House, Villas, in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus!


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Hope they think of us dear viewers when they are watching that sun set, we payed their air fares!!!

Wrong - the company pays the presenters for their services as part of their operating costs. The presenters then CHOOSE to spend their money on whatever they wish.

I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties with your mam today but I think the tone of your posts has been pretty much constant since the beginning... you always seem jealous and critical of the presenters and try to use belittling terms... why do you feel the need to do that?
I must watch QVC in a trance :eek: because I can't recall any presenter going on all the time about their second home abroad. I know they mention that they've been on holiday and to where, but I only knew that Julia used to have a home in Spain because I followed a link on here.

It wouldn't bother me if they have second, third or fourth homes, to be honest, because it's up to them how they spend or invest their money. And considering the number of the people on QVC who have had, or who are having health problems at the moment I don't begrudge them any lavish spending. They've earned it - let them spend it how they want to. I don't envy them if they have a second home - I'm just very grateful that I have good health.
Sounds to me that there are a few envious and jealous people around - such destructive emotions.

If people work hard they have a right to spend their money however they want.
My mum's retired and owns a house in Spain, pays the mortgage on it with the rental income from her UK home and is still quids in each month. However, there's been a major crash in the market since she bought it and she'd lose around 100k if she were to sell it now. I wonder if Julia sold it at the right time. Also, didn't most of the presenters have former careers that were quite lucrative so maybe they bought their second homes on the back of those. Especially, as somene has pointed out, they have partners who could cover the cost of their UK homes and living expenses.
People have second homes for lots of reasons.I still have the flatI lived in when I was single and its rented out. Some people inherit a parents or grandparents home. Some buy a holiday home. Does it matter? And why is it anyone elses business? Nobody has to justify themselves on here.

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Well I have a holiday villa in spain. Ive had it for 15 years. We worked and saved hard to get it. Prices were really cheap then. The children went out for the summer on holidays and now they go out with their children. We will go there to stay when we retire.
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Well if anyone noticed my Location you will see that I live in the South of France. I did the same Sunshine, I bought a holiday home in 1986 in a small French Village that had very few occupants but in a wonderful area. I worked 17 hour days for 14 years and at the weekends worked in a pub. I spent 4 weeks a year in France and for 3 weeks out of those 4 weeks holiday I was renovating the house.

For the last 13 years I have been living in France permanently and 12 years ago my parents came to join me. Neither my parents or I have ever returned to the UK, not even for a holiday.

As I said before, if you work hard for your money, you have the right to spend it how you like.
Good luck to anyone with second or third homes. Second homes are usually down to hard graft. Wouldn't begrudge in fact if I was in a position I wouldn't mind a holiday home myself!!
Yes I too have a villa in Florida which is where I am now lying in the sun amusing myself reading everyone's posts.
Oooh LynnontheLake ... go you!! ... and anyone else who has a property abroad. I wish I did too and don't begrudge anyone anything like that. As has been rightly said by many all worked very hard for across the years no doubt.
I don`t have a property abroad, I don`t even own the property me and my family live in, its rented but I certainly would never begrudge anybody who owned more than one home, here or abroad as long as they`d bought it from legit means not criminal means like drug dealers, bank robbers do etc.
unless to are at the 2 extremes most people have an average income. It is how they prioritise their needs/wants which is the difference.

Some love LG priced handbags and others would be horrified to spend that.

Some love beauty others are happy at Super drug own brands

Some smoke

Some like good nights out

Some like one expensive holiday, some more but cheaper, some prefer to stay at home

And some prefer to do without extras and buy one long term item.

Each to their own if they have worked hard for it as I think we all do. Don't think too many on here were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Q's presenters may look like a cushy job but I'm not sure it is all it may seem - they would have targets to achieve selling crap.
I would have loved to have a bolt hole abroad, that I could use and let family and friends use. However, it is not as simple as that. I was looking at a lovely property in Spain when I retired but Spain are now enforcing their holiday let licensing laws, fining foreign homeowners thousands of euros if they don't have a licence ( which are extremely difficult to get) so I didn't bother.
Just seen the photo of Julias old house in Spain. Admittedly she said it was a bit big for them! A bit big?? Its the size of a holiday apartment complex!
Perhaps Julia's holiday home was a time share. I don't know how big it was but as long as she enjoyed while she could that's all that matters.
Just seen the photo of Julias old house in Spain. Admittedly she said it was a bit big for them! A bit big?? Its the size of a holiday apartment complex!

Did you see the pictures in Julia's book Tristar....have you finally received it

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