Tesco response is pathetic. Basically I think it just means we really don't give a toss about your ruined Christmas. Otherwise it would be much more fulsome in the apology and hampers would be on the way. Plus they could pay for the cost of the bloody gas or electric it took to cook the thing! And if I was in full flow with a complaint, I would bill them for my cooking time at the living wage (I did that to JLP for the hours spent on my washing machine complaint, not that they paid it as such!).
I've just Googled that as well. Revolting. They say it's still safe to eat but I certainly wouldn't risk it.

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