How does the shelf-life work? #puzzled


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Yep I have quite a few of the soft lights too and they're ok; it's the larger area on the pressed powder foundation and the little credit-card sized creme eyeliner palettes that have gone weird, it's p'rap nature's way of telling me not to stockpile too much at a time. :doh:
Yep I have quite a few of the soft lights too and they're ok; it's the larger area on the pressed powder foundation and the little credit-card sized creme eyeliner palettes that have gone weird, it's p'rap nature's way of telling me not to stockpile too much at a time. :doh:

Jude, I've just checked my ever-diminishing stockpile of Smashbox goodies, and the eyeliner palettes appear fine; I keep them hidden away from the sun, in little Muji boxes. Jay
Thanks for checking, Jay and Spartacus, I wonder whether something has leaked on them, strange that it's happened to more than one different item. Not a huge problem and a light dusting of talc on the outside has remedied the stickiness. It's the first time I've discovered cosmetic contents lasting better than the packaging!
I wonder how much money we all waste buying things from QVC (& other places) and having to throw them away because they've 'turned' or changed colour or whatever when they should still be well within the unopened shelf life? I dread to think and I'm definitely going to think twice before ordering now. :( I know that a few people have said they would still use the product if it smells ok but I don't see the point of paying out a lot for a product that you hope will do something only to find that, although it still smells ok, using it is possibly a complete waste of time because any active ingredients are no longer active.
Thanks for checking, Jay and Spartacus, I wonder whether something has leaked on them, strange that it's happened to more than one different item. Not a huge problem and a light dusting of talc on the outside has remedied the stickiness. It's the first time I've discovered cosmetic contents lasting better than the packaging!

'tis one of life's little mysteries, Jude
Thanks for checking, Jay and Spartacus, I wonder whether something has leaked on them, strange that it's happened to more than one different item. Not a huge problem and a light dusting of talc on the outside has remedied the stickiness. It's the first time I've discovered cosmetic contents lasting better than the packaging!

Ooh I'm glad someone else has had the same problem as me. I hadsa clearout of my dressing table drawer a month or 2 back and decided to throw all my "not much used" smashbox eyeshadows and blushers, with the screw lids, as they all felt horrid and sticky. I also ended up throwing a new gel eyeliner pallet (credit card size) because that had gone all sticky too. None of my other makeup compacts have ever gone like this. I wondered, like you, if I had spilt something on them - although i knew I hadnt.
Nars rubber packaging is famous for going sticky, you can clean it with nail polish remover if annoys you.

I had a massive clear out of Smashbox stuff a few weeks ago. None had gone sticky.
Thanks for the nail polish remover tip Donna I'll experiment later, a light dusting of talc or loose face powder works but doesn't look good!
Pleased to see on checkcosmetic that the stuff I am using was made feb 13 and June 13 so quite fresh. Thanks for web info
I wonder how much money we all waste buying things from QVC (& other places) and having to throw them away because they've 'turned' or changed colour or whatever when they should still be well within the unopened shelf life? I dread to think and I'm definitely going to think twice before ordering now. :( I know that a few people have said they would still use the product if it smells ok but I don't see the point of paying out a lot for a product that you hope will do something only to find that, although it still smells ok, using it is possibly a complete waste of time because any active ingredients are no longer active.

I'm sure I'd never heard the term 'active ingredients' in relation to beauty products until I started watching QVC, just another of their brainwashing techniques. I'm very much a believer of if it looks, smells, feels OK, then I'll use it. All I ever expect a moisturiser to do is moisturise, and whether it's three months old or three years old I believe it'll still do the same job. The 'premium' products with 'active ingedients' that are available from QVC, I only ever bought as part of TSVs when the did represent fair value I felt, c£40 for half a dozen products, but there's no way I'd ever have paid the price for an individual product eg Elemis PCMC is around £50 I think. Now it has a nice smell and feels nice on the skin, and I enjoyed using it, bit did it do any more than a £5 high street moisturiser - absolutely not. Elemis claims are meaningless if you ask me:

"Pro-Collagen Marine Cream 50ml

This revolutionary Anti-Ageing cream uses the Marine extract Padina Pavonica to transform the complexion in just over 2 weeks*. Trials proved that the appearance in wrinkle depth was reduced by up to 78% "

What on earth does that mean? How did they measure appearance? They're not saying the wrinkle depth magically reduced in two weeks are they.
The results probably indicated that the cream had helped to smooth the wrinkles, so they looked a tad diminished. Nothiing can eradicate lines and wrinkles completely.
I just saw this on

Cosmetic products which shelf life is less than 30 months must be marked with “Best before” date according to common regulations in the most of the countries. Such products can no longer meet safety requirements as soon as expiry date has been passed. It’s not mandatory to have such labeling for the cosmetic products which shelf life exceeds 30 months. Most of such products should not be harmful even after the expiration; but they can change smell, color, texture or simply become useless. Purchasing such product could mean wasted money.

Well, this doesn't seem to apply to anything I've bought from QVC!
Just noticed a product called Covermark in last clicks where the reviews are dated 2009 and 2010 so how old is the stock they are selling?

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