Happy New Year Everyone!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 22, 2012
HNY everyone on here and may 2020 be our best yet! Just off now for a night out with mum and Mr CC. Hah! Fun? We'll see. Have a good one.
We’ve been out today now we’re all buggered and having a lazy one tonight, thanks CC have a great time out and hope 2020 is a fantastic year for you and all my forum buddies, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I love you all I really do.......and thanks Graham and Sazza for making this forum the best place to be and hope 2020 brings peace, good health and happiness to you too. :grouphug:
We’ve been out today now we’re all buggered and having a lazy one tonight, thanks CC have a great time out and hope 2020 is a fantastic year for you and all my forum buddies, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I love you all I really do.......and thanks Graham and Sazza for making this forum the best place to be and hope 2020 brings peace, good health and happiness to you too. :grouphug:

Happy New year to you all!
Happy New Year everyone. May 2020 be a good year without concerns or worries & bring peace, prosperity, love & laughter. We're going to watch Freddie Frinton in 'Dinner for One', which is a NYE tradition & I'm enjoying my last vodka until 1st March.
Happy New Year everyone. May 2020 be a good year without concerns or worries & bring peace, prosperity, love & laughter. We're going to watch Freddie Frinton in 'Dinner for One', which is a NYE tradition & I'm enjoying my last vodka until 1st March.

We used to spend Christmas and New Year in Spain & had many German friends who were such fun.They never missed Freddie Frinton, loved him in Dinner for One I have to admit I have never seen it!

Happy New Year to you all, not sure yet what 2020 will throw this way but we will find the strength.Enjoy yourselves!
Happy New Year everyone!!!!

I am staying in and having an early night, but will no doubt still be awake when the fireworks go into full war zone mode! Oh gosh, they seem to have started already, lol.
I'm a little bit worse for wear as I don't drink but decided I would have a glass or two of wine to see in the new year so I'm now feeling the affects. Wishing everyone here a very happy new year and may 2020 be a healthy and happy year for everyone. Cheers all! xx
Lordy, lordy. Mum lost her house keys last night!!!! Can I just say THANK YOU to the taxi driver that came back to make sure we got in (we didn't) then took Mr CC to Castle Douglas (10 miles) to get the spare keys and thank you to my 3rd nephew who stayed up to hand the spare keys over and THANK YOU to the lady next door that let us gatecrash her celebrations and fed us wine until the disaster was resolved. Wow. People are actually sooooo kind.

Good grief CC, & to think you posted this yesterday evening - '... just off now for a night out with mum and Mr CC. Hah! Fun? We'll see'.
Happy New Year to all! Got the snivells just in time for return to work tomorrow but hey ho it’s only a head cold.

Personally will be glad to get away from overeating and drinking - so much rich food packed into a week there is only so much a body can take!

Holidays booked so on the straight and narrow otherwise I will be like a wee barrel trying to walk up and down streets!
Happy New Year to all! Got the snivells just in time for return to work tomorrow but hey ho it’s only a head cold.

Personally will be glad to get away from overeating and drinking - so much rich food packed into a week there is only so much a body can take!

Holidays booked so on the straight and narrow otherwise I will be like a wee barrel trying to walk up and down streets!

Not making any resolutions but I am also glad to see the back of all the excess food and drink we bought in for visitors (yet are ending up being eaten by us - I wish I hadn't been brought up not to waste anything). I'll be like a large barrel trying to walk up and down a dual carriageway!

Anyone else with me that "it's only a head cold" but it's miserable to sleep with for those few nights. Bad enough having the worst restless legs of my life the last few nights.

Hope it clears in record time for you LATI.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and stress-free 2020.
Good grief CC, & to think you posted this yesterday evening - '... just off now for a night out with mum and Mr CC. Hah! Fun? We'll see'.

I know!!!! Weirdest thing though, the keys were NOT in the handbag. Today, there were 4 sets of keys in her bag including her neighbour's that had passed away. I know what everyone's thinking, too drunk to see the keys. Not the case. Maybe it was Jim or my Gran.


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