Have I got out of the wrong side of the bed?


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She's like a loaf of bread that's well past it's sell-by date! The thing is I don't think she's particularly old - lates 40s / early 50s perhaps which could mean she stays on screen for years yet for yew.
She's like a loaf of bread that's well past it's sell-by date! The thing is I don't think she's particularly old - lates 40s / early 50s perhaps which could mean she stays on screen for years yet for yew.

Who are you talking about Julius? Do you mean Alexis?
Agree with all of the above re annoyances and I'm chipping in about teachers gifts. I'm a teaching assistant in a primary school and most years the class rep does a whip round and, if they want to, the parents put in £1 for me and £2 for the teacher which the rep buys us each a gift voucher with. I never expect any gifts for doing my job, but always appreciate what I'm given and the fact I'm appreciated. There is no way a parent would spend up on QVC for me though!

That is a great idea for the rep to do that.. A 'chipping in' gift is a fab idea for those who can afford/want to contribute. I used to be a Primary school teacher and some families may have given a box of chocolates but that was about it. L'Occitane gifts may be what they are used to in West London schools frequented by yummy mummies but not in inner city Leeds!!
Well I must get out of the wrong side of the bed every single day because whenever I turn on Q there`s always at least one person who annoys the living daylights out of me !
Maybe I`d better just accept I`m a grouchy old bugger ...
So glad to see I'm not the only one who Alexis drives crazy with her mispronunciations. Another one that makes me scream at her presentations on telly is the way she says Milk Veil. "It's MILK VEIL not MILKY VAY OH you stupid woman," Phew, that feels better to offload that ;-) Oh, and the jingle jangle drives me crazy on lots of the shows, especially Lola Rose.
Alexis seems to me to have some kind of speech impediment. The thing with the bangles is annoying, so is when she says how much "value" she claims she is offering us. I always hear the word "value" over and over again, when we all know l'occitane is a total rip off where ever you buy it from. I don't see why they have to keep doing that with the bowl of water anyway. I mean what is the point? we can't smell the product or feel it through the tv. Keeley from elemis is another one who can't pronounce
words properly.
One of the worst things I ever saw in terms of demonstrators giving you ideas was actually another shopping channel (forget which one) and the item was a bookcase. It was wooden and painted blue and not really much more to be said about it, apart from the dimensions and the type of wood. Two presenters went on and on about the things we could put on our bookcase. We did start off with books and then more or less started listing anything and everything that would physically fit into the bookcase. We then went on to list all the rooms in the house that you could put the bookcase, which then triggered more ideas of what we could put in the bookcase. It was amazing! It was an hour long programme that was selling 3 or four things so we got at least 15 mins of this.
Alexis seems to me to have some kind of speech impediment. The thing with the bangles is annoying, so is when she says how much "value" she claims she is offering us. I always hear the word "value" over and over again, when we all know l'occitane is a total rip off where ever you buy it from. I don't see why they have to keep doing that with the bowl of water anyway. I mean what is the point? we can't smell the product or feel it through the tv. Keeley from elemis is another one who can't pronounce
words properly.

Nobody can help the voice they were born with, but I'd have thought that anything that deflected customers from listening to details about the product and hopefully buy it would mean that a company ought to have thought very carefully about a presenter's speech and mannerisms, no matter how knowledgeable the presenter was.
Alexis seems to me to have some kind of speech impediment. The thing with the bangles is annoying, so is when she says how much "value" she claims she is offering us. I always hear the word "value" over and over again, when we all know l'occitane is a total rip off where ever you buy it from. I don't see why they have to keep doing that with the bowl of water anyway. I mean what is the point? we can't smell the product or feel it through the tv. Keeley from elemis is another one who can't pronounce
words properly.

I agree that Alexis exaggerates the value, but L'Occitane products are lovely IMO so if I can get a good price for the products I like and use, great! I didn't buy the last TSV though as neither wanted nor "needed" it. I say "needed" because in reality nobody "needs" any of this stuff. A bar of soap, bottle of shampoo and plain moisturiser would suffice. We choose to buy luxury for pleasure, and it's our money, our choice.

I like Alexis's style of clothes and her bracelets. They probably drive the sound-person bonkers, though. But I don't notice any noise. I just wonder where she got them from!

As for speech impediment, that's just a cruel comment.
It seems that there is an awful lot that irritates :) For me it's not just teacher's gifts and mispronunciation, but all the oneupmanship that happens on air. Recently, there was a lot of showing off about how many types of chocolate and drinks Alexis and Alison get in for Christmas. Then all the different types of gift they give everyone - tree gifts, table gifts, stocking fillers etc. I'd be a bit miffed if I came down for dinner and someone had left a bar of soap for me on the table! As was suggested. Are they trying to tell me something? QVC is all hype and no substance.
It seems that there is an awful lot that irritates :) For me it's not just teacher's gifts and mispronunciation, but all the oneupmanship that happens on air. Recently, there was a lot of showing off about how many types of chocolate and drinks Alexis and Alison get in for Christmas. Then all the different types of gift they give everyone - tree gifts, table gifts, stocking fillers etc. I'd be a bit miffed if I came down for dinner and someone had left a bar of soap for me on the table! As was suggested. Are they trying to tell me something? QVC is all hype and no substance.
The table gifts nonsense is just another way of making spending a lot seem normal, if everyone else buys table gifts etc. then will I look mean if I don't? If everyone else spends £15 upwards on a teacher's gift will I look stingy giving a £5 bottle of wine? They just want us to feel it's the norm to spend excessively and encourage us to put that money their way.
It seems that there is an awful lot that irritates :) For me it's not just teacher's gifts and mispronunciation, but all the oneupmanship that happens on air. Recently, there was a lot of showing off about how many types of chocolate and drinks Alexis and Alison get in for Christmas. Then all the different types of gift they give everyone - tree gifts, table gifts, stocking fillers etc. I'd be a bit miffed if I came down for dinner and someone had left a bar of soap for me on the table! As was suggested. Are they trying to tell me something? QVC is all hype and no substance.

Exactly all hype and no substance but the presenters are merely actors playing a part and just like all of the old Hollywood Christmas films they love to portray an image of wonderfully decorated trees and houses, beautifully set tables, handsome gifts everywhere , people all dressed in their finery and snow falling whilst their tiffany lamps glow in the twilight. It`s a facade just like a Bing Crosby movie and in reality most people`s Christmases bear no resemblance to it whatsoever.
I am so heartily sick of hearing the words teachers' gifts and table gifts..........
I am so heartily sick of hearing the words teachers' gifts and table gifts..........

I can honestly say I have never heard of giving gifts to teachers before I starting watching qvc. And they actually talk about buying them l'occitane. I have heard Pippa say that she did that before, AY also suggests it. I can't even afford to buy l'occitane for my family, never mind a teacher.
Regarding the 'gifting' the comment made over and over that irritates most is the suggestion of something costing about £60 being a stocking gift! Really?! A STOCKING gift for over twenty quid is a 'proper' gift in my social circle, not a stocking gift. Imagine having a stocking full of things over £50 each. Wow!
Nobody can help the voice they were born with

I am not knocking her for it or making fun of her either, I am just saying maybe that is why she isn't saying the words the way people are saying they should be said.
As for speech impediment, that's just a cruel comment.

How on earth is it a cruel comment? someone said she doesn't say the word "bergamot" properly and I said the reason for that could be a "speech impediment" some very intelligent people have a speech impediment. My cousin has one, and It reminded me of that. I wasn't making fun of her in the least. And I am offended that you are saying that I am. There was nothing remotely "cruel" about my comment.
When I was at school we didn't buy individual gifts, we did a collection and the teacher would get one present from the whole class. In that case a L'Occitane TSV might have been a reasonable idea.
I repeat - it's cruel to "force" parents to buy presents for people much better off than they are. I'm sure these teachers also feel embarrassed while being highly touched but they're well aware of the pressures on parents and of individual circumstances. Teachers have feelings, too.

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