I think he was in Heart to Heart with Highway the dog too
Blimey was he the Hearts butler ????
I think he was in Heart to Heart with Highway the dog too
Blimey was he the Hearts butler ????
I'm sorry I missed him. His his voice still as strong as it was - he has a great voice.
I am also old enough to remember the cahboys and injuns, Argey! Bliss - cowboy film - after the rattle SNAKE had put in appearance with glass of tizerr and a wagonwheel. Them was the days!
Yowzer! In them olden days a wagon wheel was the size of a wagon wheel.
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Saturday afternoon matinee at the pictures was the highlight of our week! Roy Rogers, Tonto, Kia ora orange drink, bliss!
Was a shame about that Titanic eh :snog:
He was in the original Poseidon Adventure. I liked that film. The remake was pants.