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Hmmm, I wasn't buying anything tonight but seem to mysteriously have wound up with another pendant - amethysts always seem to jump in to my basket and I haven't got a clue how they wind up there - honest! :disguise
Here's a heads up for tonight - 'My' multi gem bracelet is on again tonight, in the 8pm hour. It has a higher gold content than most of the other bracelets (7grams), and is therefore slightly more robust for regular wear. It is also a limited design of just 17 pieces. I absolutely love mine and it was a cracking bargain. If anyone has their heart set on a multi gem bracelet, I'd say this is the one to go for! ;)

Here's a heads up for tonight (BH Monday) - 'My' multi gem bracelet is on again tonight, in the 8pm hour. It has a higher gold content than most of the other bracelets (7grams), and is therefore slightly more robust for regular wear. It is also a limited design of just 17 pieces. I absolutely love mine and it was a cracking bargain. If anyone has their heart set on a multi gem bracelet, I'd say this is the one to go for! ;)



Hi Daz!
Daz I don't think you've enabled your settings to receive PM's, got to User CP in the toolbar to check, your message isn't giving me an option to reply.

Watched for 4 hours tonight, and Katherine asked Steve to put on some pink pearl earrings for me and ValleyGirl and they didn't come up, a bit disappointed as I wanted to add them to my order and save on postage. Things did seem to be going very cheap tonight, poor Steve and Sarah looked quite worried!!!
Watched off and on for a few hours. I was amazed 'my' bracelet went for just £66 - I paid £76 for it two weeks ago. Noodles got an absolute bargain there!
I was also shocked to tot up what I have spent between the two sites in just over 4 weeks and it came to around £800 - well, I'm sorry, but that's almost all my salary and that level of spending cannot continue! I have had some cracking bargains, many bagged whilst the site was in beta mode and things really were going for a song. The most expensive thing I bought was a diamond ring from CR this weekend for £175, and that's for me. Most of the other things I've bought have been much smaller items and are being put away for various birthdays and (dare I mention) Christmas, but it all adds up.
Good luck to anyone who's got any money left - cos as Mad4Gems says, there are still very good prices to be had, but I will have to sit on my mits for a while now! I doubt I'll be able to stay away from the site completely though...
wow that's quite a haul PAL....i got the kama necklace which i only remembered to check out this morning...will that be delivered thursday? I thought last night that bidding seems to have slowed and there were great bargains to be had. I'm wondering how long they can sustain that.
Things did seem to be going very cheap tonight, poor Steve and Sarah looked quite worried!!!

I thought last night that bidding seems to have slowed and there were great bargains to be had.

I'm sure there were far fewer people bidding last night. The computer problem meant that I couldn't bid for well over an hour and I think there were many others in the same position. Fewer bidders = lower prices.

All credit for Rocks for keeping going (and continuing to put on some of the more pricey pieces) as I should think they could have stopped the auctions or stuck to cheaper silver pieces.

It was actually really annoying, not to be able to bid on some of those bargains. On the other hand, I won a big ring at the end of the night (after my computer probs were sorted by lovely Katherine) and probably wouldn't have bid on that if I'd bought lots of smaller pieces earlier.
It must have been really frustrating for Sarah and Steve with all the technical problems yesterday. I managed to get a very pretty tanzanite ring for only £69 at the height of the basket problems because my basket was clear at the time. I'm a coward and haven't dared to tot up my total! :eek:
Mrs James, as you checked out so early, you might well get your delivery tomorrow as they wouldn't have started packing them all up yet.

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