Has QVC lost its Sparkle...or bigger and better than ever!


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Has QVC lost its Sparkle...or bigger and better than ever!

It has lost its sparkle for me, I can't remember how many days it is since there was anything on qvc that I wanted to watch. It is very much same old every day. Calling something new don't make it new if its a rehash of what went before, like deal of the day become find of the day.
Yesterday I had a quick look at a show trying to tell us how to decorate our homes...I wouldn't give anything I saw house room, I have thrown better in the bin....Still each to their own.
Boosting the sparkle!

There's no shortage of sparkle with all the over-strobing going on from the make up department. We've all seen Alison Young's BB Shimmer Brick excesses but now SJ and the bareMinerals folk are over-doing this new item : watch the video here of Deborah-Anne and the red-haired model looking thoroughly over-cooked with shimmery cheeks! On my TV they looked weirdly grey - not dewy and youthful at all.

Back on topic QVC is definitely lack-lustre these days :down:
Their Facebook page is nothing but complaints about refunds taking too long, damaged or wrong stuff sent. Hermes delivering stuff. Then the taking double payments which is still dragging on with people still waiting for their money back. The odd plant of when it is XXX coming back on air, steam mop this morning. They do stand out like a sore thumb.
Their Facebook page is nothing but complaints about refunds taking too long, damaged or wrong stuff sent. Hermes delivering stuff. Then the taking double payments which is still dragging on with people still waiting for their money back. The odd plant of when it is XXX coming back on air, steam mop this morning. They do stand out like a sore thumb.

I've been following their FB page with something akin to morbid fascination - what's even better is the almost complete lack of response to the complaints by the beleaguered mods, it's like they've shut up shop and gone home!!!
I've been following their FB page with something akin to morbid fascination - what's even better is the almost complete lack of response to the complaints by the beleaguered mods, it's like they've shut up shop and gone home!!!
There is currently a mystery shop programme going on with Q, this is purely over the phone and where other companies get contacted via social media QVC are not, mainly I suppose that the can't be arsed to answer and it would show how bad they really are and the contempt they show for the customer.
It has definitely lost its sparkle for me - sometimes I don't even know what the TSV is - and mostly I don't care.

I ordered an item 14 days ago and it was being delivered by Hermes, and was sent to the incorrect depot. That was 10 days ago, and it still says the same thing. I have sent them a declaration form via email thinking it would be quicker that way, but 4 days later still no refund. I rang up before about it and was advised to leave it another couple of days. I am going to ring back tomorrow and demand my money back. Yep, the sparkle has gone. They need to get their act together - they are quick enough to take your money, but slow on refunds, etc.
Definitely lost its sparkle for me. I have been returning more, ordering less and today I cancelled all but 1 of my auto-deliveries. I can see me ordering one possibly 2 beauty TSV's in future and if they change the yankee candle labels I can see me stopping ordering those as well. I have totally lost interest now. It had to happen eventually.

I didn't check the date when I read that boffy till the end and it's out today, I thought when I was reading it that it was an old piece and I was thinking how things haven't changed till I noticed it was out today, how right is she though? I mean were have the profits gone? In the back pocket that's for sure, certainly not on giving their customers free deliver or returns of both.
It has definitely lost its sparkle for me - sometimes I don't even know what the TSV is - and mostly I don't care.

I ordered an item 14 days ago and it was being delivered by Hermes, and was sent to the incorrect depot. That was 10 days ago, and it still says the same thing. I have sent them a declaration form via email thinking it would be quicker that way, but 4 days later still no refund. I rang up before about it and was advised to leave it another couple of days. I am going to ring back tomorrow and demand my money back. Yep, the sparkle has gone. They need to get their act together - they are quick enough to take your money, but slow on refunds, etc.

Standard reply to leave it a couple more days. I returned something on 28 June which I still haven't got a refund for as it didn't get back to Q. Now it will be another fortnight before I get a refund and they've already taken the 2nd Easy Pay but at least they e-mailed the declaration form so that's an improvement, you usually have to wait another 5 days for it to get here by snail mail.
I received an order from Marks n Sparks last night and a couple of items were broken - I phoned up and their CS was exemplary. There was no question of having to return the items, the CS rep could not have been more apologetic and replacements were sent out to me immediately. Let's compare that with QVC's returns/lost items policy:

1. Phone up CS to say Hermes has lost my item, they apologise and say they will send out a declaration form (at no point was I offered an email version, I know now)
2. 5 days later the form arrives (second class mail) and to my horror, I discover that there is no SAE in there so despite the fact it's not my fault, I have to shell out for an envelope and a stamp
3. Send form back immediately...
4. 5 days later call up QVC to find out what the hell is happening and they say they haven't received the form but the fact that the Hermes website states the item is still out for delivery (2 weeks later) that is enough...
5. I ask why that wasn't good enough the first time round (when the item had been out for delivery for a couple of days, i.e. obviously lost) CS rep had no answer
6. 3 weeks later I am finally refunded for an item lost by Hermes (no doubt QVC made sure they already received their compensation from Hermes, guess that's what they wait for before they refund the customer!)

As has been said so many times already, no other online company would get away with such shoddy treatment of their customers and yet QVC trundles merrily along, assuming its hardcore clientele and new customers will keep them afloat - management are idiots as this will soon start biting into their baseline (if it hasn't already) and the combined effect of customers and brands deserting them in droves will be a nasty shock.

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