Harold Gloockler.


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Kathy - she's now a 10!! - with the new sizing on the Tianna B range she's now in a size 8 in that range but she did say she was not a size 8 more a 10 to a "small" 12. She's another one living in cloud cuckoo land. She should give up and grow old gracefully. There is a promo being aired at the moment and at the end Julia is putting lipgloss on wearing a fluffy white bathrobe, i was shocked at how much younger she looked in that promo and i'm sure its no more than 3-4 years ago, both Julia and Ali Y are sure showing their age of late it seems to have just crept up on them - goes to show that not even the £75plus "super" creams can stop the hand of time.

Sorry i've went off topic - back on topic now.
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I bought a black jersey wrapover dress from Harald's Pompoos range at the Birchwood outlet for about £6 a while ago and can honestly say it's one of my best purchases ever, fits like a glove, lovely flattering cut and looks very classy and elegant.
Harold is quite bonkers, but very likeable.

Not sure about his clothes though - perhaps some of the plainer stuff.

Pipa was very good with him, but I agree JF is best. He actually told her she was very thin. She took it in good part, didn't crow about it, or seem offended.
I cant make my mind up wether Harald is a sad result of an tragic and emotional childhood or wether he is a talented genious who has the best publicist/management on earth along with his plastic surgeon,hairdresser and makeup artist. He talks about his dad killing his mother and hitting her in front of him etc. I suspect he may be a mixture of both senarios? I respected his attitude to charity giving - he donates money and time to animal and childrens charities - he seems a lovely human being and he really brightens up the QVC schedule(although i personally could never carry off any of his jewellery/clothes designs!!)

I agree, I love watching Harald, but wish they would pair him with some of the more outgoing presenters - didn't see him with AD but he's on with Jilly now who I don't think really 'gets' him.

I do like some of the plainer prices from his range but they're a bit too ££££ for me to be tempted.
Love the guy, his clothes 'look' much better quality than some of the ranges they sell - I actually really like the ruffle front stretch blouse that's on at the moment. A little too expensive for me unfortunately.

He's just alluded to his awful childhood and what happened with his father now, I think his ethos is superb, sure he's an eccentric but at the same time he's a gentle soul who wants to please people and make sure no-one suffers like he had to.
He is as mad a s a Hatter but somehow I have to watch him, he just says whatever comes into his head. Some of his clothes do look nice I really liked the shift dress looking at the cut I would think it would be flattering
I cant make my mind up wether Harald is a sad result of an tragic and emotional childhood or wether he is a talented genious
who has the best publicist/management on earth along with his plastic surgeon,hairdresser and makeup artist. He talks about his dad killing his mother and hitting her in front of him etc. I suspect he may be a mixture of both senarios? I respected his attitude to charity giving - he donates money and time to animal and childrens charities - he seems a lovely human being and he really brightens up the QVC schedule(although i personally could never carry off any of his jewellery/clothes designs!!)

Me niether, QVC Princess! But as the saying goes..."There's only a hairs breadth between a genius and an idiot!!". He is fascinating to watch...in a weird kinda way though :nod:
I've got his black wrap dress, too, and it's absolutely lovely. The fabric is so soft, and the dress fits beautifully.

Jilly looked completely out of her depth with Harald. Sara Griffiths was good with him (she did his first show), as are Pipa and JF. I'd love to have seen Jilly and AD searching the rack for a Pompoos garment they could wear! They each plumped for the safest possible choice, and Jilly looked dumpy and dowdy in her trouser suit, I thought.

Harald is a gentle soul, I think, if mad as a rubber brick.
he's a breath of fresh air on QVC (doubtless scented by rare orchids!) and I did like that velvet jacket with the beading......I think the quality looks good by the usual standards of QVC "fashion" I note they do not have him on with Glen. Reckon Harald is the love child of David Guest and Prince!
julia has a very slinky purple velvet dress on

and the TOE POST MULES!!!

ju-ju you you know i always stick up for you on here but

Last night I'm sure Julia said she was on with Harold(every time I say that I hear Steptoe's voice) at 8pm tonight.
Watching it now and my God JR looks a real state in a tight frilled velvet dress that's far too long for her so it doesn't hang at the right length front or back and she's wearing those bliddy awful toe post mules with it!! :doh:

You'd think she's at least try and create the illusion that it's more in proportion with her height by wearing some nice shoes with heels wouldn't you?? :thinking: Her spanx has given up the fight and isn't holding her big belly in at all and she looks really dumpy :smirk: I'm sorry but there is no way she's a size 10 or even a bloomin small. :bandit: She's not right with Harald either, not fun to watch because she takes herself far too seriously and he needs a more chilled unpretentious presenter to interact with.

Snap Burlz!!
he's a breath of fresh air on QVC (doubtless scented by rare orchids!) and I did like that velvet jacket with the beading......I think the quality looks good by the usual standards of QVC "fashion" I note they do not have him on with Glen. Reckon Harald is the love child of David Guest and Prince!
Completely hatstand if you ask me!
I agree with you PPC.

What on earth was Julia thinking with the toe posts??:headbang: Didn't do the dress any favours.

Never watched Harald before and I thought he had more rapport with the models than with Julia. He seems like a nice guy to me and a breath of fresh air to QVC. The clothes looked like they had good attention to detail re the seams etc and a notch above some of the clothing ranges.
I agree with you PPC.

What on earth was Julia thinking with the toe posts??:headbang: Didn't do the dress any favours.

Never watched Harald before and I thought he had more rapport with the models than with Julia. He seems like a nice guy to me and a breath of fresh air to QVC. The clothes looked like they had good attention to detail re the seams etc and a notch above some of the clothing ranges.

I had the sound down as usual and it was still obvious. The lack of rapport stuck out like a sore toe post!
I loved him.........as mad as a box of frogs, but very entertaining in a weird sort of way.

JULIA.............those tatty (and by now rather smelly and yukky) toe post sandals looked way out of place with that dress...................what were you thinking, or are you reading our posts and just getting your own back? *curtsies and backs out of the room in your presence*
I thought that Julia looked lovely in that purple dress but let it down with those shoes. Honestly, if I had access to her dressing room I would swipe them and throw them away.
As to Harald, I can't make up my mind as to whether he appeals or not. He is mad as a ballon of course and is bordering on the monstrous with all that plastic surgery, hair dye and lip gloss but that doesn't excuse the excess kitch apparent in his lifestyle and taste. He seems to have his fingers in so many pies and it makes you wonder how many people with bags more talent are struggling away to make a living whilst he is canoodling with Bonnie Tyler, Bridget Nielsen, Chaka kahn and Gina Lollabrigida.
Very amusing and likeable chap. Clothes beyond hideous. But not as bad as Quacker Factory :wink:

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