Has Julia had something done?


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Jun 24, 2008
Is it just my eyes or has Julia had some work done on her face? I saw her on the Kim Parrish hour and I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was different about her face, it was smoother or something. Her forehead also looked smoother. Is it just my imagination?
If she has I am sure Alison Young will let it slip!!! :mysmilie_697:
Maybe she just looks rested cos she had quite chunk of time off didn't she? I must admit i didn't notice anything different - except that her hair hasn't been looking so good lately (but I put that down to her recent ill health.)
I thought she looked strangely expressionless, and I wondered if she'd been depressed. But I suppose Botox would be a better explanation.
Mum has just come back from a weekend away and said exactly the same thing!

I always thought Julia looked fabulous for her age and think it is a shame if she has succumbed - wonder if Lulu twisted her arm???
Does she always have a small piece of chewing gum shoved between her bottom teeth and her cheek?? (her bottom right)
Perhaps she got the idea after seeing Debbie Flint, whose face seems strangely china-dollish for a woman of her age.
Her eyebrows are still moving around and I don't think she would have anything done.

I think its the way she has her hair swept back from her face today, she normally has it falling over to one side a bit more. It does make her look different.
I was watching the Gold show last night & I am convinced she has had something done. Her forehead was so smooth it was unreal.

I can't decide if people should be bothered by this or not.
On one hand it's her face & she can do whatever she wants, but on the other hand, how can we take her seriously when she is raving about the quality of overpriced miracle creams?

I can't decide, Is it any of our business? Let me know, would be interested to hear other opinions on this.:mysmilie_687:
I was watching the Gold show last night & I am convinced she has had something done. Her forehead was so smooth it was unreal.

I can't decide if people should be bothered by this or not.
On one hand it's her face & she can do whatever she wants, but on the other hand, how can we take her seriously when she is raving about the quality of overpriced miracle creams?

I can't decide, Is it any of our business? Let me know, would be interested to hear other opinions on this.:mysmilie_687:

I really don't think she has I think it was the hair, make-up - she looks paler than usual and lighting in shows yesterday.

I think its up to her - she doesn't hard sell any of the face creams and anti ageing skin care, she talks about what she uses and likes but I think its fine.

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