How do they sell anything?????


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One wonders if now that i have posed the awkward questions of allegiances, transparencie and fairness whether anyone will reply?
savage4x, first of all welcome to the forum.

First of all can I say that savage4x is not a mmember of Rocks and Co staff.

savage4x sadly we have had so many members now from Rocks and Co joining we jump to conclusions wrongly I may add.

Over recent weeks I have tried to sort any issues with Rocks and Co out but in my opinion if i said the sky was blue they would say it was black, that is my experience.

I apologise and hope that you will continue to post your experiences good and bad fronm all channels.
It makes not a jot of difference whether you believe me, as stated in my now oft quoted replies i have ordered from R&C and if the product is substandard i will come on here and say so and scan a copy of my valuation to prove it and give anyone who reads this a chance to make up their own minds as opposed to having them made up for them by you.
i feel in all my replies i have justified what i have said and tried to be fair. Can you say the same?
If people look up TJC on google it is mainly negative, not on this forum though. Do you work for TJC?

Meeshoo is very well respected on this forum, her gem knowledge is vast which she willingly shares with members here.

She does not work for TJC. You will gain nothing by attacking Meeshoo, please give up with this.
I think you'll find Meeshoo speaks as she finds! Does she work for TJC? don't be so ridiculous she has posted both positive and negative about TJC on this forum!
I've been a poster on this forum for many years and have bought many many many items of jewellery from all (except QVC). I am therefore entitled to make my own judgement as to who I believe has good products. I do not attack based on my experience with customer service and no product. I do not work for any of the jewellery TV or internet channels - something that most of the long term posters on this forum can verify.

I have based my opinions on my experiences with Rocks and Co. I have also been attacked (on a personal level) by new posters who have subsequently been found to work for Rocks and Co as my posts are generally not favourable to that company. Why? They have shoddy, misleading selling techniques, their prices are over-inflated (BTW I bought a 4ct top class Tanzanite for £1,400 which shows you the difference) and they do NOT give customers sufficient information. Look at the "Ceylon" Sapphires they're selling. Please point me, in their certificates of authenticity, where it says they're from Ceylon? This is not a moot point. Location of gemstones, especially if it's being used as a selling technique to mislead, is incredibly important and does make a difference to price. If you do not work for Rocks and Co then I apologise for making that assumption. Given what has happened in the past, your post, unfortunately certainly pointed that way.

What good is an enhancements page on a website if you're a TV viewer, buying over the telephone? You watch a 2ct yellow diamond being sold. You're not told it's irradiated. Nothing that accompanies the diamond says it's irradiated. How would you feel when you get it valued and lo and behold the valuer explains that? The price you've paid is way over the top for irradiated material. Wouldn't you be annoyed/angry? That's why the majority of posts on here are negative. We, the consumers who have been buying jewellery for many years, post to warn others.

Tony Diniz frequently says he buys Tanzanite for £1000 per carat! Well, you only have to look at that statement and the cost of your ring to know that's absolute rubbish. Anybody in the Trade and in fact those who aren't, know they can purchase Tanzanite (good quality, top grade) for £300-350 per carat. Do you then think it's right that he's allowed to continue spouting this rubbish? How would you feel when you get your 4ct Tanzanite assessed and it doesn't come in at £8,000? Because let's face it, according to Tony if he buys it at £4,000 then it must be worth double that, right?!

If you think my posts aren't valid. Don't read them. I don't try to influence anybody. I tell the truth as I find it and base my posts on facts. Not fiction. If I were to buy a product that was good from them, I would post it up. In the early days of Rocks and Co I did just that. I also did that in the GemsTV section when they were only getting negative reviews about 12 months ago. I'm not afraid to give praise where it's due.
Hi savage4x and welcome to the forum.

I will be very interested to see how you find your ring, once you receive it and would be grateful if you could post your experiences for us.

I am relatively new to the forum and found it after I had bought several items from R&C.

I wish I had found it sooner, as the advice I read and receive from the forum members has been very useful and has taught me to look closer at the quality, gold weight, cut of gems, rather than simply being taken in by the hype of the presenters selling it. Sadly I didn't do this before and am now the not so proud owner of overpriced and not great quality pieces from R&C. I am very grateful to posters such as Meeshoo for sharing their experience with newbies such as myself.

When I compare those pieces with others that I have since bought from TJC, RocksTV and GEMSTV - they are sadly lacking.

I agree that the TJC CS is very bad - I sent an email a week ago and have yet to receive a reply, not an uncommon experience for many forum members. This really lets them down, as I find their presenters watchable and am very pleased with the items I have bought from them (from more affordable scale to relatively high end).

I havn't really had cause to deal with R&C or GemsTV CS so cannot comment.

The most enjoyable company to deal with in my opinion is RocksTV, I really appreciate the fact that the owners take time to post on this forum and deal with any issues and their CS is second to none.

Sorry, bit of a rambling post, am more of a lurker than a poster generally!
I had some trouble staying logged in, and message didn't post, anyone else having the same?
i'll write it again.
Meeshoo, Thank you for that reasoned and logical reply. As i stated earlier i was prompted to post on this forum by the attack on R&C and the praise for TJC companies who for the way they treat their customers (which to me is very important, and says a lot especially when they're spending a lot of money) cannot be compared.

Me and my fiance (who the rings for by the way, lol) are looking forward to its arrival and will post here when it arrives to Ireland and we have it valued, about 2 weeks.

Out of general interest, why have you never ordered from QVC? me and my fiance and her mother for many years before her, regularly order various items from them, jewelery, toiletries, electronics, etc (much to the amusement of the postman who probably thinks we're running a business) we find there quality excellent, prices better than anything we can get in Ireland and their customer service excellent (no i don't work for them, either
No problems logging in here (sorry).

I actually do hope you receive a wonderful ring. I hate it when anybody (me included!) buys a ring that turns up and the reaction is "oh" and not in a good way. What I would say is that if you're going to have it valued, please please please please don't use a local jeweller. You may find this thread of interest - although I really don't know much about what is available in Ireland.

Typically local jewellers (even those associated with a big chain) don't have sufficient experience or exposure to "specialist" gemstones. Although Tanzanite is much more readily available now than say 10 years ago, it's still a relative unknown quantity for some. By way of an example, when I first started collecting, I took a 7ct (I started in a big way!!!!) pendant, bought for £1,500, to a jewellers who valued it at £11,800. I felt that that was wrong, so took it to Safeguard a couple of years later. They valued it at half that! Okay, still a huge mark up on the price I paid but much more realistic and more in line with the market. Can you imagine if I'd used that first jeweller for all my insurance valuations? My premiums would have been sky high AND the insurance companies would never had paid out in any case!!!

I don't know how much Tanzanite you and your fiance (lucky lady btw) knows about Tanzy but if you post up pics, you'll get honest opinions on this website. If it's lovely, people will tell you. If you ask for honest opinions you'll get that also. Information is power!!!!! You may want to find a thread that I posted ages ago about gemstone cuts. That'll help you to evaluate the gemstone itself if you're not familar with how to do so.

Lastly, I hope you don't mind me mentioning, Tanzanite is a relatively soft stone and not meant for everyday wear. Certainly not an engagement ring. I learned a horrible lesson with one of my very first Tanzanites that I managed to ruin beyond belief!

Edit: Sorry forgot to answer the QVC question. I have actually bought stuff from them but I steer clear of the jewellery as I haven't seen much there that I've wanted.
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I don't know! I go offline for a wee while and come back to find my name being taken in vain!! I haven't even opened my mouth yet! :giggle:

Anyway, fortunately I didn't do my usual and read the first post then jump in big time with both feet! I have read all the posts and firstly would like to say Welcome to the forum savage4x.

I'm glad it's been established that you don't work for Rocks & Co and I don't work for TJC so that's great. Let me explain myself. I say things as I see them, regard myself as being 100% honest in my opinions (and in all aspects of my life, I don't tolerate fools gladly, I call a spade a spade and I hate liars! I also pay my TV licence and I pay for Sky TV which I believe gives me the right as a viewer and consumer to voice my opinions on what is put on my television screen. This forum is a fantastic place to learn, air your views and make wondeful friends and yes, I do post often and yes, I am very damning with my criticism when I believe it warrants it.

I used to be very critical of TJC in the days when there auctions each took what felt like a fortnight and they sold mainly diamonds and tanzanite. They were the most boring, old fashioned bunch and it used to annoy me that they could have been so good yet were so bad! TJC got their act together in a big way. They changed the way they sell so that auctions are now quick and to the point, they have increased their range massively to include something for everyone and in particular their Silver Range is just miles better than anyone else and above all, their quality is excellent especially their high end pieces. I noticed you posted about their presenters in the TJC section but I have to disagree with you - I find them to be the best presenters by far. They don't tell you lies, they don't scream and shout, they are fun and make watching an enjoyable experience. I personally have had excellent CS from TJC recently, I have posted this already so won't go into detail. Yes, from what others have said, I believe their CS does need to be improved but overall TJC imho are the best jewellery channel and the only one I will buy from nowadays.

So, despite your initial opinion savage4x, I do not have allegiance to any channel. I just prefer to buy good jewellery for a good price and to be made aware of any treatments etc. that will affect my decision to buy. I also don't want to be conned, given incorrect information or sold windowed stones which are supposed to be cut by the best in the world! I get upset when I know for a fact that presenters are lying and when they try to deceive innocent people who have worked hard for the cash they have to spend. Unlike a lot of us on here, they may be looking for the one and only piece of jewellery they'll ever buy themselves and I for one would hate that one piece to have been sold as something which it isn't.

Finally, (I bet you're glad!) can I say I hope you get a decent ring from Rocks and are pleased with your purchase when it arrives. If it's high quality Tanzanite the chances are that they've bought it from TJC's parent company anyway as they are the biggest Sight Holder at Tanzanite One and do sell on what they don't keep themselves. Sorry you had a bad experience with TJC CS but I would respectfully suggest you don't let this put you off. Make a very strong complaint, to their CEO in the US if necessary, but don't cut your nose off despite your face as the saying goes, their Tanzanite is the best I assure you of that.

Sorry one last thing - you say you had good experiences with Rocks CS. Many on here haven't been so lucky, especially the ones who buy online then get told the item "didn't pass Quality Control" only to find they always pass if you buy on the phone and pay immediately! They said that issue would be resolved in February 2009 - where are we now, almost October. Is it fixed? Is it heck! What made it worse (if that's possible) is that a lot weren't even given the courtesy of a call to tell them. They waited excitedly for their item to arrive and only found out it wasn't coming when they phoned to see where it was! Just an example of how Rocks & Co aren't any better CS wise. You were just unlucky with one and lucky with the other!
How childish, i came onto the forum looking for info on R&C. I do not, repeat do not work for them and really couldn't give a damn about them but when i read yourself and Klosblue slagging them and praising TJC i felt compelled to reply.

When I posted previously, I thought I had read all your posts but I have found that in fact I hadn't so was a bit quick off the mark with my post.

Can I ask what "compels" you to come on here and accuse me (and Meeshoo) of "slagging" R & C and praising TJC? Now that I've read your posts, you appear to have done exactly the opposite! Why join a forum and spend your first posts going on about how TJC "were prosecuted for enhancing stones on tv(!!)" and in the USA they were rubbish especially when that's both misleading and inaccurate? Can you supply me with the details/evidence of their "prosecution" as I would be very interested to read about it? I know all of the TV jewellery outlets have been reported to the ASA in the past and in fact two of the TJC ones could be applied right now to Rocks & Co but so far they have been lucky in that they haven't been reported for these. However their luck may be about to change - I'll say no more at present!

In the USA, STS closed TJC and re-opened as a clearance channel with very competitive prices I may add. The parent companies of TJC (STS and Vaibhav Gems Group) could buy and sell Rocks & Co and Gems TV many times over! They've been in business over 20 years and know what they're doing.

With regards to you hearing TJC Presenters "shreik, owl (??) and go epileptic as many of the presenters on R & C do". I can only say that they must have different presenters in Ireland as I have never seen any TJC presenter act in any way like the R & C ones!

You have had one transaction with TJC which you say was not to your liking, and one transaction with Rocks & Co which you applaude yet you come on here and complain loudly about my posts and accuse me of being unfair and biased! Have you not done exactly that yourself with your posts?

You are as entitled to your opinion as anyone else on here but to make it personal to other members is not polite nor is it the done thing. If you are happy dealing with a company who's "world famous Gem Hunter" *cough cough* buys their own pieces from his hotel room and claims he pays £1000 a carat for Tanzanite then that's your perogative. All I will say is that everything I have posted on this forum is accurate!
One wonders if now that i have posed the awkward questions of allegiances, transparencie and fairness whether anyone will reply?

Yes, I'll certainly reply! First of all, welcome to the Forum and I hope you enjoy your time here.
I was an avid supporter of R&C in the early days when they seemed to be so full of promise. Recently they have let me down so many times that I too have lost all faith in them. They have very few presenters that I can bear to watch, so now I very rarely do.
I'm afraid that I'm a bit of a tanzy tart and so I too must heap praise on TJC. Their tanzanite is simply scrumptious and although their CS does indeed leave a lot to be desired, I can forgive them for all the reasons stated previously. Most of their presenters are calm informative and amusing to watch. They sell a lovely variety of gemstones and jewellery to suit a broad spectrum of taste and did I mention their tanzanite's to die for??!! Their diamonds also seem to be very competitively priced to me, but perhaps Meeshoo will correct me on that one. They have some way to go to become the perfect company (they still owe me £50!), but they have improved beyond all recognition from the early days.
Gemstv have totally lost the plot as far as I'm concerned and I flick over to watch it very rarely now and am lucky if I buy once a year off them. I can't praise Rockstv highly enough even though not all their jewellery is to my taste (I wear yellow gold and like simple designs). Their CS is a shining example to any company, not just shopping telly.
The above is just how I feel about the jewellery channels - I don't work for any of them or know anybody that works for any of them - from my own experiences with them.
Oh and by the way, I have learned an enormous amount from this Forum, especially Meeshoo who is an amazing expert on all things gemstoney. I'm very grateful that she and everyone else takes the time to post and share their jewellery purchases/photos with us. I hope you will find the same, but what I don't really understand is that you felt so strongly that you came on with your first posts to criticize members and to praise a company that you haven't even received a piece of jewellery from yet - it did seem a tad aggressive.
Well, that is by far my longest post to date, that's how strongly I felt about the issues. You can all wake up now!
I'll drag myself out of my bed of pain and with weak and shaky hands reply to you (violins play soulfully in the background). Savage by name, savage by nature methinks.

Argey xxx
I'll drag myself out of my bed of pain and with weak and shaky hands reply to you (violins play soulfully in the background). Savage by name, savage by nature methinks.

Argey xxx

Y A Y !!!! Argey's back

Delighted to see you Lurgey hon. Hope you're feeling much better and on the road to full recovery. Missed you :BigHug:
I was just re-reading this (it's very boring sat here with my leg on a stool) and noticed the link Meshoo posted was to my alex thread!! and just wanted to take the opportunity to say, I found Mesh's advice very very helpful and it made me take the time out to evaluate whether I REALLY wanted that ring. That's what it's all about on this forum.

Now that I've decided I'm not keeping the ring, this doesn't count as anyone being negative about RocksTV or any other company! In fact I'm happily respending the money on other RocksTV products and have branched out to TJC for a matching necklace! All thanks to good, impartial advice.

N xxx
I don't know! I go offline for a wee while and come back to find my name being taken in vain!! I haven't even opened my mouth yet! :giggle:

Well there's a first time for everything I guess!!! hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!!!
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I had some trouble staying logged in, and message didn't post, anyone else having the same?
i'll write it again.
Meeshoo, Thank you for that reasoned and logical reply. As i stated earlier i was prompted to post on this forum by the attack on R&C and the praise for TJC companies who for the way they treat their customers (which to me is very important, and says a lot especially when they're spending a lot of money) cannot be compared.

Me and my fiance (who the rings for by the way, lol) are looking forward to its arrival and will post here when it arrives to Ireland and we have it valued, about 2 weeks.

Out of general interest, why have you never ordered from QVC? me and my fiance and her mother for many years before her, regularly order various items from them, jewelery, toiletries, electronics, etc (much to the amusement of the postman who probably thinks we're running a business) we find there quality excellent, prices better than anything we can get in Ireland and their customer service excellent (no i don't work for them, either

Has it arrived yet, sure we would all like to see a pic?

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