How did you discover this forum?


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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
In my case I did a google search to see if I could get an exercise machine cheaper than from QVC and it found this site because it had been mentioned on here.

That was many years ago, long before I joined.

PS I still use that exercise machine, but others I've bought are now clothes hangers.
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Julian Ballantyne. My arch nemesis.

He used to mention it a lot, by name, before he got stopped.
I was looking for reviews about another shopping channel so I could check them out and found this forum instead.
In my case I did a google search to see if I could get an exercise machine cheaper than from QVC and it found this site because it had been mentioned on here.

That was many years ago, long before I joined.
Strato are you glad you've joined? I'm only in from
work and its been a long day, so i'll think about your very interesting question and get back to you tomorrow :wave:
So lost in the mists of time that I cannot remember. I have experienced quite a few resurrections of the site that Graham has had to pull off over the years so I don't know my original joining date though I expect the records might have it.
I can't remember how I found it (probably via Google) but I'm really glad that I did!!!! :mysmilie_378:
I discovered this forum when I was being a bit cheeky and trying to find out what the TSV was before it aired at midnight.I was on google and came across and it looked fun,so I nosed in other peoples post for a while before I felt brave enough to join in.
Some months back I was starting to worry that I was becoming addicted to qvc shopping as my spending was becoming rather worrying. One evening I googled "addicted to qvc" and up popped this site with a discussion thread on the very subject. Cannot thank this forum and all you forumites enough for bringing me to my senses and thus saving me from myself - I dont think I am totally cured but I am much more savvy when it comes to the selling techniques used. Reading all the threads on here makes me laugh and I think before I reach for the phone - my love affair with QVC is waining BIG time. Thankyou all!:whew:
A friend had done a Google search for an item she was looking for and this site popped up with a post that someone had done. She told me how informative and interesting the forum was and me being extremely nosey just had to look for myself and as they say the rest is history.
I'm pretty sure I was trying to find out the details of a TSV too and found a thread on it. Well, I thought (and still think) that this place was/is a marvel! Finding out about TSV's before time and being able to really think about whether I needed it or not saved from buying SO many things that really I didn't need or want. I was pretty much blinded by QVC and thought it was all fab, having my eyes opened by the posters on here made me realyl think of it as just another shop and pointed out the overpriced postage and all of the other things I'd managed to ignore. Now I look back and think what a completel plonker I was but people almost star-struck by QVC are how they make their millions. You only have to look at the Facebook page to see they are still out there in their numbers.

= )
TSV research here too! I couldn't believe there was a forum full of people like me! I joined up straight away with no lurking and haven't looked back! I did take a bit of a holiday when my spare telly got moved to the kitchen where it wouldn't receive Q. As I wasn't watching (or buying) I struggled to keep up with the forum. So I decided to move it back to my 'ironing room'!!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I thought what a great idea to set up a QVC forum and I was gonna do just that......then I googled it just to make sure no-one else had already done it.......which led me here!!
Oh boy!!!!! It was back in the days when I didn't have a computer but got the web on my TV(NTL, had a thing where you could get it through cable tv), did a search for something and up popped. I believe one of the first threads I joined was about Dr.Crippen.:giggle: Don't ask, I doubt he did shop with QVC. Then it was mentioned a few times on the Daily Mail beauty forum about Liz Earle and Aveda TSVs.
My DD told me about it, said some of the posts were a laugh and also some quite interesting and informative topics, so I had a peek and soon joined. I believe someone at work told her about it. I get withdrawal symptoms if the site crashes or my server starts playing silly buggers or whatever!
I can't remember exactly when I found it, 2002 or 2003 I think I actually searched for "shopping telly" and there it was. Originally I only read about once a week, I seem to think it was a "news group" originally before it became a forum. The best thing for me was being introduced to selling on ebay (feb 2004) by a former member, taking some of the guilt away by selling off my stock-pile!

Jude xx

PS this should be in The's well-worth joining as a VIP to access lots more topics for a couple of quid!

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