Holiday in a Bottle


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Well if the dislike buttons return this could be a whole different forum .
Lynn :witch:
That's part of modern culture online. "I like this," "I dont' like that." Personally I would rather read a reasoned argument than see a statement someone has clicked on. I am astonished at the attitude of some people! Would be dull if we all agreed, though. I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea. Sorry about that.
It's a democracy Julius so don't apologise for voicing your opinion or being different. If people disagree with you they can ignore your posts or voice their own opinion.

The put downs some of the newer FMs seem to get for opening their mouths - now that's something else!
I noticed that you haven't denied the put downs really think that's welcoming? I wouldn't insult Graham by mentioning any other forums that are out there's called manners!
I have manners and stay loyal to this forum ,I don't know what you mean by put downs
All new members are welcome here, trouble makers I have no time for sorry :Laugh:
I'm worrying about when I start my new column :( I bet all the complaints will have me out of the door before you can say "Jack Robinson!"
Dont think I saw any genuine newbies on here tonight. A newbie does not just arrive, say they are bored and just swan off. But an ex member or troll would
Dont think I saw any genuine newbies on here tonight. A newbie does not just arrive, say they are bored and just swan off. But an ex member or troll would
Hi WG - long time no speak x
You may be right about the troll comment but its a risky strategy to treat everyone with an opinion as a troll.
I think it's a friendly forum and haven't felt put down at all here since I joined. Or maybe I'm too thick-skinned to notice. :mysmilie_518:
DJ I wouldn't say that saying "I'm bored" is actually giving an opinion really. It's just rude. If someone does not agree with Julius why dont they just say why, or ignore the post if they are bored. I only post on threads I find interesting.
I don't think anyone should be picked on for giving an opinion we either agree or not.
Lynn :witch:
The people that say things like: "I'm bored" are not terribly different to those who cite proverbs like "an empty vessel make the most noise." They are just spouting bollocks and often are incapable of presenting a cogent argument.
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I half agree Julius. Empty cans really do make the most noise. I dont think you are an empty can at all. The empty cans are obvious on a forum as they stand out like a sore thumb. Most of them get banned
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