How did QVC handle the bad news


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I am not a royalist i will not go on about how much i dislike them and as far as the americans being envious of us is concerned thats hardly a recommendation given the state we are in but i have to say i hate the social media thing twitter twatter facebook etc ****** mobile phones everyone walking along streets looking down at their damn phones instead of paying attention god knows what the future holds.

Thank you for that - perhaps, just perhaps, like vinyl is making a comeback, writing letters and speaking on a landline will return. (think I'm in the minority, I still and prefer to use my landline rather than mobile)

Thank you for that - perhaps, just perhaps, like vinyl is making a comeback, writing letters and speaking on a landline will return. (think I'm in the minority, I still and prefer to use my landline rather than mobile)

I love landlines, Brissles. I also had my local branch of WH Smith order in Basildon Bond Stationery in for me as I like writing letters, too. I often send postcards if I don't want to ring a call centre and have some quick request.
Unfortunately, thanks to Open Reach and their non-existent service, I can barely hear on my landline because of the crackling. I phoned my supplier and the chap had to phone me on my mobile. He was very damning about Open Reach.
No I much prefer mobile phones and emailing, not for sociali media, but for calls and to send messages/letters fast and efficiently, not like Royal Mail were they take three days to deliver a letter, if at all plus it's cheaper. The person recieves your message immediately and can give you your reply just as quick. It's handy to have a mobile on you for safety and emergency because you can't find a phone box for love nor money, but that's all I like a mobile for, Tweeting and FBing is a definite no no.

I was so grateful for my mobile when last week my four month old fridge freezer started leaking, the CS man was a pain in the arse, so I could email photos of my faulty fridge freezer, meaning he could book an engineer out there and then, without my phone, and taking into account Easter weekend, it would've added another week on at least.
Each to their own shopperholic but i enjoy being a dinasor they may have there uses but i does not excuse the clowns who have them attached to their ears and their ignorance in buses and in shops etc i still think the world would have been better without them,the phones that is as well as some of them.:mysmilie_1:
I think there's a place for both.
There's nothing nicer or more personal than receiving a letter. Sending one means you can express more than in a quick text & the recipient can keep it to read over or treasure if it's something special.
I'd never had a mobile when they first became popular years ago, had never felt the need. But then my husband bought me one when our son was working out in Saudi, his first job. It was great. I could hold text conversations with him almost as if he was in the room, instead of waiting three weeks or more for a letter going in each direction.

Thank you for that - perhaps, just perhaps, like vinyl is making a comeback, writing letters and speaking on a landline will return. (think I'm in the minority, I still and prefer to use my landline rather than mobile)

If many of the young people I work with are anything to go by, they can barely string a sentence together gramatically or spelling-wise, let alone an entire letter. Even the graduates are so illiterate that the company had to bring in a rule that all letters to customers have to be checked by a manager before they're sent.
Sadly, in a few years, its these young people and graduates who, no doubt still illiterate, will be the managers of the future !! Where do we lay the blame ? I remember being taught at school during our English lessons in the 50's and 60's, how to set out a formal letter properly, including the correct usage of 'faithfully' and 'sincerely'. I wont say its the parents, because they may be just as bad; so it looks as though its the 'granny' generation who still retain the 'correct' way of doing things, purely as a result of our schooling.
Yes i remember at school having to write a composition and whoa betide you if commas full stops etc were not in the right places but i am afraid those days have gone .
I know QVC are not a rolling news channel, however it does seem silly of them to be so divorced from the real world. When something major happens they should reference it discreetly and respectfully by way of courtesy.

WHY should they? And of course QVC is divorced from the real world; they want you to buy into their consumerist ethos so they can make as much money as they can, which is why they push buying stuff for presents drawers, gifts for anyone who may be passing within a 10 mile radius of your home at Christmas etc. And why the "resident beauty expert" Alison Young only pushes products sold on QVC as solutions to viewers' beauty issues.

Also, think about this: how many complaints do you think Q would get if they did as you asked? They'd be accused of using a terrible tragedy to sell their wares, and rightly so. I don't know if you're trolling or you just have an irrational and obsessive hatred for this particular channel.
WHY should they? And of course QVC is divorced from the real world; they want you to buy into their consumerist ethos so they can make as much money as they can, which is why they push buying stuff for presents drawers, gifts for anyone who may be passing within a 10 mile radius of your home at Christmas etc. And why the "resident beauty expert" Alison Young only pushes products sold on QVC as solutions to viewers' beauty issues.

Also, think about this: how many complaints do you think Q would get if they did as you asked? They'd be accused of using a terrible tragedy to sell their wares, and rightly so. I don't know if you're trolling or you just have an irrational and obsessive hatred for this particular channel.

But he can't stop watching:mysmilie_15:
But he can't stop watching:mysmilie_15:


I have my own issues with shopping telly, and Q's particular issue for me is their extortionate postage costs per item that frankly stop my buying as much as I probably would from them, and so look for products and ranges at other sellers that offer better P&P.

But that's how they choose to operate, and since I do have other options I take them. That's Q's loss, since they aren't getting their hands on my cash. I don't see what I'd achieve if I took any and every opportunity to bash them because of this; apart from make myself look completely mad to everyone else.
But he can't stop watching:mysmilie_15:

from were i am looking
i have the impression that Sir Julius holds the posters on this forum in similar esteem to the Q presenters
the 'types', 'demographics', stereotypes, the life he imagines they have ...

a bit like a dog returning to its own vomit
utterly disgusted but compulsively fascinated ;0)

just my impression ....
You could use this argument for any live channel. QVC is 'selly telly' therefore they have quota's to meet with regards to the items they flog. Whilst what went on in Belgium was bad for the country and indeed the 'free world' you can't expect a 'selly telly' channel to make references to something like that. It has to appear neutral, (of course in private they would (hopefully) condone what happened), they can't be seen to air their views, as not only might this alienate some viewers (and possibly cause complaints), but it might also cost them sales.
The channel does observe November 11th and whilst I am not on the side of Q, I don't see how it can mention or have feelings one way or the other with every news item that involves needless deaths.
You could use this argument for any live channel. QVC is 'selly telly' therefore they have quota's to meet with regards to the items they flog. Whilst what went on in Belgium was bad for the country and indeed the 'free world' you can't expect a 'selly telly' channel to make references to something like that. It has to appear neutral, (of course in private they would (hopefully) condone what happened), they can't be seen to air their views, as not only might this alienate some viewers (and possibly cause complaints), but it might also cost them sales.
The channel does observe November 11th and whilst I am not on the side of Q, I don't see how it can mention or have feelings one way or the other with every news item that involves needless deaths.

Don't you mean "condemn?"

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