Holiday in a Bottle


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omg! :blush:
I used to own one of those toilet roll covers!! But I had to use it because my mother made it for me and she used to sneak a look each time to make sure it was still there.

Lol! There was a guy who animated the toilet roll dolls and brought them to life! Check out "toilet roll dolls" on Youtube!
That's hilarious! (to quote JF). Here's an article about Lulu.
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I don't use like or want dislike back either. I can't use them on my phone anyway and use them sparingly on my laptop.

I like the majority of Julius's posts too. Some Julius are a bit beyond the pale but I know you are not targetting forumites. Careful not to generalise though Julius some of your supporters read the Daily Fail. (most definitely not yours truly cough cough). I will defend tired young mums especially those with blonde hair to the hilt though.

I like the way Lulu looks by the way and me and my mum both liked the Time EDT and her hair products when we went to beauty bash.
I don't use like or want dislike back either. I can't use them on my phone anyway and use them sparingly on my laptop.

I like the majority of Julius's posts too. Some Julius are a bit beyond the pale but I know you are not targetting forumites. Careful not to generalise though Julius some of your supporters read the Daily Fail. (most definitely not yours truly cough cough). I will defend tired young mums especially those with blonde hair to the hilt though.

I like the way Lulu looks by the way and me and my mum both liked the Time EDT and her hair products when we went to beauty bash.

Sure. I did say in my original post that the hair products seemed OK! Everyone jumped on my comments about Lulu! Anyway there will be plenty about Lulu et al coming out in my column! Lol!
I don't use like or want dislike back either. I can't use them on my phone anyway and use them sparingly on my laptop.

I like the majority of Julius's posts too. Some Julius are a bit beyond the pale but I know you are not targetting forumites. Careful not to generalise though Julius some of your supporters read the Daily Fail. (most definitely not yours truly cough cough). I will defend tired young mums especially those with blonde hair to the hilt though.

I like the way Lulu looks by the way and me and my mum both liked the Time EDT and her hair products when we went to beauty bash.

Someone I used to work with wore Time, I really liked the smell of it , but was disappointed to learn it was by Lulu so cant bring myself to order it lol
omg! :blush:
I used to own one of those toilet roll covers!! But I had to use it because my mother made it for me and she used to sneak a look each time to make sure it was still there.

Maybe she wasn't sneaking a look, maybe she couldn't hold it any longer.

I apologise. but that is what entered my head haha
Julia Roberts was just as annoying as JF when Julia was on with LuLu she was really sucking up to like there was no tomorrow. Going on about how "amazing" she looked for her age and how her "amazing jaw line" must be down to her products. and How she was so "great" etc etc because she was't just a celeb who puts her name to a product yada yada. Most of them are up LuLu's backside.

Can't stand LuLu, she is insincere and her products are rubbish. And I don't believe for one second she uses any of them on herself. Why would she use such poor quality?
I don't use lulus products but I have tried them out in john lewis and they don't look like rubbish. all the presenters inc Alison young and Julia Roberts are showing their age despite the array of cosmetics.
Everything about Lulu makes me want to Shout...... lol
I don't have a problem with her launching a range of products. What I really dislike about her is the length she goes to suggest that her looks are solely down to her products. I realise that this simply cannot be true and I am sure that other members of this forum must understand this. It's a fact of life that the ageing process happens as we get older, and while lifestyle, creams and products can help slow this process down (I am a good example of this. For someone who is nearly 30 I look about 23 -24) it still catches up with everyone, particularly in later middle age. I don't know exactly how old Lulu is but I would imagine she is somewhere in her early 60s (I think she is the same age as Kiki Dee) but there is NO WAY at that age she would look like she does without surgical intervention. My reference to Anthea Turner was regarding her flicky, 90s hairstyle and the Joan Rivers bit is regarding the actual contours of her face. It is somehow stretched out and doesn't look quite right.

Let's say for argument that Lulu, or rather the marketing people she is fronting, launched her products a few years back, and she had had no plastic surgery whatsoever, and her products were responsible for her suddenly looking 20 years younger, they would be nothing short of miraculous! However the photographic evidence over time would indicate that something else has been going on - surgery. I don't have a problem with surgery, I just wish she would be honest about it. Most people know she must have had work done. I get annoyed to think that there must be a whole heap of people who purchase her products thinking "ooh she looks young for her age , maybe if I use this I will look young too." It's often THAT sort of person that criticises my posts on this forum. Maybe before they accuse me of being less than intelligent they should consider things a little more logically and open their mind a bit? For then they may realise that they would be better off buying the right products from Savers instead of lining the pockets of that TROUTY OLD BAG!

There is something insincere about Lulu that I just don't like. I remember when Fern Britton lied to the world about her gastric band. She was selling diet books and exercise videos on the pretext she had developed this wonderful new regime. Turned out that surgery was largely behind her looks. Lulu and Fern are two of a kind.

If I really were so ageist I would surely have ripped into Tova by now? Oh, but I haven't. Why not? She is an older woman who has clearly had surgery and serves as an ambassador for her products. Well Tova doesn't present herself in the same way as Lulu. Of course she doesn't talk about her surgery, but she doesn't make the same suggestions that Lulu does. Tova is full of herself but at least comes across as more dignified. And at least she has had plenty of experience in the beauty industry, and is not a has-been turning her hand to a scheme to profit from the weak and gullible. Tova is amusing and fun. She is more truthful to herself and for this reason I actually really like her. Anyone not reading my posts selectively with a negative intention would also know that a few weeks ago I wrote that some older women who are well presented look more attractive than some trashy young woman. It'll still be there! Go and read it!
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Ol' Loo is a year younger than me I think, so will be 65 next month. She looks ok, but yes, I believe it's down to surgery and not to using her own products - plus her hairstyle is "young" and her clothes are modern, which all helps with the general appearance of "youth" - I've seen younger women than me look old because they have old fashioned hairstyles and I don't think I'm mutton dressed as lamb even tho I wear jeans day in and day out, but when I go out I dress my age, and hopefully look smart and presentable - as yet nobody's told me otherwise! But I don't use high-end (so-called) lotions & potions, mostly the nspa range from Asda with picks from other ranges as & when I fancy trying them - no amount of face cream of any brand is going to make me look ten years younger - and you know what...I don't care!
i really wish the dislike button would come back #just saying

Oh do you? So you can register your "dislike" for something!? A button isn't required for that. Your posts betray your views, which of course you are perfectly entitled to. Clicking on a dislike button wouldn't change a thing even if you did have the option of doing it.

I dislike trouty old bags appearing on the television pretending that they owe their youthful appearance to an overpriced gloopy concoction they have decided to front in order to make a few quid when in reality they have had at least four esthetic surgical procedures done. Why shouldn't I be able to say so? My description of Lulu was bang on the money!

It's a pity people are so quick to jump on the politically correct bandwagon and herd like sheep without opening their minds and thinking things through.

I am not politically correct. I am all for respecting other races, religions, cultures and sexuality etc but do not think this should stifle freedom of thought and expression. For example a few years back I went into Waitrose and noticed that the grapes were labelled "green grapes" and "purple grapes." On enquiring about these terms I was informed in writing from their head office that they were trialling a new description of the grapes so as to avoid making reference to race or potentially offending customers. Never in my life have I heard such garbage. What black person would be stupid enough to be offended by some grapes being called "black grapes?" They really wouldn't care! Trust me! Only white, misguided middle class people with too much time on their hands and too little understanding of the real world would think of such things.

Soon they will be putting the "winter lights" in above Oxford Street. Do you mean Christmas lights? No! They have to be called "winter lights" so as not to offend people that do not celebrate Christmas! Erm, excuse me!!!??? Why would they be offended by Christmas lights? Do followers of other religions shy away from mentioning their festivals for fear of upsetting Christians? Generally no. And nor should they! I am not mortally offended by people celebrating Eid or Ramadan or Hannukah. I do find it tedious when things close down over Christmas but it doesn't offend me. I just wish people would think things through and show some honesty and independence of thought. All this talk about "opening one's mouth and proving one is a fool" is nonsense. Just because you don't say something it doesn't mean you don't think it! It just means you are hiding it! There is nothing particularly gallant or praiseworthy in that.
Oh do you? So you can register your "dislike" for something!? A button isn't required for that. Your posts betray your views, which of course you are perfectly entitled to. Clicking on a dislike button wouldn't change a thing even if you did have the option of doing it.

I dislike trouty old bags appearing on the television pretending that they owe their youthful appearance to an overpriced gloopy concoction they have decided to front in order to make a few quid when in reality they have had at least four esthetic surgical procedures done. Why shouldn't I be able to say so? My description of Lulu was bang on the money!

It's a pity people are so quick to jump on the politically correct bandwagon and herd like sheep without opening their minds and thinking things through.

I am not politically correct. I am all for respecting other races, religions, cultures and sexuality etc but do not think this should stifle freedom of thought and expression. For example a few years back I went into Waitrose and noticed that the grapes were labelled "green grapes" and "purple grapes." On enquiring about these terms I was informed in writing from their head office that they were trialling a new description of the grapes so as to avoid making reference to race or potentially offending customers. Never in my life have I heard such garbage. What black person would be stupid enough to be offended by some grapes being called "black grapes?" They really wouldn't care! Trust me! Only white, misguided middle class people with too much time on their hands and too little understanding of the real world would think of such things.

Soon they will be putting the "winter lights" in above Oxford Street. Do you mean Christmas lights? No! They have to be called "winter lights" so as not to offend people that do not celebrate Christmas! Erm, excuse me!!!??? Why would they be offended by Christmas lights? Do followers of other religions shy away from mentioning their festivals for fear of upsetting Christians? Generally no. And nor should they! I am not mortally offended by people celebrating Eid or Ramadan or Hannukah. I do find it tedious when things close down over Christmas but it doesn't offend me. I just wish people would think things through and show some honesty and independence of thought. All this talk about "opening one's mouth and proving one is a fool" is nonsense. Just because you don't say something it doesn't mean you don't think it! It just means you are hiding it! There is nothing particularly gallant or praiseworthy in that.

I'm bored now......
I liked the like and dislike buttons; I regularly click like or thanks as a quick short-hand for writing an answer, sometimes it would be handy to be able to click "disagree" because sometimes I do disagree but don't have anything else to add.

I like the phrase,
"Empty vessels make most noise".
I liked the like and dislike buttons; I regularly click like or thanks as a quick short-hand for writing an answer, sometimes it would be handy to be able to click "disagree" because sometimes I do disagree but don't have anything else to add.

I like the phrase,
"Empty vessels make most noise".

Instead of coming out with crap proverbs, why don't you just say what you mean?
Err? I was answering Vienna's post #5 and Scrangiefan's post #10.

"Nowt so queer as folks" is another.
How about "stupid proverbs get on your tits more than a nipple infection?"
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