How did you discover this forum?


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I was trying to find out about Lee from Philosphy. I have made some wonderful friends since joining.:flower:
I was off work with a back injury many years ago and watching far too much QVC, and i googled too much QVC, I know well I was getting bored, and I ended up here, Im glad I did, I always check here first before I buy anything, its amazing just how attractive something is this, and I really want it, then look on here and realise its rubbish, so this site has saved me quite a lot of money, and I now rarely buy
much at all.

This site must have cost QVC thousands, in lost sales
Honestly can't remember but I was almost certainly Googling something! I seem to remember I joined fairly quickly but lurked for a long time before plucking up the courage to comment!

I'm glad I found it - it's funny, informative, infuriating and a great way to pass an awful lot of time without realising it!!
No, I honestly can't remember either.
But I'm glad I did, such a lovely bunch of people & you've saved me a fortune.
No, I honestly can't remember either.
But I'm glad I did, such a lovely bunch of people & you've saved me a fortune.

I think i found this by trying to find out what a tsv was, and got hooked, I am not into Facebook or Twitter and in fact this is the only forum i have joined or been involved in and i miss it if i don't get my daily fix, it is great as some have already said on here to get details of TSVs before they are shown so you can decide if you really want something or not and plan your spending a bit more, and even if i dont have a lot to say on a subject it is always entertaining to read other comments so thanks to you all for that, you do make me chuckle sometimes
I'm not too sure when I joined I think it was about 2002. I'm sure l use to read the forum when it was a yahoo group. l could be mistaken though. The forum has undergone many changes over the years but it's always been informative and entertaining. I don't post very often but l do read the forum most days. Long may it continue.
Don't recall for certain but it had something to do with a thread on the digitalspy forum which came up when I was doing a google search. I was slightly intrigued so clicked on the link to the ds thread and it had a link that brought me here. My sides split when I started reading posts that were saying what I would be thinking whilst watching Q.
Google search led me here and here I have stayed Just to echo what everyone has been saying, this forum has saved me so much money and weaned me off my overspending on Q, it has made me laugh out loud many a time and I think you are all fab on here, witty, perceptive and good hearted. Long may this forum reign

Sorry SparklyBarbs, I've just noticed that I "disliked" this post. I pressed it by accident. Didn't mean to cause offence x

Its okay. I thought maybe it wasn't right to say a name was cute, would hate to offend a new
member. No offence taken, but thanks :) x
A DOG owner has been ordered to muzzle one of her Jack Russells after it bit a man in the street
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