How do they sell anything?????


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Tony is flogging a yellow and white diamond eternity ring. It's got a total of 0.960ct of diamonds that are apparently VS2. Presumably Rocks and Co's own in-house grade as the diamonds certainly aren't certified.

This dropped to £799 eventually but:-

1. No mention yet again if the yellow diamonds are irradiated (they are).
2. Who would pay £800 for under a carat of lots of little diamonds? Madness.
3. Tony described the yellows as "canary". Anybody in the trade knows there's absolutely NO SUCH COLOUR GRADE as canary and in fact coloured diamond dealers not only frown on the use of the word but pour scorn on those who do - ESPECIALLY if you're describing irradiated diamonds.
4. Tony says when buying coloured diamonds "you must make sure you have intensity of colour". Errrrrr? Well it'd be impossible not with irradiated diamonds Tony - another interesting fact omitted.

I feel very very very sorry for anybody who buys from this company and thinks they're getting a deal - or indeed thinks they're getting something they're not. :headbang:

AND if I hear one more time "This shouldn't be at this price. I can't replicate this again" I'm going to scream. :devil: :headbang:


  • Rocksandco yellow and white diamond ring.jpg
    Rocksandco yellow and white diamond ring.jpg
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I really, really wish more people would complain to the ASA about this channel and the rubbish they spout. Until then, they'll continue to lie and try to con the viewers. What saddens me is that there are some presenters there who have experience in jewellery sales and therefore have some knowledge (yes I know they hide it well!) and they sit there knowingly towing the company line and knowingly telling lies. How do they sleep at night? Are they that desperate for a job that they're quite content to mislead people and persuade them by any means possible to part with their hard earned cash without having any conscience about what they're doing? They must be desperate and are certainly pathetic! Then when I posted about Stacey telling the story about Tony buying the Tanzanian Rubies she emails Graham wingeing about it! All I can say is if she wasn't lying and just reiterating what she'd been told then she must be extremely thick to repeat the story on air not realising how unethical and ridiculous it is! I feel another email coming on!!

I just read this and think it applies perfectly to these presenters:-
"Loyalty is to be admired, but towing the company line when we believe it to be wrong is no virtue".
What I don't understand why "Gemstone Gav" continues to be a member here when he reads the forum everyday yet does not bother to answer customers questions.
What i would like to know is how they arrive at the starting price, i saw some Tanzanite recently and it started above £500,000 WHAT and then it dropped to about £3000. This practice just does not have a place in today's credit crunch world and the sooner this channels goes the better, shopping channels in general seem to have a poor reputation and it is not helped by alleged con merchants.
What I don't understand why "Gemstone Gav" continues to be a member here when he reads the forum everyday yet does not bother to answer customers questions.

Because the customer isn't important Graham. All this channel cares about is selling at over inflated prices - irrespective of the long term or the reputation it's getting.
I saw Tony and VB selling a yellow and white diamond trilogy last night. The yellow diamond was about 2ct - now I must admit I did some channel hopping during the approx 20 mins this item was on air!!! I heard Tony describe the yellow diamond as a 'natural' diamond - HOWEVER, he didn't then follow it up by saying it was irradiated. VERY NAUGHTY IMVHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They also spent about 20 - 25 mins with a 5ct spene - very pretty yellowy colour (IMVHO) however Tony kept insisting that it was green, because the green colour demands the higher prices!!!!!!!!!! We are now all colour blind as well. :devil:
That's a total disgrace! However in saying that, I'm not surprised by anything this bunch say! I don't expect them to be around for long though because they obviously don't sell very much - except to Tony that is!

The truth will out!
I saw that sphene! It went to £1999 if my memory isn't too wobbly. Again Tony was all sweating and pasty as if in imminent need of CPR - he claimed he was going to buy it himself, because he could deliver it straight to someone's door who'd pay him £15,000 for it!!!

Er... so why didn't he, then?

Whoever the lucky buyer was, I hope R&C also give him/her the address of this mythical collector, so the buyer has the option of nipping round there to make a nice £13,000 profit on their green sphene.
£15,000 for a Sphene? :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: From the sublime to the utterly ludicrous! FFS! They seriously must be having a larf!

I've just bought a 2ct Sphene with the most incredible properties from RocksTV for £32! So by my reckoning if Tony thinks that Sphene is worth £3,000 per carat, I've diddled RocksTV for around £5,970!

Dear God, what planet does Tony come from? Planet "I want to patronise and lie to all my customers because they're quite obviously stupid" the one just round the corner from "If I shake my head for long enough and say how rare it is, by the time this auction ends it will probably be rare because it takes that long to sell stuff" planet.

Will somebody who saw this diatribe please report it to the ASA. This is unethical and the ASA have the powers to make them prove that they could have sold that particular Sphene for £15,000 - that should be funny! If somebody does decide to report it, I'll give you TONS of evidence to prove that the value of Sphene (retail) is nowhere near £3k per carat.
Alas, my evidence is pure hearsay. I don't think it would stand up in court! Maybe if someone out there happened to tape it, tho ...??

(I can't be the only person who's sad enough sometimes to tape particularly striking items on R&C or TJC to watch later, either to drool enviously or to see if they actually managed to sell it ... can I ???)

Aaaaah that's where you're wrong RR! If you know the approximately time and date, the ASA have the power to request the tapes from Rocks and Co. No recordings needed from you! Don't worry though.

Just for info. You simply fill out an online form and the ASA do the rest and write to you when they've made a decision. Seemples!
I don't like watching him anymore. Used to quite enjoy him when he first appeared, but not now.

I don't watch them that often, but it seems like (from posts on here) that they are sailing very close to the wind.
I've only discovered this forum today and as i like the gems they are showing (i admit some of the presenters are painful) was inially alarmed by many of the criticisms until i realised most of the posts are from the same authors. I can only imagine you had some very bad dealings with them because the criticisms do not seem in anyway balanced. In any threads which are not primarily made up of the same authors the posts are balanced and quite positive.

Also i pressume anyone spending a large amount of money would have the gem valued and if they're being ripped off, they would send it back. i certainly would
Follow on from last post, if you read R&C web site they tell you that stones are enhanced, heat treated (irradiated), oiled etc. They also meet CIBJO standards (world govening body of jewellers) Also looked it up further on line and permanent enhancements, i.e. irradiating. is used world wide by jewellers to enhance coloured gems, including yellow diamonds and tanzanite. The same thing happens and the same info given on other channels such as TJC
I've only discovered this forum today and as i like the gems they are showing (i admit some of the presenters are painful) was inially alarmed by many of the criticisms until i realised most of the posts are from the same authors. I can only imagine you had some very bad dealings with them because the criticisms do not seem in anyway balanced. In any threads which are not primarily made up of the same authors the posts are balanced and quite positive.

Also i pressume anyone spending a large amount of money would have the gem valued and if they're being ripped off, they would send it back. i certainly would

Follow on from last post, if you read R&C web site they tell you that stones are enhanced, heat treated (irradiated), oiled etc. They also meet CIBJO standards (world govening body of jewellers) Also looked it up further on line and permanent enhancements, i.e. irradiating. is used world wide by jewellers to enhance coloured gems, including yellow diamonds and tanzanite. The same thing happens and the same info given on other channels such as TJC

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

So when did you start working for the wonderful Rocks and Co then?

At least the posters you've mentioned (and I'm presuming you mean me and Klosblue) have bought items from Rocks and Co and are speaking from experience. You? You haven't bought anything - yet.

Don't flame people until you can speak from personal experience. Working for them doesn't count ..............

Next thread = why are newbies treated like this and I don't work for Rocks and Co
How childish, i came onto the forum looking for info on R&C. I do not, repeat do not work for them and really couldn't give a damn about them but when i read yourself and Klosblue slagging them and praising TJC i felt compelled to reply. My dealings with TJC were in all honesty, quite appalling, all they were interested in was getting money out of me and not answering the questions i asked. When i told my credit card company not to release funds and informed TJC of the same they kept trying to access the money and i was forced to cancel my card and get a new one.
Over the past few weeks i have had numerous dealings with R&C via phone and email and they have been prompt and helpful in replying and i eventually ordered something.

I only post this in the interests of balance and to give any other 'newbies' like me something to think about.
It is not personal and for you to make it so is quite ridiculous
I've only discovered this forum today and as i like the gems they are showing (i admit some of the presenters are painful) was inially alarmed by many of the criticisms until i realised most of the posts are from the same authors. I can only imagine you had some very bad dealings with them because the criticisms do not seem in anyway balanced. In any threads which are not primarily made up of the same authors the posts are balanced and quite positive.
Also i pressume anyone spending a large amount of money would have the gem valued and if they're being ripped off, they would send it back. i certainly would

How childish, i came onto the forum looking for info on R&C. I do not, repeat do not work for them and really couldn't give a damn about them but when i read yourself and Klosblue slagging them and praising TJC i felt compelled to reply. My dealings with TJC were in all honesty, quite appalling, all they were interested in was getting money out of me and not answering the questions i asked. When i told my credit card company not to release funds and informed TJC of the same they kept trying to access the money and i was forced to cancel my card and get a new one.
Over the past few weeks i have had numerous dealings with R&C via phone and email and they have been prompt and helpful in replying and i eventually ordered something.

I only post this in the interests of balance and to give any other 'newbies' like me something to think about.
It is not personal and for you to make it so is quite ridiculous

Personal? Yep. I am definitely going to sound childish now when I say - look at the above. Who started it?

How many new people come on and have a pop at existing members? Hardly any. It's only those who have an agenda. You have an agenda. Rocks and Co employees come on here to try to defend the indefensible. How pathetic is it that a company needs to ask its employees to do that? Sorry but I don't believe you are unconnected with Rocks and Co.

You say you only found this forum today? I don't think so. You've been far too quick to judge without actually making a purchase!

I'll say goodbye now cos I don't think you'll be around for long.
It makes not a jot of difference whether you believe me, as stated in my now oft quoted replies i have ordered from R&C and if the product is substandard i will come on here and say so and scan a copy of my valuation to prove it and give anyone who reads this a chance to make up their own minds as opposed to having them made up for them by you.
i feel in all my replies i have justified what i have said and tried to be fair. Can you say the same?
If people look up TJC on google it is mainly negative, not on this forum though. Do you work for TJC?

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