He is grinding my gears!


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I think Alan has a lovely easy style and has a great voice for tv. Looks like you might be alone here, Lee :mysmilie_697:
Lee as you have never bought from us, why the heck do you keep watchin?

You dont like the presenters, so please for the sake of your health, go and watch something else.

Or if your just a bored competitor, then why not phone me up directly and have a go at me directly!

i am sick to death of you having a go at my presenters who are a)very professional and b)human beings with feelings.

Whilst it is is true they are in the public eye and should be able to deal with people like you, nobody would watch Ant and Dec if they didn't like them, now would they?

Alan along with the rest of my team are all really nice people and although we all have lots to learn in becoming perfect presenters, I dont think we are ever going to appeal to you.

Good bye
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Lee as you have never bought from, why the heck do you keep watchin?

You dont like the presenters, so please for the sake of your health, go and watch something else.

Or if your just a board competitor, then why not phone me up directly and have a go at me directly!

i am sick to death of you having ago at my presenters who are a)very professional and b)human beings with feelings.

Whilst it is is true they are in the public eye and should be able to deal with people like you, nobody would watch Ant and Dec if they didn't like them, now would they?

Alan along with the rest of my team are all really nice people and althouggh we all have lots to learn in becoming a perfect presenter, i dont think we are ever going to appeal to you.

Good bye

Well said Steve! Lots of us have felt that we have an atagonist in our midst, or someone who is immensely jealous of the success and niceness of a genuine family company.
All the presenters, in my opinion are fun, friendly, loyal and put themselves out to be helpful to customers, always replying to email requests and trying to keep people happy, always polite, even in the face of criticism occasionally. Its a great pity that people on the forum who feel offended so easily by others can't realise that when they make personal attacks on presenters, they are probably causing distress and hurt feelings.
Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated.
Lee as you have never bought from us, why the heck do you keep watchin?

You dont like the presenters, so please for the sake of your health, go and watch something else.

Or if your just a bored competitor, then why not phone me up directly and have a go at me directly!

i am sick to death of you having a go at my presenters who are a)very professional and b)human beings with feelings.

Whilst it is is true they are in the public eye and should be able to deal with people like you, nobody would watch Ant and Dec if they didn't like them, now would they?

Alan along with the rest of my team are all really nice people and although we all have lots to learn in becoming perfect presenters, I dont think we are ever going to appeal to you.

Good bye

good for you steve we all have our preferences personally cant get my head around adina so I DONT WATCH WHEN SHE IS ON my choice, some of you like her your choice, thats life i am sure there is a few people out there dont like me personally cant understand why because i am such a honey :mysmilie_17: :mysmilie_61:steve says you have never bought from rocks so why so you watch? you obviously dont like very much about it so, you have your choice :mysmilie_687:
Lee as you have never bought from us, why the heck do you keep watchin?

You dont like the presenters, so please for the sake of your health, go and watch something else.

Or if your just a bored competitor, then why not phone me up directly and have a go at me directly!

i am sick to death of you having a go at my presenters who are a)very professional and b)human beings with feelings.

Whilst it is is true they are in the public eye and should be able to deal with people like you, nobody would watch Ant and Dec if they didn't like them, now would they?

Alan along with the rest of my team are all really nice people and although we all have lots to learn in becoming perfect presenters, I dont think we are ever going to appeal to you.

Good bye

Steve perfect is boring i personally like the little hiccups you have, i love it when Alan goes into his giggles and Rods smile has got Wallace beat hands down and we all want what Jamies on never known a feller so hypo (bless) we watch because it is fun watching and fun buying you tell all your guys and gals to ignore the Trolls
Great post Steve - numerous well made points.

I'm sure many of us are bored with the constant attempts to provoke a response.
Lee as you have never bought from us, why the heck do you keep watchin?

You dont like the presenters, so please for the sake of your health, go and watch something else.

Or if your just a bored competitor, then why not phone me up directly and have a go at me directly!

i am sick to death of you having a go at my presenters who are a)very professional and b)human beings with feelings.

Whilst it is is true they are in the public eye and should be able to deal with people like you, nobody would watch Ant and Dec if they didn't like them, now would they?

Alan along with the rest of my team are all really nice people and although we all have lots to learn in becoming perfect presenters, I dont think we are ever going to appeal to you.

Good bye

OK, so Steve, would you do me a favour?? Next time you are going to pop on a post like that would you give me a little warning?? Only I had a mouthful of juice, and my lappy just wore it....then I nearly pee'd my pants laughing and nearly fell off the sofa. :mysmilie_61:

Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it!!!!!
Lee as you have never bought from us, why the heck do you keep watchin?

You dont like the presenters, so please for the sake of your health, go and watch something else.

Or if your just a bored competitor, then why not phone me up directly and have a go at me directly!

i am sick to death of you having a go at my presenters who are a)very professional and b)human beings with feelings.

Whilst it is is true they are in the public eye and should be able to deal with people like you, nobody would watch Ant and Dec if they didn't like them, now would they?

Alan along with the rest of my team are all really nice people and although we all have lots to learn in becoming perfect presenters, I dont think we are ever going to appeal to you.

Good bye

Sorry Steve but in my opinion you are bang out of order, every member of this forum is allowed an opinion of all things Shopping Telly, that fact that he does not buy from Rocks TV has nothing to do with it, although not sure how you would know if he buys from Rocks TV or not.

You haven't got the best presenters in the world, thats my opinion. If you put yourself on the box in my lounge then you have to take the rough with the smooth.
Surely Steve has the right to reply to these negative opinions though Graham? And surely if it had been another member of the forum that had suggested that if Mr Jones can find so little positive about Rocks that he find alternate entertainment, they would not have been out of order?? Just because Steve is one of the company owners, I don't see why his vocalizing this opinion is any more out of order than anyone else!

I agree, Steve doesn't have the best presenters in the world (the best presenter in the world happens to be my best friend and she works for the bbc, and they don't hold with such things dont-you-know, but I am sure she would work for Rocks if she could!!) and I don't think anyone is claiming that he does, but I think what Steve and everyone who has said 'here here' or 'bravo' to Steve's comment is sick and tired of is the constant negative, non constructive comments made over and over again to provoke a response by particular members.

Well it worked...they got the response they so craved.....that Steve kept so quiet and so diplomatic for so long is frankly a minor miracle IMVHO, and I say again - BRAVO STEVE!!!
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Surely Steve has the right to reply to these negative opinions though Graham? And surely if it had been another member of the forum that had suggested that if Mr Jones can find so little positive about Rocks that he find alternate entertainment, they would not have been out of order?? Just because Steve is one of the company owners, I don't see why his vocalizing this opinion is any more out of order than anyone else!

Of course Steve has the right to reply, but are you really telling me Lee Jones waranted that kind of reply?
I think Steve has said what a lot of members of this forum have been thinking for a very long time regarding the continuous negative non constructive provocative comments made by some members.
Sorry Steve but in my opinion you are bang out of order, every member of this forum is allowed an opinion of all things Shopping Telly, that fact that he does not buy from Rocks TV has nothing to do with it, although not sure how you would know if he buys from Rocks TV or not.

You haven't got the best presenters in the world, thats my opinion. If you put yourself on the box in my lounge then you have to take the rough with the smooth.

I agree with you PR as you yourself said Graham EVERY member of this forum is allowed an opinion of all things shopping telly surely that is just what Steve is doing isnt it doesnt he have the same right.
I agree with you PR as you yourself said Graham EVERY member of this forum is allowed an opinion of all things shopping telly surely that is just what Steve is doing isnt it doesnt he have the same right.

But you have to remember that Steve is not just a member of ST, he is the MD of Rocks and attacking someone on a open forum is unprofessional. There was nothing to stop Steve from using the PM facility.
Given the sly snidey comments aimed directly at him and Sarah when they have professionally and politely offered further advice etc on previous criticism thrown at them by this member - fair play I say, MD or no!!!

...just my opinion of course!!! :)
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